Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as tech

We don't have to tweet like this

As I said yesterday, I was just banned from Twitter. They didn't give me a reason, nor a way to restore my account. I did file an appeal, and maybe I get lucky, but I doubt it. My ban was part of a massive purge of thousands of accounts, many of them much milder than myself.

I won't register a new account. I'm done. I've pumped Jack Dorsey's bags with my stellar content for long enough. Screw that faggot, his CIA handlers, his Saudi investors and his troon moderators. The Twitter link at the navb...

What's gonna happen with social media

Hi, it's been a while.

I don't know if anyone was expecting my take on the 2020 US Presidential election. I mean, I called it. I won a few hundred bucks betting that Trump would lose. But of course I'm not happy about it.

I mean, I'm personally cool. Quite cool really. US global power is coming down, and fast. Pressure on China will soften up (not disappear), Europe is starting to show some balls in asserting some independent foreign policy. See the EU-China Investment Treaty, and Germany actually...

Welcome to the New Blog

Hi everyone, welcome to Bloody Shovel 3. It's only been one year since Bloody Shovel 2, but at lot has been going on and I decided to move the blog away into what I believe will be a more secure setting. Probably permanent.

Not that Bloody Shovel 2 was canceled; it was not. I'm not that famous, yet. Bloody Shovel 1 wasn't canceled either, I myself decided to move out of after they canceled Heartiste. I'd rather be proactive with these things and not be stabbed in the back unawares.


Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you

The Cathedral is at least trying:

(H/T Voxday)

Since the Gmail privacy brouhaha earlier this month I've started to think a bit about my digital footprint, and with shit like this, damn it's hard not to get paranoid.

Anomaly UK had this post talking about how to do dissenting blogging if the shit gets serious and the government starts to crack down. See how in the comments Jim, who seems to know what he's talking about,  makes some suggestions. I also recall how zhainan made that great post about