Bloody Shovel Public Chat

They should all hang
Dissolve the company and burn the premises
Kind of funny: Popular Chinese gacha game "Genshin" promised a South American/African inspired region and a first look at the characters has shown them all to be light-skinned, entire Anglophone fanbase completely buttblasted, "they need to die" "this company deserves to fail" etc.
Make them
Hello, I'm pleasantly supprised your blog is back and better than ever
@The Futurist Right, when you claim it's all genetics and not culture, did you consider both East Asians in America and East Asia live in progressive dystopias where traditional marriage is effectively illegal? That Europeans in boh America and Europe are seeing their fertility rates collapse under feminism?
You can read Korean, Japanese, and Taiwaness newspapers and easily find they sound very much like Harvard...
Well not as bad
But yes. And the difference with traditional yellow marriage is just so more stark
Traditional yellow marriage isn't so far from western coverture. Korea, which has seen the greatest collapse in birth rates in North East Asia, had similar practices to Western Christian Europe with marriage patterns i.e. being related (same family name/cousins) was highly taboo. The main change in Korea has been Westernization. Same with Japan which was effectively turned into an American colony and castrated psot WW2.
I'm not denying genetic differences. They exist, but I can't discard Jim's Blog arguement that culture matters a great deal as well.
The genetic arguement is far stronger if pointing out North East Asia has a far larger priestly caste as a result of confucian ideals and state exams. Such that Americanized Asia has been captured by a hostile religion has enforced it far more efficiently both on Asian populations in the US and back in Asia.
White Progressive Americans have simialar, if not lower, fertility rates than N E Asia... is the arguement that these Whites are somehow genetically low fertility? If so, how did they achieve the numbers for political dominance in the first place? It's not (purely) genetic, but rather a mind virus that has propagated via culture
Wtf does cousin marriage bans have to do with anything
Yellow marriages were early and the women were chattel.
Confucian bans on marriage within families during the Goryeo period, similar to European bans on incest during the early Christian Church, served to weaken the tight kinship structures that had previously dominated the societies. The Europeans started earlier than the Asians. The relevance is that marriage patterns between the Orient and the West are not so dramatically different to (by itself) justify low fertility being genetic. Yellow marriages were early... among the aristocracy, and the ages at which it happened ~12 to ~14 are not so different from Europe's aristocracy. Similarly, both the East and the West saw older ages among their commoner populations. What I'm trying to point out is that Yellow marriages were not so different from White marriages, and that both had similar class distinctions and tensions between "romance" and chattel. Moreover, women as chattel is deeply ingrained into the European Christian tradition, perhaps more so than the Asian Confucian tradition (Europe started earlier). Whereas Christianity puts all authority in the husband, Confucian cedes the home to the wife (to an extent) and you can see that in how Asian wifes tend to run household finance.
As has been pointed out in Futurist Right's comment section, East Asian fertility rates are not really that different from indiginous Europeans. Are we to believe Italians (1.24) are somehow lower fertility purely by genetic causes than the Japanese (1.26)? The UK isn't that far from Japan either when looking at their ~1.57... and these European stats include non-Europeans who have high fertility rates. It's strangely difficult to find White fertility rates in Europe, I wonder why?
As for the arguement about creativity, has anything worthwhile come out of Hollywood lately? Where the Americans of 1970s really so different from those now? Yes, there's a lot more nonwhites in the country, but funnily enough Hollywood is still mostly liberal white+jewish. Same for Europe. Have the Germans genetically become unable to produce great statues of the likes of Arno Breker, or is there a cultural factor at play that has crushed creativity in the West.
I'm not talking about family structure, I'm talking strictly about marriage, husband and wife. how yellows and whites treated their wives
what are you even talking about women were chattel in the christian tradition? they had to consent individually to the wedding!
The positive effects of war on mental health were first noticed by the great sociologist Emile Durkheim, who found that when European countries went to war, suicide rates dropped. Psychiatric wards in Paris were strangely empty during both world wars, and that remained true even as the German army rolled into the city in 1940. Researchers documented a similar phenomenon during civil wars in Spain, Algeria, Lebanon, and Northern Ireland. An Irish psychologist named H. A. Lyons found that suicide rates in Belfast dropped 50 percent during the riots of 1969 and 1970, and homicide and other violent crimes also went down. Depression rates for both men and women declined abruptly during that period, with men experiencing the most extreme drop in the most violent districts. County Derry, on the other hand—which suffered almost no violence at all—saw male depression rates rise rather than fall. Lyons hypothesized that men in the peaceful areas were depressed because they couldn’t help their society by participating in the struggle.
