Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as russia

Fighting the bad fight

The United States is the world empire since, at least, 1991. There's no question about that. This hegemony has started to crumble in recent years. First, China refused to surrender to the Western-supported students in Tiananmen square, in 1989. Then Russia fell, some thought for good, but since 1999 Putin rebuilt the Russian state and its sovereignty, leading to very tense relations with USG. China also waivered between accommodation to the USG led order, signing all those UN human rights treati...

The Geopolitics of Empire

Cool title, huh? It always feels good to type this kind of stuff. "Empire". Pronounced with a 1900s British accent. Feels good man. Insert happy frog pic.

Anyway. The most interesting, shall I say "official" theory of historical geopolitics of the reaction must surely be Peter Turchin's theory of meta-ethnic frontier armies pumping up their asabiya and conquering the civilizational center.

The theory basically says that to run a civilization you need a strong army. To run a strong army you need c...

Stupid Cognitive Elite

Ever since Charles Murray's last book stirred up the blogosphere, including yours truly,  everybody has written some opinion on Murray's point that the smart people are increasingly concentrating in the upper classes, creating a cognitive difference between the rich and powerful and the people at large. James Donald has been the only one to deny the major premise: that the elite is getting any smarter than before. He says it ain't so, that they're dumber every day,  which has started many inte...

On Fairness

  You are a bad person

Huh? What have I done.![](wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-shot-2012-03-06-at-8-38-56-pm-2.png?w=122 "Screen Shot 2012-03-06 at 8.38.56 PM")

 You don't let me buy up your country's assets.

 wtf  ![](wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-shot-2012-03-06-at-8-38-56-pm-2.png?w=122 "Screen Shot 2012-03-06 at 8.38.56 PM")

![](wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-shot-2012-03-06-at-8-36-02-pm-3.png "Screen Shot 2012-03-06 at 8.36.02 PM")Advisor: Mr Soros stay to the script please.


Try harder

Liberals dominate the West, and Japan sort of, but they are small minorities in all other countries. And that's harsh. Because being a liberal in any country, you see how cool the West is, with human rights and fancy cars and women in mini skirts, yet your own country sucks. But what can you do? Well let's look case by case.

Case 1

Egyptian liberal A: Damn, this country sucks.

Egyptian liberal B: It's all that damn Mubarak prick, we should kill him.

Egyptian liberal A: Yeah, but how?

Egyptian liberal...

Panem, putas et circenses

One of the big steps towards political adulthood is to understand the relation between fascism and leftism. The eternal question of whether fascism is the antithesis of leftism, or just a flavor of it. The official view of the question is that fascism is the remnant of the Old Regime, the evil dark ages, who still lurk in the shadows to fight against Progress. Then there's the occasional smartass who says that Fascism was a leftist movement. And they oppose modern capitalism to it.

Well that's no...

Compassion as a leftist scam

I'm sure everyone has the bad habit of looking up unfamiliar words on Google before finishing reading a text, shortening the attention span and all that. Well reading the last article of Steve Sailer, where he strangely doesn't mention HBD (I guess he wants Pinker to be able to respond), I ended up reading about the Khodynga Tragedy.

It basically happened that during the celebrations of Tsar Nicholas II coronation festivities,1896,  they had this panem et circenses oh so Christian charitable...