We don't have to tweet like this
As I said yesterday, I was just banned from Twitter. They didn't give me a reason, nor a way to restore my account. I did file an appeal, and maybe I get lucky, but I doubt it. My ban was part of a massive purge of thousands of accounts, many of them much milder than myself.
I won't register a new account. I'm done. I've pumped Jack Dorsey's bags with my stellar content for long enough. Screw that faggot, his CIA handlers, his Saudi investors and his troon moderators. The Twitter link at the navbar is gone, and good riddance. I quit Google in 2011. I quit Facebook in 2012. It's taken a while but now I'm completely out of Globohomo social media. Feels good man.
I'm not angry at losing a platform to broadcast my thoughts. I've had a blog for far longer than I've been on Twitter. And this is my blog. My territory. It is mine. I moved off Wordpress years ago when I saw all this coming. This is my house now. I built it. I wrote the code it runs on, the post CMS, the comments system, everything. I host it myself, in a neutral jurisdiction, nobody can take it away from me. I write what I want, edit my content as I will, moderate the comments at my pleasure.
And that's how it should be. I'm a publisher, and a publisher should take care to not be subject to the will of anyone else. This much should be obvious. It's my fucking content. I'm not angry at all at my tweets going away. Most of what I did on Twitter was shitposting, WYBs; the equivalent of just shittalking with the boys at a red light district bar while laughing at the passing hookers. Often it was literally that. I deleted all my own tweets every few weeks or so; for me it was a place for ephemeral musings. I didn't keep backups. I find it quite odd that people are fine with every shit coming out of their brains after 3 beers remaining permanently (in public!) on the internet.
What I'm quite angry about is that I did follow about a thousand people myself, and now I can't access that content. I mean I'm not stupid, I did keep a backup of my follows (and my followers), I already have them set up RSS feed made with Nitter. That took some work, though. And I should've done it earlier, to be fair. Same with my followers: thousands of them; I have a list, I can contact them again. But it's a huge hassle. And some of them are gone, perhaps forever.
It shouldn't be like this. We don't have to live like this. We can do better. And we will do better. As my readers know I saw all of this coming, and since Twitter banned Donald Trump I've been actively preparing for my eventual expulsion from Twitter. There's many options out there, plenty of Twitter clones. Gab, the Fediverse. Good people have offered to help me move to many platforms, and I thank them for that. But I won't; we don't need another Twitter. We need to change the whole damn system. We don't need vulnerable centralized platforms just to say "Based" and paste a URL and have people read it. We need to take back the Internet.
Most internet applications today are built as a client-server system. A computer somewhere serves code to other computers who consume it. The code-server computer is a, duh, server and the code receiver is a client. But that's completely incidental to how the internet works. The server and the client are pretty much the same sort of computer. Might be running the same operating system for all we know. The internet, TCP/IP, at its base, is a peer to peer system. Computers sent packets to other computers. That's it. All computers are the same as far as the network is concerned. The internet is just a pipe, it doesn't care who or what is funnelling stuff into it.
As a publisher, with a blog or a microblogging feed, you are literally serving content. You are writing stuff and broadcasting it on the internet. You, little shitlord on Twitter, You Are a Server. You should be serving your content yourself. That's what this blog does. I have a server and I serve you my writing in the form of HTML/CSS/JS code; your browsers are clients which receive the code I serve. But that's not how Twitter works. On Twitter you're just some pansy who has to register, give them your email (!) and cellphone number (!!!). Then you upload your content through a client (a Twitter mobile app or their web app) and then Twitter, at their leisure and discretion i.e. hiding your content if you like a Trump tweet, or outright banning you for undermining confidence in the stability NATO alliance, serves your content on the internet. Twitter also keeps your list of followers, your own reading feed and your DMs and they can dispose of them at their complete leisure.
