Bloody Shovel Public Chat
The Americans/Dutch are hype-culture junkies. See the average NOS Stories comment section.
Simps are actually misogynists.
I hate misogynists because believe in rape
now that's a hot take
No bigger misogynists out there than homosexuals
That is true
Which is good sometimes, prominent homos on Twitter make some of the best antifeminist content
we know the answer – eugenics
how do you make sure none of the progeny become leftists (pro-regression)?
do leftists really mean what they say? or are they just trolling/ saying that for social points? l just can't relate to them
that being said, l hate how leftists fund public education and their "anti-man" woke attitudes. there's a lot the right can learn from them
l hate how leftists are so good at funding public education while rightists are completely r3tarded about this
well either you sequester them in some sort of RW cult, such as they are (mostly tradcaths these days)
or you just chill a bit and do r selection
let the chips fall where they may
why was this blog named bloody shovel?
some people call a spade a spade
Saw 10 Bomalians on the Charles bridge, and a migrant almost ran over a girl in front of my hotel in Plzeň. Prague feels like a Disney city; I am not sure if there is better wording.
Leftists are good at public education since they fund it. Control the money.
are you saying they siphon from it?
think about it, leftist states always do better (GDP per capita, education, infrastructure etc.) because they tax people more. i was looking at US States ranked by GDP per capita, then asked chatgpt to highlight blue and red states. top were all blue
what's the right leaning opinion on this?
Why would taxing people more increase GDP per capita? Shouldn't it be the other way around (i.e. higher GDP per capita state CAN raise more taxes)?
In a highly productive society you can implement leftist policies and sustain parasites without things going completely haywire for quite a long time
If you do the same in a banana republic you get starvation
which might explain why you need significantly more violence to impose socialism in the Third World
Leftists do social capital/investment better in general.
Rightoids want a walled garden/garrison society where the nearest neighbour is a half mile away at least.
Leftists want bugmen close quarter cities - cities in general do economic concentration better. Who cares tho fk cities
Cities are just a concubine bank where u don't make deposits - only withdraw
Tfw u realize leftists are right about military types being generally dumb/grifters (short temper, low impulse control)
theyre generally dumb but they're probably the opposite of short temper and low impulse control. impulse control is the sole reason western armies dominated for so long.
lefties enjoy being low iq and additionally incapable of doing anything besides parasiting off of concentrated capital. they dont have quite they dunk that they think on right wingers
dominated is past tense. The modern white just cry bullies minorities - the Great Satan is now the Big Gay.
The western man concots all these theories in between beatings by his step-dad.
90 years of dominating asia after centuries of civil war/mongol invasions - the future white man is a mulatto named tyrone.
Don't @ me
opposite of short temper and low impulse control. - adultery & divorce rates say otherwise.
Not really on either side - it's just niggers v white dalits
FDR brought socialists to power in both the UK & Endia.
Goethe: Even in this respect there is a remarkable difference between ancient and modern times. The relationship to women, which in our time has become so tender and spiritual, scarcely rose above the level of physical need. The relationship of parent and child seems to have been somewhat more loving. But friendship among men was for them the only genuine emotional relationship—although two women, Chloris and Thyia, remained inseparable friends even in Hades.
The most unrealistic part of Zhu Bajie's story is the idea that there aren't women out there who would cavort with such a beast
"tender and spiritual" - Yes, 60% divorce rate & majority of kids broken/bastards.
Same power lvl as "our reproduction is higher" - neglects to mention niggers (France v Japan for example)
Only skeptical to co-sign the statement by Goeth because old Euros did gay shit & Idk if he includes that.
Please argue/be hostile more.
> Like two posts from Barry Stanton
> Elon now shovels every Pajeet psychodrama on the subcontinent onto my TL
Niggertwt content too
Niggertwt lays bare the "heart of darkness" like another day in the office what can take years for overcivilized simps/romantics a lifetime to conceptualize
Shurely this is exaggerated
You'd never think it possible but somehow every piece of news out of Korea always manages to top the last one you heard
lmao what
We already know it in theory but it is still astonishing to see in real time in so compressed a timeline, that the default behavior of women is just communism - Look at how every one in the QTs hyperventilates in this petty faux-outrage to try and rationalize grabbing more negotiating power against men in their own countries lol
re: new religion I recommend Spinozan pantheism + Ayn Rand selfishness (but replacing some vague sense of achievement with self-interest, a la Dawkins' Selfish Gene minus Christianity)
a bit of Nichomachean Ethics would be helpful also
Women don't take themselves seriously how could they belive men ever could?
"women are communists" "negotiating power against men"
The women are politely requesting rape & what they possibly must endure to receive
You, the misogynist, brainwashed by gynocentric European longhouse Christianity, refuse to even hear them out
#ListentoWomen #BelieveWomen
What are the top 5 things you optimize for, in your life?
Or are you just a shut-in NPC with social media fueled brain rot?
You must be great at parties
I haven't gotten invited to any yet.
I imagine
Does every city in Central Europe have a British migrant caste? I saw a lot of poor Brit’s working service jobs there. They were quite rude; the Ukrainians were polite and bribeable. It made getting into night clubs easier.
1. opinion on priestly morality?
2. opinion on middle-class morality?
3. opinion on morality of various regions of the world? (East Asia, India, Arabs, South America, US (middle), California, EU, UK)
forgot to add africa^
Wtf is that question
you get crazy questions
thats what %ama was made for
shameless plug
Oh lol. Actually useful
I'll try it out
@questions answer found here -
Make better questions
Can't make cross-dressing humor in the West like before with all the shit going on in the last eight years. KITH was one of the last greats. There was also one American guy who came after... forget his name.
