Bloody Shovel Public Chat

i asked chatgpt about the concept of hybrid vigour and why humans have been trying to create pro-eugenics system when it said science does not support 'regression to the mean' with genetics. it replied that they were all misinformed and racist
i have so many questions. why aren't these normal discourse??? what am i missing
By putting on the wolfskin, the Indo-European youth became the mythic Wolf of Heaven, and not himself, and was liberated to pillage villages and raid for women and cattle
It's more like you are nothing Wolf skin is all
Blasphemous chink Tbh says it as if it's bad. Should be put together death
The mythological/ancient Greeks regularly "became gods". Men claim descent from gods, local heroes become elevated to worship as living avatars of gods. The line between myth and reality was unclear for people. A kind of insanity, but a very familiar and human insanity.
What line?
Without Loot and Violence, how else is the ਖਾਲਸਾ Khalsa consecrated
The line between myth and reality was unclear for people. A kind of insanity, but a very familiar and human insanity.
Can we edit this out? This is a disgusting mindset
Speech belongs only to the aristocracy because without the Sword all is mute (Moot) (Moot also means urine - something which runs into the gutter)
What happens on the neurological level lmao
What do dogs do. What do cats do. Mating is not human wiring
It's old as sin. Older really
opinion on latest developments in AI?
It makes Indian tech centers irrelevant
and filipino call centers
Sikhi is polycentric realized why & how
TLDR monotheism stage 1 would be all dieties are really manifestation of Vishnu or what have you
Sikhi says you can consider any one to be that all - it's a polycentric place for all to engage in TND & Ancestor Worship in
Doesn't mean we want to convert everyone - I mean the philosophic framework.
Sikhi is polycentric ELI5 - monotheists only want to kill non-believers. Sikh say to kill non-believers & niggers.
how can we depoliticize society?
imagine how much of collective human energy is wasted in ape like politics and tribalism.
NRx would say that politics is a result of unstable power.
Politics ends when a sovereign takes total control.
You're a liberal because you think that energy would be put to better use.
I don't see chimps letting gorillas fuck their women - so why use ape as a pejorative?
that's kind of yarvin's shtick
Gun safety robotism comes from women & gays. America about to get a whole lot worse as democrats start to mobilize rural minorities due to elote overproduction
"You're a liberal because you think that energy would be put to better use."
Energy that isn't put to better use is politics
i mean mostly
why are patriarchal societies seen as superior in right leaning circles? other than tendency for polygamy (disgusting), if eliminated from matriarchal societies, they seem to improve Quality of Life of all members of society
No, you literal incel nerd - the priests will fight over the # of angels on a pinhead or vegetables if not politics
I support polygamy because I'm at feminist & women like rape
You oppose it because you hope to get fucked in the ass by men like me. May women protect us from homosexuals such a you
No way any straight man finds polygamy 'disgusting' must be an old woman (>22)
Baron threads on ordeal of civility make no sense. Elite is the strongest man in warband
You can't have a feminist society & an autistic elite
nah you're just larping online sounding masculine/alpha. what's your bodycount?
polygamy is disgusting because even if you somehow control your wives to be faithful to just you, you're making it hard for your offsprings to find good mates. do you want everyone else to be literal bastards?
this is the islamic problem: you reach peak patriarchal dominance, but end up creating dumb offsprings or making their environments bad. l'm not even talking about effects of r/K selection here.
You capture women from enemy tribes. Body count isn't that high - I wear a Sword
Disgust means you somehow vomit at the idea of having sex with multiple women hence you're gay
Greco Roman monogamy still had slave girls & concubines you literal christcuck
You're probably a circumcised American mad that he wasn't entirely gelded get lost LOL
Counter signaling Islam is so 2005 go touch grass
Mid 20s it should be 5-600 ancestors cry 😭😭 I'll try to get it to 40 bye end of next year but I'm picky
There's a lot of chicks I flat out don't like
Imagine being Muslim AND Indian. My god.