Why are we doing this? Why can't we just serve our content directly on the internet? Well there's an obvious reason. It's hard. This blog took some effort to put online. It also costs me money (which my btc link in the navbar isn't covering, bitches). Twitter is easy to set up, and it's free. It's a fact that people are dumb, lazy, and cheap. And so Twitter gets to ban them for undermining confidence in the stability of the NATO alliance.
A lot of problems with the internet today (censorship, platforms just shutting down, spam, tracking, etc) would be solved if we had more servers and fewer clients. People should possess their data and serve it themselves. Everyone should have a personal server under their control which served their blogs, their microblogs, their chats, their notebooks, their spreadsheets, their identification data, their monetary transactions: anything they want, at their discretion, and no one else's.
The problem with that is that it's hard to do so. There's a reason 99.99% of internet users are just dumb clients of Globohomotech servers; serving is hard. Thankfully I'm not the only person thinking about that problem. In fact I only started thinking about this last year when Twitter purges started to get more frequent and I saw the writing on the wall. Brighter people than me have been thinking about this for decades, and they have a solution. A solution I buy, a solution I joined some time ago, and which I've been promoting now for months. Urbit.
Urbit is a personal server. Plain and simple. It is designed from the ground up to be a completely programmable server which belongs to you, forever, with a permanent ID system that can't ever disappear, be destroyed or taken away from you. And you can do anything you want with it. It's a server, you go serve what you want with it. It's a brand new operating system which functions as an overlay applicaton on top of any Linux or Mac system. But the details aren't important here. If you need help setting it up you can ask these guys on Telegram or check out https://subject.network/.
Yes, running Urbit as of today isn't exactly easy. But it's not that hard, provided you're the sort of person who can type without looking at the keyboard. And it's getting easier every day. Even if you're just not good with computers, by the end of this year at the latest you will be able to pay people to run a server for you for the cost of a couple drinks, or you can buy hardware to run it in the privacy of your home. Hell, pay me 10 bucks a month right now in the cryptocoin of your choice and I'll host you a comet (a free Urbit account) at this very moment. 20 bucks if you want email/telegram support.
I've been in Urbit for months now; I host a big group there, with hundreds of smart and based people being able to chat, write posts or share links in complete freedom. I serve that group, myself, from my computer. And it's glorious. By a mile the smartest group of people online in the whole world. "OK that's cool, but that's not Twitter" you might say. You're wrong: my Urbit group is really cool. But yeah, good point, it's not Twitter. You need to be inside Urbit to access my blog, it's not on the public internet as Twitter is.
But that's just incidental. As of now most applications run on Urbit use it as a closed network. You have to log in to Urbit's built-in web client and access Urbit groups from inside that sandboxed network. That's just the state of the network as of now. But it is perfectly possible to use your Urbit server to publish a website and expose it to the public internet. And that's what we will do very soon.
It's infuriating that I have to keep manual backups of my Twitter followers, my own follows, or my own tweets. It's infuriating that some bluehair future evil-fat-woman-in-government can ban a guy I follow and I completely lose access to that guy, period. How much of Hakan's tweets were lost forever? How is that not outrageous? If he were on Urbit and for some reason his content went down, I'd just ping him and say "hey, ~master-basted, what's up?" and he'd be accessible. Forever. Unless he blocks me or quits or something, but that's up to him.
It's infuriating and it shouldn't happen. But it won't for long. We don't have to live like this. UrbiTweet is happening. It doesn't exist yet. But I'm confident it will by the end of the year. And it will annihilate Twitter, in time.
The idea of Twitter is that you can publish stuff, mostly short stuff. People can read that stuff. and interact rapidly with it. You can like a tweet, you can reply to it, you can quote it, and you can retweet it. That's all fine, and God knows it can be addictive. But you don't need some cash-burning Globohomo company in San Francisco to do that. Ideally we would have our own UrbiTweet app in our personal server, in which we would write stuff. And sure, let's give it a length limit too. 280 characters or whatever. Maybe even ban threads. Get a damn blog if you want to write long form.