“When people are actively engaged in a cause their lives have more purpose... with a resulting improvement in mental health,” Lyons wrote in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research in 1979. “It would be irresponsible to suggest violence as a means of improving mental health, but the Belfast findings suggest that people will feel better psychologically if they have more involvement with their community.”
Seems legit. What do u all think about this.
Fertility rates in Israhell are surely supporting evidence yes?
"they couldn't help their society" is such a pozzed take tho
men aren't happier at war because they're happy about "helping society"
they enjoy doing violence with their buddies
@anon - UK born women is a decent proxy for white european birthrates in Britain given how late mass non-white immigration started. It's what I believe I used. Japan is supporting evidence for my thesis; it had a minority tradition of love marriages, and their existence is probably evidence of a less chattely form of the majority arranged marriages.
- Futurist Right Substack. So the East Asian country with the more European marriage pattern has a lower European level birthrate. Italy and Southern Spain had the least free women, and now that they are free they don't breed. It's actually quite simple really.
Well, just Spain really.
Spain and Italy; intra-national comparisons don't exactly support my theory - yet anyway. But I think the distribution of wealth within them might.
"they had to consent individually to the wedding!" Just how much "consent" can a 12-14 year old give? Let's not kid ourselves into thinking parantal influence was absent or weak. Old type Christianity (and Confucianism), along with traditional Europe (and Asia), has long been accused of being patriarchal... because it is. Children are to listen to their fathers, wives submit to their husbands. Girls are introduced to boys of the patriarch's choosing. We can see echos of of this in what remains of debaunte balls. Free choice but only of preselected pro-social males. This isn't so different from Asia's arraigned marriages where yes, the daughter's opinion was "considered" in the process.
In both Aisa and Europe, women were generally seen as property of either their father or their husband. You can still see traces of such thinking, and marriage patterns, in some mennonite/amish communities.
@Futurist, Germany had a tfr of 1.57 in 2016, the highest since the 1970s... but in that year 23 percent of births were to non German women. If my fairly crude estimate is correct, that would mean an actual tfr for German women was only 1.22. What was China's tfr again? In 2016 it was 1.77, are Germans now honorary Asians now? Look, my point is that the entire civilized world's tfr is fucking bad, and only getting worse, and the main common feature is female emancipation.
Then there's the trust issue. Are the statistics real? Are they accurate? No one is allowed to really study it for the same reason no one is really allowed to know how much crime certain groups commit. I suspect Europe's fertility rates among actual Europeans is worse and really not that different than Asia's.
The avg age of first marriage for women was 25 by the end of the 1500s in Britain. In the rest of NW Europe it was maybe 2-3 yrs younger. Italy might've gone as low as 17 at some point. Roman Egypt was 18. Aristotle says the ideal female age at marriage is 18 (male 38 or 42) because among those savages in places with young marriage ages the people are ugly and deformed.
- Futurist Right. You're basically repeating shit-lib propaganda about our past while adding (but it was a good thing) lol. Better than being a shit-lib I guess, but only mildly... - FR
RIP France. What's shocking is the number of Whites in those crowds celebrating total libtard victory. Where is the natural disgust mechanism at being surrounded by swarthoids everywhere? The smell alone should do it.
Motherfuck - FR
Jewish masterplan - To invite a gorillion Bomalis into the places you very carefully infiltrated and set up quiet lives for yourselves, then after trillions of dollars and all these years still can't delete a few sq miles of sandniggers, creating national rallying cries for more Bomalis who hate your guts. Bravo!
What I said... "Yellow marriages were early... among the aristocracy, and the ages at which it happened ~12 to ~14 are not so different from Europe's aristocracy. Similarly, both the East and the West saw older ages among their commoner populations." Yes, the avg age of first mariage for women in NW Europe was, depending on the time and place, in the 20s, but NE Asia was also similar, commoners brought the avg up. I pointed out arrainged marraige was common and very young among the aristocracy. I'm trying to point out marriage patterns between the East and the West are not so different to explain lower fertility among Asians, especially when actual Europeans on both sides of the Hegal line are in similar tfr ranges as Asia. As for "repeating shit-lib propaganda" I think it's a bit funny you uphold 1500s Britain as some sort of standard. Do you not know what was happening there at the time? It was the birthplace of European socialism (in the modern sence) and female "liberation". I think you're wrong about women, wrong about the history of women and marriage, wrong about what exactly the breeding differences are between West and East, and that you are mistaking our current predictament for "genetics" when the sheer collaspse of fertility in both the West and East has obviously been feminism and legal equality.
