Chinese pr0n and the triumph of Capitalism.

Posted by Spandrell on

Once upon a time the Communist regimes prohibited jazz, rock&roll, action movies and all other Western amenities, as proofs of the decadence of bourgeois and visible signs of the coming fall of Capitalism.

Then came porn. And of course commies saw its as confirmation of the moral decay of Capitalism.

Today we see all that with the scorn of victors. We laugh at how retrograde those regimes were, even as they are still cherished by all progressives. Yeah, yet another one of leftism's contradictions.

Lately, on the reactionsphere/altright blogosphere, whatever you call it, there is this meme about the old Orthodox world being the last bastion of social conservatism, of the West being the real revolutionaries, while the commies were fighting for Christendom. Well, the funny thing is today Russia has more abortions than births, Hungary is the Mecca of European porn, Prague has more hookers than secretaries, and fellas like Pierre Woodman go around screwing underage Slavic virgins all around. So much for Communist family values.

After the iron curtain fell, the next area to come to Civilization (i.e. American mores) was China. I happen to have lived there, speak the language fluently so I have some insights that may be of interest.

The process of opening up of China has been a very curious matter, not only economically, but also as cultural anthropology (a fascinating discipline sadly hijacked by commies). The Westernization of China started in the 1910s with the fall of the Empire, but it soon came to a halt after the victory of Communism. Of course Communism is also a Western ideology, in a sense. And the CCP made some very western policies, such as abolishing polygamy, arranged marriages, and giving legal equality to women. It also forced women to the workforce.

That was the first wave of westernization, which did change the culture a great deal. Of course it pales in comparison with the second wave, which came with the opening up of the countries economy. And then, the horror, Internet.

China's government has a total grip on Television and Radio content. There are dozens of TV channels, but they are all state-owned. The amount of censorship depends on the mood of the censors, but in general there is no sex, little teenage rebellion glorifying, and all that scum that we are fed in the west. TV in China is on the whole pretty much wholesome, family-values content.

But you can't control the internet. Well of course you can (try searching 'Dalai Lama' over there) but China has apparently lost one battle on the internet. Porn.

Chinese sex festival! h/t Chinasmack

The above picture is from some "sex festival" that some dumb officials down at Zhengzhou, Henan province have cooked up, to grab some attention and coveted cash. Well Henan province really needs the cash, but still. Confucius wouldn't approve of it. Nor Mao.  Yet now it is all over China. Huge festivals of Miss this, Miss that, Secretary auditions where girls must walk on lingerie in public, etc.  Check out the archives at, and despair.

How did this happen? I'll try to explain in the next post.

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