Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as negroes


I've been writing for so time now the idea that bad things happen not necessarily because bad people are out there conspiring to do them, but because humans are, well, just a species of highly social monkeys, cooperation is difficult, large scale societies are weird, and sometimes bad things happen even when nobody really wants it that way.

In 1966 probably nobody wanted to end up worshiping mangoes as Mao's holy fruit. And Mao himself didn't want that to happen. But it did, because of bad incent...


Von Neumann, widely regarded as perhaps the most intelligent man who ever lived, had this to say:

There's an amazing story (H/T Candide) of a Belgian couple who for some stupid reason decided to drive across the Belgian Congo (DRC today). They documented the whole trip on this forum. The whole adventure is a great story, of course. Unless you're like me, and can't stop wondering why would anybody attempt such a stupid trip. Why, oh why. I mean I sorta get it if you're a 20 something man with your...

Cultural diversity

So Africans are dying because of some nasty virus, and white doctors are all flocking to Africa to help those poor people. We can't have Africans dying. No way. Gotta save them. All of'em.

Save them even though the Ebola virus is nasty enough to kill most doctors that get in contact with patients, no matter how well protected. It doesn't help that the Africans aren't very cooperative with the medical staff.

And why would they? Now put yourself in the place of an average West African. Some people a...

The Internet

I shut down my Twitter account last week (didnĀ“t see the point really), and the blog's being slow too. But don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.

What the hell am I doing you say? Well I'm busy. I found the best site in the internet.

Real History.

I was chatting with Slittyeye on HBD, looking up pics of weird tribes on Google Images, when I stumbled upon the best fucking site on the internet. I came upon this link, which has pictures of albino Dravidians (!). Real cool pics.


La Douceur de Vivre

Tayllerand allegedly said that people in the post French Revolution age couldn't even fathom how nice life was for an aristocrat in the Ancienne Regime.

If only because of the leisure. If only I had the leisure of an old French noblemen I would have fixed every problem in the world by now.

But I don't, and have been crazy busy this last week or so. Thanks for all those who still found time to visit. I'll try to resume my old blogging pace in the next days.

On the meantime for those haunted by the c...