They are not at similar rates though - Korea just hit 0.68 - Sweden is at 1.5. Yeah, China is higher. Why? Well China isn't nearly as wealthy as Korea or Sweden. Now, of course feminism is shit for birthrates but killing feminism, hell even killing v2.0 gets American whites above replacement. Will this work with E.Asians? Obviously not. Probably not with many South Euros either. Yellow standard marriages were roughly age 17 before the 1800s, so comparable to an earlier period for some of Italy.
- FR
Sweden!? Are you serious. You're using data from one of the most cucked nations in the world. Over 30% of births are to foriegn born mothers which would roughly translate to an actual tfr of 1.05. I suspect the data would be even worse if ethnicity data wasn't being hidden. Lower than China and Japan. Even lower than Taiwan. Only higher than Korea. You bring up Korea like it's some sort of genetic mystery, the reality is that it's one of the most hyper "educated" nations in the world and they are effectively an American colony. There's a massive culture war going on right now using ideas learned directly out of US universities.
The young women have been taught to hate men. The young men have been told it is illegal to behave as men and that they're toxic. The ensuing socio-political mess has been the major factor in the sudden and massive decline of marriage in the last 20 years.
@FR, come to Jim's blog at You'll find many interesting ideas and esoteric knowledge. The commentariat is very active and smart. I think you still have some progressive assumptions that haven't been rooted out yet.
Or at the very least, you'll find some engaging debate
Cuckoldry as a statistical confounder.
christian women didn't marry 12-14. ever
i mean i don't dispute the basic thesis, civilization is cooked everywhere
korea and urban china a bit more tho, 0.7 is crazy
but spanish TFR won't save anyone for sure
France is indeed cooked. last chance vibes
There seems to be a difference between "upper class" gays who are usually fairly reserved about their affliction like Peter Thiel and the "lower class" gays who do muh pride and love niggers. I think the upper class type of gay can be rather useful much like Jews, assuming you carefully manage them and actively disallow formation of cabals. Few straight men are interested in the work of "homoerotic propaganda for example, but it seems rather useful for popularizing your image to women. Gays who are politically aligned with you in this aspect
can be useful
I would put BAP in this category. Thoughts?
Women obviously want to look at pictures of hot and fit dudes. But straight men would never want to organize the photoshoots for magazines or do the marketing work for example. They'd never look beyond only promoting themselves personally for the dating app.
thats gay
Spandrell what do you think about this article (from 2016): On Pearl Harbor Day, A Question: Is Today’s Japan Really A Sincere American Friend?
"All conventional wisdom to the contrary, however, Japan and China are not enemies. The two East Asian great powers quietly buried the hatchet more than 35 years ago and, at least as far as top policymakers are concerned, their relations have long been remarkably close and even warm."
The article seems pretty factual though. What makes you say that?
China definitely has a lot of anime loving weaboos in the youth for example. Travel to Japan is also quite popular, isn't it?
yeah but politically in China it's the one thing that will get you canceled
people get canceled all the time for weebery
Chinese love Japan when they traevl, it's like a better version of themselves. but they know better not to say that
I see. But also heard the CCP is trying to stifle hardcore anti-Japanese sentiment online too
Welp keeping the options open-ended I guess
That Chinese game I mentioned before - Whole cast released only 20 minutes ago - 5k QTs all seething about how everyone is too white/light-skinned and how there aren't enough niggers - At least 15k more incoming over the next 24h, it's so beautiful
what game?
"Genshin" -- If you look up on Twitter anything variation of Hoyo/Genshin/Natlan + white/black, e.g. Natlan black, or just "melanin" even -- you can find a gorillion complaints, crying, shidding pants, threads on postcolonial theory and cultural appropriation, Chinese racism, fugly negrifying edits, campaigns to boycott, etc.