The writing side of Twitter is fine (besides the threads). The problem is the reading side. You can only read Tweets on Twitter. But ideally I'd like a feed with all the content I subscribe to. I'd like a unified feed with Twitter stuff, with Gab stuff, with Mastodon stuff, with Weibo stuff, with anything I want. And I'd like to be able to get all that stuff in my unified feed and interact with it the same way I can interact with Tweets. I'd like this one Tweet. I'd quote this Gab retard saying JESUS IS KING while his centralized database gets dropped on a motherfucking SQL injection attack. I'd retweet this video of a chinathot on Weibo so that people answer "WB" without me even asking. I would interact as I please with my feed because it's my fucking feed and it's my fucking server.
Why can't we do this? Because Twitter, or Gab, or anyone else, has an incentive to keep us locked down in their own platform, and we don't have a server of our own to customize. Oh wait, now we do. We have Urbit. We could easily do this. We could feed our UrbiTweet with data from Twitter, Gab, Mastodon, Weibo, Facebook, VK, or whatever, and we could publish anything we want while seemlessly interacting with all that stuff. We'd have the microblogging equivalent of multi-protocol chat apps (you remember those?). And we would own the data. Brilliant.
There is only one problem with this approach. If you're on Twitter's sandbox and somebody quotes a Tweet of yours, or mentions you by name, you get a notification. And that's useful. You get to react in real time, get a conversation going. The problem with interoperation is that a guy who's on Gab or Twitter wouldn't know he's being retweeted on UrbiTweet, so he wouldn't be able to respond. You can read stuff from Twitter even if you don't have a Twitter account, but you sure can't post anything to Twitter.
There's two answers to that problem. Short one: screw him. Maybe he shouldn't be on Twitter giving his content to Jack so he can hire more blue-haired troons to write reports for the Biden Administration on the perils of Domestic Terrorists Undermining Confidence on the Stability of the NATO Alliance.
Long answer is that the business of UrbiTweet is the users of UrbiTweet. UrbiTweet users would get notifications if their content has been interacted with by other UrbiTweet users. UrbiTweet users could even get notifications if they have been mentioned on other platforms. If you're on Facebook you won't know what Urbit users are saying about you; but maybe you should be on Urbit instead of selling your soul to Zuckerberg so he can buy yet another Hawaiian island. If you are on Urbit, publishing as publishing should be done, by yourself, on your own terms, then you'll have access to the same features and community reach that Twitter has; and then some. You'll have access to the whole internet.
This is not a trivial enterprise. There's work to be done. We need a way to feed data into the system. Twitter data is easy to scoop from Nitter, others will have to be hacked some way. But it's not hard; worst case scenario we can just scrape the shit out of Twitter and any other website. As long as the content is on the public internet, it can be read and fed into a machine. Content which is not public, as much of Facebook or private accounts on Twitter won't be accessible: but the sort of faggot that runs a private account on some Big Tech platform doesn't deserve his content being shared.
And of course a proper backend should be built on Urbit, but that shouldn't be too hard. Urbit servers already have a built-in social database called the Graph Store, which was explicitly inspired by Twitter.
So again, this is happening. Soon. We are going to eat Twitter's lunch, and we're gonna have a great time doing it. In the meantime, join the party (group address up in the navbar, click on the urbit icon), there's lots of other stuff going on. And all the cool kids are there already. See you in the future.
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Would definitely appreciate a longer post about Urbit. At the present time it seems that its chief benefit is barrier to entry. Otherwise it is both expensive and complicated. I first came to Twatter after reading your blog several years ago. I think it was on a different site back then...
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What happened to your Twitter really sucks - huge F. But, damn, certainly there has to be a middle way between Twitter and Urbit. I've just watched the 'Welcome to Urbit' video and now I root for all IT guys to be replaced by street shitters.
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Middle ways are gay. Urbit is such a superior solution it's not even close.