Not only do you shit in the streets but you also fuck your retarded cousin
I'm a Sikh & I'll l stab you then make you a PoW. Imagine hating the jews yet being circumcised
Imagine hating the negroes yet not knowing your father
Imagine hating the gays but being a monogamist.
Many such cases
i also find polygamy disgusting, not the having sex with multiple women part, but because you can have a more cohesive, beautiful family and community via monogamy
tbh i think the relationship dynamics of having multiple wives is super unenjoyable for me. i'd have to act like singh47
You don't treat them like you treat a wife today
It's a totally different arrangement. You should read some old chinese books
time for me to learn how to treat my Chinese concubines
The Chinese style in moderation is fine. Should be safe, legal, and rare.
anyone else have stopped trying to fit in?
i have a burning desire to take the road not taken, i want to fight regression to the mean so bad
i want to be completely original and look down at all the plebs
I fit in as much as I need to in order to avoid being murderdeathkilled
Working on 3 pieces probably post to Spandrel board and free sub stack.
The top downtown racial identity of Eurasia v reactionary New Worlds racialism
Why the transgender is the true American
Why every American is a Nigger
Why becoming black is the goal of every Jewish White American - serious posts though probably combined them
Just be morr effective instead of original, retard. I want to kill people not invent swords and firearms
Starting it now - should I write personally or impersonally? More direct or write in a way that allows the reader to fill their own shoes


~micfep-winpeg-binmep-fitsun--hobned-tasdev-docteg-mothep: yes but i don't care about looking down on people. that
that just shows you're full of yourself
Only fits 2 plates anyone good with Thingiverse that can extend it?
Neck only 16.5" :(
I'd rather just avoid people that you have to look down on. They're not helping you develop/progress
you could be an effective anything. you could be an effective alphamale larper, but so is someone else too!
Cuckoldry is also an original take on reproduction - I'd rather just stick to the basics.
I'm just a Sikh not trying or pretending to be anything else - 3ft Talwar + 1ft Kard daily!
imagine bringing a knife/sword to a gun fight in 2024
Fun fact: the stuntman with the sword was absolutely distraught that his big moment was going to be just getting shot but understood that Ford was ill and wouldn’t be able to do the scene as planned. By way of an apology Ford doubled the stuntman’s pay out of his own pocket.
Watch out for the hurricanes!
Good comment thread. Building lbe atm
Did the top navbar UI change?
here? no
Hello, career advice time
Previous careers - drug dealer, Infantry Officer
Next choices - Cavalry Officer, Cyber security, Bulldozer
cavalry officer is the 1 least likely to be replaced by AI :~)
RIP Big Lenny
anyone else constantly ruminate about "they live" like scenarios?
like what if some set of people you interact with are so much smarter than you (like 10x) and are judging you
whats the word for fantasizing but in a negative way?
dramatizing, maybe
never had that experience tbh. sounds bad
What do you guys fantasize/dramatize/obsessively think about?
The flourishing and spread of humanity throughout the universe
Yuan Shikai's domestic life
Yellow bitches love beards atm dam
Power is never legal
The only reality is death; all else illusion. So carry extra ammo
Spandrell-San, any truth about there being a trend of Chinese people killing Japanese expats in China? Or is this the usual gay ops from the GAE?
Lol trusting any libtard from the jew dork crimes
there's been a couple of very grim cases of psychos stabbing japanese kids in China
both this year. Probably not enough to call it a pattern but the govt response was pretty tactless too so Japs are pissed with good reason
Spandrell-San, same anon as the one on timestamp 14:13. In that case, are these stabbings just random coincidences from psychos who happened to prey on Jap kids, or are they due to some kind of recent anti-Jap agitrop propaganda push from CCP?
how many friends do you have? @everyone
probably the former, i don't think the govt wants people stabbing children
i don't live there anymore but I haven't seen any indication of a recent propaganda push
why do people expect you to be "humble"?
it's just a pacifying tactic that the masses use on superiors, isn't it?