Anyone got any insight into why the grassniggers of Central Asia seem to have high and relatively stable birth rates? Especially Kazakhstan, which is more or less the equivalent of any Eastern European country in terms of living standards, urbanization etc
Mongolia seems to be in the same camp too
Yeah no clue but it's interesting
@Spandrell - Bride kidnapping tended to be a voluntary process; and even when not it selected at least somewhat for the type of men women find attractive?
yeah I mean it's never been that widespread
but the talk of indignant women killing themselves etc. i'm sure it's way overblown
it's funny because apparently in kyrgyzstan it started as a LARP recently and it was never that prevalent historically. they basically made it up again and now it's very popular
Has the reason why Argentina is so fucky despite being mostly White been established? Is it just the South American Latinx siesta mindset overwriting genetics?
their ancestors not exactly elite whites
and they're average 30% amerindian. less so in buenos aires but the provinces are quite mixed
I have it on good authority that Vance met with Curtis last weekend
He might be /ourguy/
Idk he was Evan mcmullin's guy
"a woman sacrificing her body to carry y’all kids for 9 months and you think you deserve a gift for helping making the pregnancy smooth??? LMAO you sound like a little boy for real."
This kind of attitude is basically the default for most women with an internet connection now
(I made the mistake of following a female account for culture/fashion content who turns out to just RT mostly feminazi crap. But it's an interesting window into the femcel-normalfag space that most onliner women now inhabit.)
I might even go so far as to say the default female attitude in modernity is that of the socialist/nigger
Which is just poetic given that HBD-wise the nigger-personality developed precisely under agricultural abundance
"in the languid Africa tropics, with their long growing seasons and lack of killing frost, we enter the lands of female labor. this is something almost inconceivable for people whose intuitions were molded in temperate lands, but it's true: so exuberant is the productivity of the land that a single woman can sustain herself and her brood by her own efforts, and not by back-breaking exertion either.. lots of foolproof tubers that can be nestled in shallow dirt. the outcome is promiscuous coupling, beginning at quite young an age, with revolving ensembles of low-investment "big men" who momentarily distinguish themselves through thuggish bravado or showboating, generous understandings of paternity, and by and large no institutions above the mud hut and communal dancing square."
Where's the quote from? I've read it before
You can ctrl+f it here
A little bit of suffering is perhaps necessary O_o We call it civilizational hormesis perhaps
A little bit of impoverishment, real hardship
Even inflation at present isn't enough "activation energy" - With just slight impoverishment but the sense that options *should* be available, women just delay childbirth to infinity - There needs to be WAR!
Says a lot about society that mens' one-ups online are reduced to point-scoring based on female opinion i.e. whose women burn coal the least
Women's opinions on anything shouldn't mean anything at all!
The fact that even generous financial inducements in wealthy racially homogeneous countries do nothing to improve fertility really indicates that the ceiling of expectations for the average woman has been vaulted to infinity.
*That the average woman harbors
I read a stat somewhere that said 90 IQers get more action than 130s - I think the implication is that women like a man who's mechanically an ape but that they think they can manipulate/handle in the cognitive space
Oh ... ?
Beauty and the beast kind of fantasy
Life imitating art
It's more that the 90 will just rayp
And women don't want to make decisions
The 130 knows asks for consent
Could also be that IQ scales with socioeconomic status and all (or most, rather) people at 90 and below are in these r-strategy welfare areas where the combination of environment and their ape-like behavior comes out
90s definitely see more action than 130s, but it's gonna be with other 90s living in the same ghettos with the same r-straregy environment and less impulse control
What we know statistically: Sex (e.g. instances of P-V penetration) is mostly concentrated in a small fraction of the population, and the people doing this are mostly retarded, with the rest being wealthy libertines. Fertility also tracks along these lines.
Except the number of wealthy libertines is substantially smaller than that of the retards so it doesn't make much of a difference
Also, on the note of the agricultural abundance negroes evolved under, I had a somewhat related thought a while back. I was thinking of this notion that people bring up about someday automation going so far that the need for human toil is eliminated and we all live in post-scarcity abundance. Now, as someone who uses AI for work regularly I am under the impression that if this is achievable it is still very far away. However, if it did happen, what would it actually look like? My first thought was that this kind of environment of abundance where everything is available and not even cooperation is required would lead to a complete end of civilization and warlords seeking to build massive harems would dominate everywhere in a state of constant war
Not that I want to use this as an argument against technological progress, but if we ever were to reach post-scarcity (in the narrow sense ofc, there's always scarcity) then the people who get to enjoy that would either need to be a genetically modified version of mankind or just perpetually restrained in matrix pods by an AI, otherwise we're fucked
Yeah I've thought about that too
Idk I think the simp economy would dominate just as it does today
Women would compete over ever elaborate clothing or whatever and men will toil to afford that
I think the other half of women's resentment against age-gap relationships, apart from olds guarding resources, is that it can seem declasse and unromantic, it's un-Disney, too transparent a picture of women's interests in the material
That's fair
The "pretty boy" look that's become rather popular is the flipside of this - it's like a luxury belief, countersignaling the "ugliness" of material necessity
Apparently there's a bunch of Facebook groups in both the US and the UK where women are looking for sperm donors to jack off into a cup for them since it's cheaper than buying sperm from a clinic. If any good Samaritans wanna scout out some Bantu ladies on those groups and raise their bloodline's IQ, this is your chance
How does the child subbort work, do they plan raising the kid single?