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*mentally dusts off that one python course I took in uni many moons ago*
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You really don't need that. Just access to a unix terminal (mac or linux).
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https://subject.network/posts/urbit-wsl2/ This is guide is very helpful if you use a PC - I am not much interested in computers, programming, or technology more generally and yet I found that it is not that difficult to get everything running. Took me an afternoon (on the backburner) to get set up with a comet (a free, low-status account). Been flying happily for two months now. The link also has instructions/link to instructions for getting/receiving a planet (an Urbit identity). If you are interested and manage to make it online, there are plenty of knowledgeable people that can help walk you through that process. Just got to say, that I recommend making the jump as soon as you can find the time. Urbit koolaid is pretty tasty and it's best to get into as early as possible on these things. Take care and good luck!
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Fine, you convinced me
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Twitter is where the normies are so don’t leave Twitter if you want to continue to reach normies. It’s a different tool for a different purpose. Hardcore right wing analysis should be reserved for your blog/Urbit/whatever.
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All normies (trumpies) I know that are not hard left are on places like Tiktok
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The problem with creating new platforms, even if they are decentralized, is that theyre all money sinks. Twitter is a fucking financial black hole that's maintained by power brokers exclusively for its ability to influence/shape reality. If investors cared about the financial fundamentals twitter wouldnt exist. Somebody has to pony up the money for these platforms. Personally, I use the internet to say the n-word. That's worth about zero dollars to me. Unless someone with a real hate boner for the system and money to bleed can make this new omniplatform totally free (and retard proof), its just not happening. The incentives dont line up. What we need is legislation.
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"even if they are decentralized" That's just not true. Decentralized platforms don't cost money, besides the computing power of every node, which is negligible. Running Urbit costs me the electricity to run a Raspberry Pi at home. "Personally, I use the internet to say the n-word" Oh you don't use email? You don't use IM? You don't read the news? OK boomer.
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To run a Urbit planet from home do I just need to have the computer that's running the planet turned on and connected to the internet at all times? And if we get a Comet how can we find your planet?
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You don't *need* to have it online at all times but it's highly, highly recommended. You can join my group as a comet, just join ~docteg-mothep/bloody-shovel after updating your OS (run |ota ~marzod %kids first thing after booting).
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How do you ensure that your IP and other identifying information isn't exposed to others?
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Yes, yes, yes!! I have been thinking about this problem for a few years now about how to build a decentralized social media service and a standard that all social media services can follow so that they are interoperable. Will check Urbit out.
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I’ve had similar plan to goad them into canceling everything those cucks love. Left will eventually cancel The Rolling Stones and rock and roll and every book movie and we’ll anything remotely white but why not accelerate the process with puppet accounts calling out Global warming space x classic rock too white too patriarchy etc.
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This sort of strategy seems unlikely to work. The Left isn't coordinated enough to be consistent in their cancellations; instead, often, they focus their efforts on whatever happens to come to their attention, whether because it's actually important or because people on Twitter happen to have noticed it. (E.g. Doctor Seuss or a few anti-transgender books being cancelled by publishers/retailers when much worse (from a PC point of view) stuff is still freely available.) This means that instead of "canceling everything" they'll just cancel a bunch of the more obtrusive things. This also means that what is cancelled depends to a great degree on what they choose to focus on, which means that things they like or consider useful are less likely to be cancelled (I expect you would say this is a large part of the point).