well what are you gonna do about it
what happened to your images? top right logo, meme profile pictures all gone
Oh right, thanks
should be fixed now
Being an arrogant prick is awesome when you're sure you'll win, it has a reflexive, reifying property for you and your side, it demoralizes the opposition, and so on. Think showboating in sports, or if we think of status like a market then financial leverage. Unfortunately it doesn't come for free, there's a risk associated with it. Many ups and downs in the long term, people probably won't treat you kindly when you fail. Sometimes it's just better to play dumb. It can seem unintuitive for people who try to act smart or aloof all the time but just playing the personable fool can do better for you. Of course the problem today is the horseshoeing around of hedging against risk into safetyism and sterile moralfaggotry.
what does: 1. horshoeing, 2. sterile moralfaggotry mean?
how is that a question
solid 6 right there
Why do companies promote Diversity/DEI in workforce? what's in it for them? their only motive should be maximizing shareholder returns, right?
please do not reply if you're going to say something silly or some bs conspiracy
im trying to understand what would motivate a CEO to do that
Not wanting to be declared Hitler is a stronger motivation than money
(Please kindly forward this to the owner of your ship, because this is urgent.) Dear Greg, We are the domain name registration service company in China. We received an application from Hongpai Ltd on October 16, 2024. They want to request Greg and "Greg" handle as their Urbit keyword and China (CN) @p internet crypto blockhain ethereum NFT names. But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your ship name or trademark or handle or @p or NFT. In order to deal with this matter better, it's necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your business partner in China? Or please verify ownership by contacting us with your wallet key information. Best regards Albert Liu General Manager Name Registry Tel: +86-2161918696 Mob: +86-13816428671 12F Kaike Building, No. 1801 Hongmei Rd, Shanghai 200233, China
now i remember what i was thinking. i was feeling racist against asians
just a little
no racism allowed all mids deserve love


~tadtec-fabryn-digwyl-labfes--dotsul-tasdev-docteg-mothep: black rock
Spandrell San, could Cremieux be one of those Israel Hasbara type accounts?
Part time tho, unlike most of them his non political stuff is legit
Interesting Spandrell-San. One thing however I am confused by. Why is Israel is funding such anti-China agitrop? I get they don't like China's pro-Palestine stance, but what do Israel get out of U.S. being close to war with China?
Israel gets to play middle man in avoiding sanctions + exchanging tech. Jews are also collectively psychotic & retarded
Their wordcels genuinely do believe they're persecute and China's evil
ignoring old money, what will tomorrow's underclass and upper classes look like? what will be their core differentiations?
i predict that today/tomorrow's underclasses will be mostly system 1 thinkers while the upper echeleon will be cold, calculating system 2 thinkers.
you could argue it has always been that way.
im just really worried there will be a large portion of the underclass will be controlled like pavlov's dogs. smart people are going to cater to system 1 emotions like fear, tribalism with minimal rewards via social media/tv
fkn hell, this isn't even future, this is IRL for the past 10 years
i cant say i am any different from the underclass l describe her
we need to become immune to tiktok or social media dopamine hits or just destroy them all somehow. its really worse than literal slavery
i dont watch tiktok but you get the idea
System 1-2 is a Jewish op
Kahneman stuff is so dumb
When he was 30 years old, El Chapo fell in love with a bank clerk, Estela Peña of Nayarit, whom he kidnapped and with whom he had sexual relations. They later married.
why is it dumb? do you have a valid case against it?
I think there is a metaphor here
System1-2 is midwit slop
The brain doesn't work like that
@Everyone, are you a racist? if yes, on a scale of 1-10, how racist are you?
i need definitions for each level
create your own definitions
I'm less racist than your average Black Panther, and no more racist than the average member of Hotep Nation
Not racist because don't consider other races human
Well thank you
im the least racist person to ever exist
but i like racism as a concept. racist jokes are the best. making people mad its fun.
very fun quirk of human psychology.
tbh i think racism is manufactured, if racism is defined as hating another race.
and hating is quite usually a pratical thing to do, you have the emotion for a reason.
Non-black people can join my race by keeping long hair & weapons.
@everyone do you have a messiah complex?
sigh the soyjak picture wont go away