Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as decadence


This is the US Air force in Japan, receiving their commander Donald Trump

These are freaking soldiers. Holding, to a man, holding their phones to record the speech. Like teenagers on a Justin Bieber concert. Like old housewives listening to Hillary Clinton. Fucking Soldiers of the Biggest Empire in the Fucking World. The occupation garrison in a very important vassal. Can't even stand still like men and listen to their commander in chie...

Fake Science

After Donald Trump won the election, the Central Politburo of the Free Media© came up with the official interpretation of their defeat: Fake News™. People on Facebook were pasting news from shady sites saying that the Pope had endorsed Trump, and that led to Trump winning. Or something.

Now, I don't know who came up with Fake News, but man, he struck a nerve. As a meme, Fake News is perhaps the biggest and most rapidly expanding one I've ever seen. It's everywhere, the Left uses it to shit on ...

Cost Disease

Cost disease. Why is everything so expensive?

This is the asexual take. This is the sexual take.

Not much to add myself. Just a small observation. Look at the graph:


I wonder what the graph of "female participation" looks like. That would include teachers, administrators, lobbyists, women with influence in the school district, etc.

Methinks that graph would look rather similar to the blue one. Perhaps with some time lag.

This also should apply to the other stuff: healthcare, subway const...

The Media

I've been a bit harsh about France. Yes, the French are the kings of bullshit. Yes, their intellectual output over the last two centuries has been a net harm on human civilization. Yes, all things considered, the French might be better off just shutting themselves in madrassa and reciting the Koran, rather than reading Focault and Derrida.

But you can hardly blame them. The French just happened to take intellectual pursuit very seriously, and in a culture where everything is concentrated in the c...

Just another day in the NYT

Some time ago I picked up from Foseti the bad habit of reading Business Insider. I have to say that I'm pretty much over it now, and only take a look in circumstances of extreme boredom, which aren't common for me (unless I'm too hangover to read books or play Civ).

Recently though I have picked up a perhaps even worse habit, this time from Half Sigma. HS can be an insufferable snob, which is made all the more hilarious because the persona that reflects out of his writing is that of the less gla...

On watering your neighbour's garden

You wake up every morning, and all you see is chaos and decay. Leftism is rampant. The Third World invasion proceeds one mug at a time, sexual deviants poison the culture, crazy ideologues indoctrinate the children, evil bureaucrats destroy the economy. It's getting worse every day.

But you don't fear. Why? Because liberals aren't having children! Conservatives outbreed them. Pious, religious, salt of the earth people are having babies in resilient rural communities, unlike those urban hedonist p...

Let them go

Back when Pope John Paul II died, I let myself be bothered by all the media coverage. I heard that the new pope, Joseph Ratzinger, was known as a conservative figure, and went on to read one of his books, written before getting the big job. I don't remember the exact quote, but he said in some place that the modern liberal assault on Christianity will continue, and the Church will continue losing numbers. But a small core of believers will remain, and after liberalism collapses, he foresees that...

Panem, putas et circenses

One of the big steps towards political adulthood is to understand the relation between fascism and leftism. The eternal question of whether fascism is the antithesis of leftism, or just a flavor of it. The official view of the question is that fascism is the remnant of the Old Regime, the evil dark ages, who still lurk in the shadows to fight against Progress. Then there's the occasional smartass who says that Fascism was a leftist movement. And they oppose modern capitalism to it.

Well that's no...

Slave Morality taken to its logical conclusion

There's something weirdly addictive about Daily Mail. Its a sort of Decadence Times, they mix celebrity gossip with all the fucked up news they find around. And if there's something not lacking in the UK is fucked up news. I'm always trying to stop reading it, but then I always stumble upon some other gem.

Now please read this news: A woman gives her kidney to a total stranger.

I was not going to write about the race angle, but fuck it. Of course only white people do things like that. And they mos...

Another win for authoritarian government

I use to talk a lot with my good friend Slitty eye about just how vulgar China has become recently. China used to be a rigid class society, and the gentry, landlords et al. upper classes were educated, sophisticated people. When capitalism came the gentry came to adopt upper class English manners, took on commerce, novel writing, and so on. The 30s were sort of the golden age for this fusion culture, and it gave us some very good literature.

But today? Hah. You probably couldn't tell apart Chines...

Secular Liberal Feminist Vegetarian Individualist Egyptian strips

Does anyone remember the Amina McMaster hoax? Where a white-bread dude made a blog pretending to be a Lesbian (and hot) Syrian girl oppressed by the Assad regime.

Well the dude got famous because there's a huge market for western style weirdos in Arab countries. The problem is its real had to find any. It really looks that muslims really are as boring and barbarous as they seem.

The big problem in Mr MacMaster's hoax was the he made his character into a lesbian. And lesbianism is a big no-no in m...

The Chinese 99%

In my last post I talked about how lame porn is creeping everywhere in China. The point being about why has this happened in China, where an ostensibly authoritarian and social conservatism regimes rules the country. Porn in China is more pervasive and quite more lame than even in Japan, which has a huge porn industry.

This post took a lot of time to write, as I struggled to narrow down the focus. Of course the causes of the collapse of traditional morals in China are many. Economic...

Chinese pr0n and the triumph of Capitalism.

Once upon a time the Communist regimes prohibited jazz, rock&roll, action movies and all other Western amenities, as proofs of the decadence of bourgeois and visible signs of the coming fall of Capitalism.

Then came porn. And of course commies saw its as confirmation of the moral decay of Capitalism.

Today we see all that with the scorn of victors. We laugh at how retrograde those regimes were, even as they are still cherished by all progressives. Yeah, yet another one of leftism's contradictions.