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A better strategy is to use the same tools they used in their advancement to profit yourself and build fiefdoms. There was a news article recently about a program in Washington state to give money to illegals. Some elder bureaucrat faghags were on a zoom call about it, and they apparently want to "hide" or "destroy" all the paperwork illegals file, and ensure none of it finds it's way to cops, feds, and regulators. The money for this scheme would come from the Washington state tax budget and I assume some would come from the feds and be essentially laundered through Washington state. I use scare quotes for hide and destroy because it's very obvious that 19/20 of the money would go to the bureaucrats, as they could just file it and have it sent to themselves somehow via drop shipping or remailers to temporary private mailboxes rented with fake IDs. My thoughts on the matter: 1. We can make a lot of money from this. 2. We can blackmail a lot of bureaucrats if we catch them in the act. Our foreign friends - of both big nosed and slanty eyed varieties - used this exact thing to get rich, along with seizing property of illegally interned Japanese-Americans. There's no reason we can't do the same, provided we aren't dumb enough to get caught. Blackmail is especially useful because if you trade for services instead of money, you basically get an infinite chain of blackmail services. It's like dropping rocks in a stream to create a path across it, or if you're less poetic an infinitely growing human centipede. It's also obvious that our foreign friends mentioned above are salivating over all the rich farmland owned by those evil white honkies, and all they need is a modern PatCon to seize it, preferably after transitioning all those honkies kids and letting AIDs infested nigger faggots rape all the men. The women will go to work in brothels, where 5'4" jewish and han chinese men with eye-glasses as thick as fractional plates will slapfight each other for the right to cum 2" deep within their pussies after 37 seconds. PatCon stands for Patriot Conspiracy. You should read it, along with "Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh" by Wendy S. Painting. Here's a podcast which gives a once over on the book. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HRBywQdB3AE
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If you're worried that I might get arrested for this, you needn't; I'm registered with the Democratic party, I donated my once yearly $5 to them, and I got my name and gender changed just last month. That's right bigots, I'm now (something similar to) Sally Hernandez - a big, beautiful, 1/32 Latinx transwomyn - and you better not misgender me or leave my feminine SARM-engorged cock unsucked lest you feel the wrath of my feminine power-building regimen. My plan is to relocate to the PNW, set up a squat in an unoccupied Chinese owned luxury condominium, and spend my nights prowling Seattle to find the wettest, hottest puss I can nut inside. Moldbug is right that we're in Hell, but he's wrong that we should spend much effort seeking a way out. It's much more fun to become a demon... just not the one they want you to become. With the proper camouflage - a bit of rouge, a tasteful scarf, tattoos - you can become the hyperpredator they don't expect. They expect open violence, because that's what we've always done. It's the game they want us to play because by playing it we lose by winning. What we haven't done is roguery, sneakery, tricksterism, subterfuge. It worked for them, and not only is it very easy but the cops literally can't prosecute it because if they do, they'll arrest 20 jews for every cracker. If the hell-world gives you demonic lemons, make Argent energy.
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https://m.theepochtimes.com/biden-moving-to-revive-obama-plan-to-federalize-suburban-zoning-regulations\_3772816.html/ You can't flee the diversity, but you can camouflage yourself and exploit it.
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Fuck, there tons of make up work federal contracts for woman owned businesses, you just gave me a lot if food for thought . How hard was it to change your official IDs? I thought they demand proof of physical transition / taking estrogen
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There are no requirements to take hormones anywhere in the USA, and if they are just fucking sue them for discrimination against non-binary people. According to their own beliefs, you can be a woman and not take hormones. All I had to do was google the matter plus the name of my state, fill out some paperwork to change my name and gender (which was a bit of a run around and took a few months, because you have to change your name, then your social security card, and then your driver's license,...), jump through various hoops, and wait. What it takes is research and asking questions. And even if it doesn't, just take a trip to Oregon and rent an apartment in like Springfield or Eugene for a couple months while you claim to be homeless (stay in the mission for a few days to get paperwork claiming you're homeless) to get access to the Oregon Health Plan. They pay for your transition, which includes a consult with a counselor who will diagnose you with gender dysphoria and prescribe meds. Sell the meds to a homeless tranny and never follow up with your counselor. Sure, technically it's fraud, but if you just don't fucking tell anyone about it and are maximally paranoid about your internet usage then there's nothing they can do about it. Fraud is very, very hard to prove. Fuck man, New York City made misgendering a felony, if they give you shit just go full Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage on them and growl, "Did you just assume my gender?" You're resistant to prosecution, WTF are they gonna do about it? You might have to wear a dress once in a while, but showing off your lats shouldn't be an issue for a modern day pirate such as yourself.
