Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as toppost

A chat with Mr. Land

Last month I had the pleasure to meet in person with Nick Land in a small classy bar in Shanghai. It was quite surreal to talk about this matters in person, meeting for the first time. At first it was the two of us alone loudly discussing Moldbug this Moldbug that, but after a while the place got quite crowded. Shortly we were surrounded by rich kids with outrageous hairdos and high voices wooing teenage girls in short dresses. All while we were dead serious talking about the future of human so...

Women and Bell Curves

A lot of stuff has been going on these days, but I want to go back to talk about women.

A big part of the success of the altright blogosphere is the synergy between HBD and the Game movement. Roissy owes his fame for joining Steve Sailer with Neil Strauss, and making his point with very good writing. The basic idea is that much of our behaviour is biologically determined, and if evolution made different populations distinct genetically, it also did that to sex.

It is a great point, perhaps one of ...

The fragility of logic

There's a funny paradox in all us reactionary bloggers. On one hand we believe that politics should be abolished. That a firm, inviolable power structure would make life safer, the economy wealthier, the people happier overall. With caveats of course, but surely the modern glorification of constant struggle, the micro civil war that democracy forces upon all of us is a bad thing.

Yet we are obsessed with politics. Writing a blog, commenting everywhere, fighting the liberal hordes wherever we find...

Money and happiness

He, a Goldsmith 23 years old, she, a Rothschild, 22. The absurdly cute couple have a lovely wedding, and strengthen the ties of their two noble families.

Well these are Jews (or are they? They look very mixed and not observant at all), but it's like the poster image of the society that Christian traditionalists want. By now, he's 31, she's 30, they have 3 lovely children. So no fertility problems here. But something's happened.

Look at her. What's with that outfit? And that face... I don't mean th...

Monkey brains

Japan's newspapers are full of crime reports. You could take that as meaning that Japan has a high crime rate. But of course it's the opposite: Japan has so few crimes that the ones that do happen are so notorious they get into national newspapers. Crimes are rare enough that people don't get bored reading about them.

Of course some of the crimes that happen in Japan are so notorious they would be news anywhere in the world. See this recent news where a 23 year old mother of 2 left her children 5...

On Fairness

  You are a bad person

Huh? What have I done.![](wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-shot-2012-03-06-at-8-38-56-pm-2.png?w=122 "Screen Shot 2012-03-06 at 8.38.56 PM")

 You don't let me buy up your country's assets.

 wtf  ![](wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-shot-2012-03-06-at-8-38-56-pm-2.png?w=122 "Screen Shot 2012-03-06 at 8.38.56 PM")

![](wp-content/uploads/2012/03/screen-shot-2012-03-06-at-8-36-02-pm-3.png "Screen Shot 2012-03-06 at 8.36.02 PM")Advisor: Mr Soros stay to the script please.