Ya or within a lesbian couple or with a sterile husband
Usually lesbian couple nowadays though
Whether theyre even entitled to child support depends on the country, iirc in the UK as long as you dont inseminate naturally then they cant even ask for it
But theyre extremely unlikely to anyway since they don't wanna share parental rights with you, they're desperate for kids
If they're gonna get a vial of seed from someone anyway it might as well be from the autists on here provided you're physically healthy
Think of it as charity
What if you just say no, would they choose a nigger instead?
There are some incredible stats on sex/age distributions in the major metropolitan areas in the US NYC, Boston, Chicongo, Seattle - Just eyeballing the graphs, when it comes to people <30 years old, the M:F ratios are anywhere from 3:2 to 9:1... Moscow and Petersburg in prerevolution Russia had similar sex skews
OK I misread lol... But still is like 2 or 3 to 1
I highly dislike the use of subjective ratings systems like rating 1-10 as a supposedly meaningful metric in dating research, it's different for everyone, especially between men and women to the point of uselessness. Just obfuscates everything.
Much more simple and useful is just - "Would you bang?" and "Would you breed?"
Which is what ratings systems all allude to but are too cowardly to say
A lot of feminazi messaging is produced by unlovable brown women hiding under the cloak of feminism "we wimminz all in dis togetha against da mans"
speculative: if genomics elevated the Bantu race to avg 120 IQ what would Wakanda look like?
members of this blog are progeny of historically privileged groups trying to understand how they can gain lost power in the modern equal world. did l get it right?
This is my blog
There are no "members"
i find this blog very insightful, especially the IQ shredders one
also bioleninism, both of which l read years ago
Thank you
is this blog written by curtis yarvin?
also, did l get a chud picture because l am posting from texas?
Lol no the avatars are random
And I'm not Curtis Yarvin. Our writing styles are very different
>"Apparently there's a bunch of Facebook groups in both the US and the UK where women are looking for sperm donors to jack off into a cup for them since it's cheaper than buying sperm from a clinic. If any good Samaritans wanna scout out some Bantu ladies on those groups and raise their bloodline's IQ, this is your chance"
so you're like a manslut giving away genes where you want, without thought for the child
BAP's characterization of women's sexuality is wrong in one critical aspect: Because the only women he associates with are prostitutes, and because he is gay, he projects and imagines women to be essentially gay men trapped in girls' bodies. While gays are perfectly content to be alone and do not even expect "commitment", women know they are weak deep down and do seek security in this way. And while women do resemble gays in some superficial aspects, how "fuck-crazy" they really are is still overestimated from the homosexual perspective.
BAP is just an lolcow. He’s wrong about almost everything.
Hello chuds
Apologies for embarrassing appearance by comets posting cringe
I'm no expert on BAP's view on women, but female sexuality isn't to be underestimated. It's inherently anti-social and dysgenic. Commitment, like honor and duty, are male ideals imposed on females. It's not something that originates from them. Left to their own devices they are apt to spend their teens and 20s getting fucked by a sordid series of men before trying to settle down in their 30s and find they can't.
"Because the only women he associates with are prostitutes", oh the irony. Merely go back a couple generations and they'd point out the vaste majority of American women today are effectively whores. Really, what's the difference between a prostitute and the typical women attending college? The things I've seen in the dorms...
I want my genes to survive the current bottleneck caused by the change in culture. Should I build a trad family of 6 high quality kids, anrage marriages for my kids and look forward to my 30 grand-kids? Or should I become a sperm donor in the 3rd world producing 50 children and 75 grandchildren with lower quality.?