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The actual process of changing your gender can be as simple as filing a form, paying a small fee, and waiting up to 6 weeks for it to be processed and arrive in the mail. The other stuff is more involved and comes afterwards, as it involves changing your name and gender on all your various forms of identification. My plan is to buy a slumlord rental property in a shithole city, get a bunch of illegal women living there on section 8, knock them all up while keeping my name of the birth certificates, and then report them to health and human services once they can't make babies any more. My kids will end up in the foster care system, where the half-mexican boys will be turned gay by pedophiles (thereby preventing dilution of white women and ensuring that the gays are too busy with brown kids to molest white kids), and the girls will do as hapa/castillo girls do and exclusively date white guys. Without their kids the illegal women will invariably go insane or kill themselves, ensuring that tax dollars don't go towards their maintenance in old age. I also want to set up something that looks from the outside like a hippy commune, but is actually a fascist compound - American Juche with Crunchy Granola Characteristics, if you want to get technical. All the women will wear sundresses and sandals, all the men will be jacked, and the only thing vaccinated will be the livestock. As long as we say on paper that our kids are all gay or trans, and all the men and women are gay or trans, we should escape notice until it's too late. If the feds try to pull an ATF we'll put the men in sundresses and play music at them until they go away, or do oiled up Greco-Roman wrestling until they get uncomfortable and look away.
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Forgot to add this: HHS basically runs a racket where they kidnap poor people's kids and sell them into adoption. Most of it is to Mormons, with a heaping of libtards and fags looking for a baby to molest. There are a lot of regulations about housing size and other arcane shit if you get on EBT, welfare, section 8 housing, but whether or not it exists and is enforced depends on the state and whether your baby is valuable on the adoption market - if it's white and well-taken care of, in other words. If you kid shows signs of abuse, they'll let you off the hook, but if it's happy and healthy they'll snap it up and sell it to the Mormons. We should also consider infiltrating the Mormon church, both to extract benefits from it, as a shield against libtardia, and if their latent hostility towards Christianity (Mormons are not Christian - Muslims are more Christian than Mormons, you'll find this out if you're forced to live near them and God help you work with them) becomes explicit, to subvert them as they have subverted us. I don't give a single shit about non-white boys, even if I've made them, so I'm okay with this.
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Once in a while a pack of diversifiers show up at hippy communes to berate the hippies, knock up the women, and grift/loot, but as long as you own a backhoe and a shotgun - and there's no cell service - that shouldn't be an issue.
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Can you keep us informed? I'd be very sad if this was just a LARP.
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Left wing terror will only ramp up from here, so I'm going dark in a few days. If you want to know more, read these articles: https://theamericansun.com/2019/10/15/7-ways-to-ride-the-tiger/https://theamericansun.com/2019/11/25/7-more-ways-to-ride-the-tiger/ The comments in reply to this article are instructive: https://theamericansun.com/2021/02/09/the-rights-warrior-monk-problem-a-response-to-david-hines/ The enemy are all rouges/subversives, and the system is adapted to protect and nurture them, and to devour everyone else. Therefore, become a rogue. The three principles from which all roguery flows are: 1. Always consider nth order effects. 2. Never do what your enemy wants you to do. 3. Always do what your enemy doesn't want you to do. If you remember the media's response to the Joker, movie, they desperately tried to meme a spree shooter to attack a screening. They pushed it so hard that cops were actually at all screenings in the USA. Why did they do this? 1st order effect thinker: People who watch the Joker movie are people who commit spree shootings. 2nd order effect thinker: The media believed that people who watch the Joker movie are people who commit spree shootings. 