Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as demographics

Those who show up

Hi everyone, sorry for neglecting the blog. I blame glycine: I'm the descendant of a long line of night-owls, but I'm able to sleep early now for the first time ever. Alas I've always been a late-night writer, and my healthy lifestyle was getting in the way of my blogging. Trade-offs. I should think of something.

Also apologies to my commenters: the comment notification system was broken so I had a backlog of unapproved comments: they're all online now.


Years ago, back in the times before Biole...

Tucker Carlson's war against Woke Capital and the future of the Right

Well, well. Everybody predicted that 2019 would be an eventful year, with Trump realizing he must start to build the wall if he wants to be reelected; Cold War 2 against China heating up, and the trade war doing some serious damage to the Chinese economy, and China's slowdown dragging down the world economy in exchange. It's gonna be bad, but it's not gonna be boring.

And just after we welcomed the new year, this video by Fox News' Tucker Carlson came out and has owned the attention of political ...

The Wars of the Sexes

What do Bronze Age Pervert and Brett Kavanaugh have in common?

Not a lot. One is a nudist bodybuilder, a tropical Nietzsche who wants to burn the cities and reduce women to breeding stock. The other is a pasty Irish Catholic Yale graduate who was pretty much a virgin until his marriage at age 40, and to this day can't help crying like a girl when referring to the women "friends" during his life who gave him the slightest amount of atte...


A while ago I argued that if modern civilization collapses, which is a possibility given the relentless action of the worldwide IQ Shredder that we call "modernity", then humanity will never get a second chance to start industrial civilization ever again. By lack of cheap fuel mostly. We'd be stuck, at best, with a Chinese style "high-level equilibrium trap", basically the middle ages going on forever.

To which many commenters surprised me by saying: good-riddance then. What's so bad about the Ir...

Babies watch

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Chinese media celebrate the success of the 2 Child Policy: 18.46 million births in 2016. 2 million more than 2015. Hurray. Long live the party and its core leader Xi Jinping. 萬歲萬歲萬萬歲.

Why the Chinese would want even more people escapes me. But given how modern economics (either through this Landian catallactic capitalist logic or whatever) hates demographics vacuums and tends to fill every empty spot with whatever human-like DNA it finds; well I don't b...

Feminist Nationalism doesn't work

So Viktor Orban gave a speech recently. It's quite something. Let me quote.

Mmm... yeah, that makes sense. So Orban has been buying back strategic industries from, I assume, foreign corporations. Well done, man.

Good point again. And extra points for honesty. This man is a consistent nationalist. He knows what he wants and he knows what needs to be done.

And maybe that's the problem. Thought about that, Mr. President? He then goes on to brag about he's taking money from Soros to give it to Hungaria...

Gender inequality in fertility

I've noticed people don't wanna hear this, but I still gotta say it.

I was doing some light research to follow up on my last post. Stumbled upon this:


Fertility of Turkish migrants

in Germany:

Duration of stay matters

The writing is incredibly bad. Purposefully obfuscating. But the figures are very illuminating. Take a look at this one:

Screenshot 2017-05-31 18.04.48

TFR of German men: 1.27. That's low.

TFR of German women: 1.67. Huh? German women are having 30% more children than German men...

The Future

Let us talk demographics. Because life doesn't suck enough as it does. Yes, had a bad day.

A while ago I proposed the concept of "projected population". You get the total live births in a country, then you multiply it by 80, an approximation of life expectancy. So, assuming the level of births remains constant (which it won't), in 80 years a country would have that amount of people.

So to put an example. Japan today has a population of 127 million. Live births in 2016 were 981k, so if the birth ra...

How Menopausal Feminism leads to Islam

I'm reading this book by a Japanese historian on how Neoconfucianism in the East unwittingly prepared the ground for the adoption in East Asia of Western progressivism as its logical conclusion. Really cool stuff. I'll have a review shortly.

But before that, let me anticipate you this kind of evolutionary argument with something more relevant to our day.

I've been writing a lot about how Islam has a big chance of taking over the West. Not because Muslims are strong or anything. They're a bunch of ...