How to find good husbands for my daughters? Any parents here with sons?
Sure, plenty
How old are your daughters
Also why not both. Have your trad family and bleach the third world
My daughters are below 10.
Should be good, I know several good men in here with suitable sons
You can be a successful church member, or you can be a successful bleacher, but you can’t be both. Reputation and results don’t scale linearly with time & effort invested, but exponentially. I know church members with 10-20 children, who receive 5-10 grandchildren each year. They may end up with 100-300 grandchildren. Peak church performance. If I were to bleach the 3rd world, 1st you need traffic. I would enter FB groups and websites matching donors and women who want to have kids. I would set up my own groups and market them. You can even build up your own website. Maybe you can pay local doctors to display advertisements leading to landing pages. 2nd step would be traffic canalization. Virtual assistants chatting with potential mums. Each new registered woman would directly will get a personalized message in order to offer help. 3rd step will be peackocing. The women will check social media FB/Ticktock, where I present decently. Good education, charitable work, etc. 4th step will be to lower the barriers of entry. I will pay for the flight to me and her hotel, have the employee book everything and maybe even pick her up. For the artificial insemination you hire a nurse. The whole process should be easy, and the women should feel well. Peak sexpat performance. You can’t half ass church. More of your kids will leave church. Kids leaving church means 1-3 grandkids per child instead of 7-10. Your reputation will be lower leading to lower quality spouses. You also have to be deeply involved in your family to prevent bad culture to destroy your kids. The beaching operation also has economies of scale.
Fair, fair
Seems you have down the groundwork
Always happy to optimize.
I did watch the Netflix doc on the Dutch blonde doner guy, that was hilarious
Bleaching working well tho it appeared
I think it is difficult to outcompete the church pathway.
The biggest advantage of the bleaching pathway is (i) Women limit reproduction. Bleaching gives you many women and therefore many more children.
Downsides of the bleaching pathway: (i) The women will have low quality. (ii) Children you don’t intensively care for, will have a collapsed fertility themselves. A Christian may have 6*6*6 grand-grandchildren. The belacher may have 50*1*1 grand-grandchildren. (iii) Your children will marry lower quality spouses. (iv) Bleaching is not sustainable through the generations. For a Christian there may be 3 more generation before the Muslims majority in Europe will genocide them. For bleaching you only have one generation. You may be a 145 IQ, rich westerner spamming kids in the 3rd world, but your kids can’t sustain this strategy themselves. They will be too poor and too stupid. However some of them may become the next warlord 3rd world ruthlessness combined with locally high IQ.
The biggest risk for the church pathway that religiosity may be genetic. So my family can’t imitate being a Christian and we are only Cargo-culting. Or our high-IQ, high-openness will be selected out of the Christan gene pool. And when the Muslims take over we are not open enough to switch to Islam and prefer dying as a martyr.
I only watched Duch-Netflix-guy youtube. Especially the old videos were interesting. 550 Kids.
The Failipinx is trying to longhouse that, though. With the 23andme tracking and all that
Spandrell - Would you say that "status" is the highest-level abstraction of evolutionary fitness in humans? If you're gigachad stronk but somehow have no status in the social-game you're playing, your fitness is still 0 - Because no woman will sleep with you (assume rayp is off the table).
I suppose it's a tautology
The sperm donation will be based on voluntary receivers. However possibly the women could change mind a couple of years later or try to extort some money. So the bleaching path is more risky than the church path.
It's a tautology yeah
Women will sleep with you if you make them
In a future where it is normalized for a lone man to acquire children with IVF and surrogacy/artificial wombs, won't the "status module" insofar as it's relevant for seducing women gradually decrease in importance? If we add UBI it'll happen even faster, maybe
That's a very unlikely future
But again status didn't matter for acquiring women until last century. Women were merchandise for millennia.
Spandrell-San, WYB?
The more I learn about the world and theorize and systematize the more fatalistic I become, the more inevitable events seem. Greater distribution of status to the deformed after wealth and mass democracy and the subsequent degeneration of culture and value, for example. In a way it's liberating, though?
I've noticed the more enterprising Japanese egirls include sections of Chinese, realizing they can tap into the biggest market of simps in the world with just a few strokes in translate app
yeah it's been like that for a while
which is pretty funny given how much their domestic audience (jap nerds) hate chyna
What's the typical Big 5 profile on here? I'm below average on extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness, very high on openness and very low on neuroticism