Spandrell-San, WYB?
The answer to the question is total nigger death
That's a WNB from me
~passyt-matseg-tadsep-pidmug--fighep-tasdev-docteg-mothep: fuck that's dark
Opinion on this video?
He says that inequality doesn't promote growth but shunts it. What do you guys think?
how big is the correlation? it doesn't matter that much
he said there's no correlation and in fact there's negative correlation.
do you realize how stupid that sentence is
no, im interpreting it as him saying there's a little negative correlation
i.e. with more inequality, theres lower growth
The Anglos being extraordinarily ghey and the fact we must all speak English today... Not unrelated phenomena...
Wasn't Alexander also a homo
Didn't think it would be Asiaphilic dissident prog rat natalists to do the first serious promoting of my theory but I'll take it.
(Malcolm and Collins from Based Camp.) - Futurist Right Substack
It's right here
Problem is stripe really
what is your profession, guys?
Thoughts on this?
~pollyn-lonweg-pildex-ligsyn--fadnys-tasdev-docteg-mothep: we're all high level executives at USG
I craft artisinal dental floss and sell it at street fairs and farmers markets to people who use it to strangle the people who make scented yoni candles
>"For the study, 5,600 people were surveyed about their cheating behavior.".
They might have surveyed around pubs or bars to get the numbers high.
Why would ElitePartner, a dating service, release these results? They want to acquire good family oriented users, so they want them to doubt their partners, pay them and ruin their lives. Work of the devil.
CEO: hmph! looks like our market is just these 20 year olds. they get married and don't user our services again.
Product Manager: What if we told the 40 year olds that their wives cheat anyway and get them to sign up to expand userbase?
is china, considered a high trust society? i guess in different areas it could differ what about in a big famous city?
why is there a comma between the words china and considered? incorrect grammar, not responding...
Feels like every week it’s another Westernized Asian foid caught in some petty corruption scandal
You can take the foid out of Asia but not the Asia out the foid
what are you talking about anon? l have no idea
~nospur: China is low-trust, requiring a strong state to mitigate the effects of amoral familialism.
Pretty much yeah
Theyre smarter and more civil than south Italians tho
~pollyn-lonweg-pildex-ligsyn--fadnys-tasdev-docteg-mothep: i don't know
wait so would taiwan be a high trust version of china?
i should just go visit
see for myself
need 2 kno
Taiwan is just mid
Very mid
So essentially, 15-20 hours at 65-80% BPM builds your VO2 better than fewer hours at higher intensity.
Same principles as bodybuilding basically.
Wondering how to actualize this - I'm at 8 hours of lifting + 2 hours of boxing atm. I can add an hour ruck or something?
Idk gonna measure HR a bunch cuz may have a "physical" job coming up. IFYK
Like measure HR during activities to get a feel for what 65-80% is like.
What would Oppenheimer have quoted instead of the Gita had he known India the way we do now
What would the Beatles have used instead of sitars
Where would Steve Jobs have visited instead
When centuries of goodwill and PR just evaporate within a decade
I just got everything figured out now. sucks to be you all -- ignorant f*cks.
Lol OK
~famtyr-navnum-nolset-ribper--boslur-tasdev-docteg-mothep: Schopenhauer man
So what happens to a woman when you give her the gay anal worms then?
Good question
The smell there 🤢🤢🤢
help, myy IQ is too high for this world. it's a miserable feeling dealing with people who are of much lower intelligence than me. l have already proved all the "unproven" mathematical conjectures and solved for free energy.
why are you still poor then
Anon do you smell your mom's room after Tyrone leaves?
Have you tried taking a shower? 🚿
Have you tried not getting fucked by niggers?
There's been more Indian PMs of the UK than ones drawn from white trash.
Really makes you think
I'm so high Iq I don't understand honor killing.
Spandrell-San, any thoughts on why this is happening?
oops, here's the link
Probably to put some pressure on the Putian private hospitals which everybody hates
Wouldn't read too much about it
How does Twatter determine whether you get to say nigger without getting censored/shadowbanned?
Wish I knew lol
The real question is figuring out the YouTube shadow ban algorithm. One can proudly call for an ethnocide and not get the comment shadowbanned while another person just says the word “stupid” and gets [REDACTED] for it. Free balling AI has been horrible for internet posts.
Possibly some sentiment analysis/community detection going on? "Black" accounts seem to get away with it. Just like how "gay" or "normie" accounts get away with saying faggot.
On the other hand, some manual-approval tricks involved when Barry got away with posting nigger all the time.
Must be some kind of war going on behind the scenes. Some obvious media manipulation on one hand but also Barrypoasting permitted on the other hand.
Guess we'll never know
> Reading about some 20th/21st c. celebrity
> Dead at 40
Every single time.
people complain about social media and whatever but people don't get how absolutely cursed the 20th century media landscape was like
~rocruc-laplun-walret-malnus--habput-tasdev-docteg-mothep: if you pay for twitter blue, and you appeal the auto censor you can say nigger with out getting censored
same with faggot
Vague rules are even worse than unequal enforcement
They want you totally in the dark so you're afraid to say anything
Shots fired
And returned
What the hell
I never viscerally understood the Aryan semitic divide till seeing Hanania
Go to online portal to re-enlist. Site lags, crashes, and then throws up multiple errors
Home sweet home 😭