Doom and Gloom

Some random examples. Note these are metro areas, not just the urban core.

[gallery ids="wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screen-shot-2016-04-03-at-22-44-10-2.png|,wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screen-shot-2016-04-03-at-22-43-36-2.png|,wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screen-shot-2016-04-03-at-22-43-29-3.png|,wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screen-shot-2016-04-03-at-22-43-01-3.png|,wp-content/uploads/2016/04/screen-shot-2016-04-03-at-22-42-48-3.p...

Baby socialism





Inquisition, for the most part. The corporate PR racket sells that diversity is a strength because having different people in your organization gets you different points of view, and that results in better input for discussions and thus better decision-taking. Which is exactly how it doesn't work in practice. Racial diversity is welcome so long as everyone is strictly progressive, and USG has been busy promoting ideological unifo...


Screen Shot 2016-02-07 at 23.16.40

Data from\_Fertility\_Patterns\_of\_Native\_and\_Migrant\_Muslims\_in\_Europe

Don't know if "Total Population" here includes Muslims too or not. If it does, we're busted.

Note how all those "success stories" about fertility rates, France and Scandinavia, all are under replacement, except Muslims.

All those Patriotic European Warriors (PEW): Surely you've been doing your patriotic duty and producing lots of white b...

The case for voting for Clinton

Yes, Trump is lots of fun. Having Mexico build a wall makes me giggle too. Shitting on Saudi princes on Twitter is priceless. But, but, Trump may not be all that cracked up when he gets the presidency. He's doing lots of stupid stuff too. Bombing ISIS? Come on. Pandering to conservakin voters has its backside too.

Take this:

Fuck yeah. That's exactly that they should be doing. That's perhaps the best, the most important single policy that any country on earth can be pursuing. Go promote abortion i...


After establishing that facts are useless, I have a lot of facts to show you.

Let us check the demographic history of the recent world. It's pretty interesting. I spent a while gathering up figures, mostly from Wikipedia, and some sporadic Googling. As far as I can tell the figures look pretty reliable.

I recently wrote about how 37% of births in France are Africans. How many people is that? Let's take a look at the number of live births in France.









Что Делать

Many of you may know that France doesn't take statistics by race, because being French is about having French values. Or in other words, being French is what the French government says it is, so shut up already.

The French are the kings of bullshit. There's been an academic paper doing the rounds these days, called On the Reception of Pseudoprofound Bullshit. Well, you know Pseudoprofound Bullshit? The French are kings of that. Fortunately there is also a (smaller) group of French which are seri...

Babies for whom?

This post is a good example of what I wrote at the start of the year. I got an interesting idea that would require a lot of research to actually flesh out properly, but I don't have the time to acquire that kind of expertise right now. So I don't write the post, bury the idea, forget about it, and the world loses a half-assed good idea.

But, you dear readers told me that you can't get enough of half-assed good ideas, so here it goes. All this adds to what I commented here at Land's.

Yes, yes, peop...

Cultural diversity

So Africans are dying because of some nasty virus, and white doctors are all flocking to Africa to help those poor people. We can't have Africans dying. No way. Gotta save them. All of'em.

Save them even though the Ebola virus is nasty enough to kill most doctors that get in contact with patients, no matter how well protected. It doesn't help that the Africans aren't very cooperative with the medical staff.

And why would they? Now put yourself in the place of an average West African. Some people a...


So the Japanese government has officially announced it's considering bringing 200,000 immigrants per year, in order to stave off demographic decline.

They have announced it as part of the Growth Strategy driving this marvelous thing they call Abenomics.

I don't need to say how misguided this idea that bringing migrants from wherever is going to result in economic growth. It should be obvious that in the civilized world, actual economic growth is impossible. Not gonna happen.

Now some might bring up...

Extrapolation fail

I have a love-hate relationship with statistics. On one hand I was never particularly good at math. But I was always fascinated by statistics and all the easily accessible truth they provide. I always loved Googling some figures and making people shut up.

Of course then I grew up (which is a great thing, highly recommended to everyone out there), and I realized that statistics are more truthful than just making shit up, as people are always prone to, but they're not the whole truth. Actually stat...