3rd order effect thinker: The media wanted to create a spree shooting by telegraphing as strongly as possible that any suicidal narcissist who does so would be rewarded with infamy and perhaps conjugal visits before execution. The enemy wants us to be self-destructive, impulsive, and driven by emotion. If you watch how jews, sinos, and women behave in public, they are careful to maintain a strident, hectoring tone but everything they say and do consistently furthers their goals. When they are alone or around only other jews and shabbos, they drop the act. Why do they do this? Because they want us to believe that this is why they are powerful. They want us to equate emotional incontinence with power, so we behave in ways that are easy for them to predict, monitor, and control. So what should you do? It depends, of course. If you're in safe, verified, non-degenerate company and away from cell phones and smart devices, then let your hair down and do as you like. If you're squadded up with a crew and you're anonymous, untracable, and away from cameras and easy backup (and there's no way to trace your path back from the cameras) then you can behave like a wignat when confronted by antifa or blm or what have you. However, it is more prudent to lie. Take a knee, shit maybe even kowtow to them, and get them to let their guard down. When it is totally down, then you do what you were originally going to do, or perhaps you get them to open up to you and tell you more about themselves (like where their meetings are). blm and antifa behavior is designed to elicit a response from right wingers that can be used against you. They're not warriors, they're rogues acting as bait, as decoys, so the real warriors (cops, and soon the US Army) can be used against you. They want you to chimp, so they can identify enemies and so they can hurt them. So don't chimp, or at least not right away and not in a way that they can trace back to you or anyone like you. blm and antifa road blocks are essentially military ambush checkpoints. It's a counter-insurgency tactic designed to draw out their enemy, like how in Iraq we'd do roadblocks and grab people's nuts while whispering that we worship shaitan and we're there to rape their wives and daughters so we could have an excuse to detain and hand them over to intelligence for processing and intel extraction. Get your enemy in a vulnerable position (isolated, encircled, outnumbered, unable to retreat or advance, outgunned) in a place where it's cheap and easy to sift lots of enemies out (population centers, transportation hubs), and where your backup (antifa/blm militias, with cops in case things go south) can take them down when they become violent. blm and antifa are paramilitary intelligence units with counter-insurgency training who happen to be unable to use firearms... for now. Sometime this summer or next summer - once the military is sufficiently purged and has been tested in a few dry and moist runs against targets for whom it is easy to justify violence - we'll start to see blm and antifa attacking people and then jumping out of the way so the cops can assassinate them. That's why it's important to delete everything now. Change your phone number - use a different cell phone, service provider, carrier, buy a few months supply of prepaid card. Set aside as much cash and valuables as you can, and hide caches in places that are firepoof and accessible should you be forced from your home. Change your gender and name, become a woman on paper, and start cross dressing. Extract as much wealth as you can, and if you're stopped by antifa/blm militias, literally fucking kowtow to them. Don't worry about pride, you'll get yours and they'll get theirs later, both with compound interest.
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>3rd order effect thinker: The media wanted to create a spree shooting by telegraphing as strongly as possible that any suicidal narcissist who does so would be rewarded with infamy and perhaps conjugal visits before execution. I want to go into greater detail on this, but I can't quite analyze or perhaps articulate all the steps needed to get from 2nd order to 3rd order. You need to understand that: * the job of the media is propaganda, manipulation, and subversion. * the media works only for the ruling class. * the ruling class hates and fears you and people like you. * the ruling class wants to destroy you. * spree shooting is narcissistic suicide and sadistic sexual posturing. * the ruling class and their pawns are willing to do anything to destroy you. * the ruling class and their pawns are too cowardly to act openly. Did I miss anything?
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What we need isn't so much White Sharia, it's White Takkiya. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiya > When the Druze were a minority being persecuted they took the appearance of another religion externally, usually the ruling religion in the area, and for the most part adhered to Muslim customs by this practice. Jews have a similar practice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pikuach\_nefesh Then there's the cryptos - an oddly apt term, given recent financial innovations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Islamhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Judaismhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Christianityhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Calvinismhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-paganismhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Hinduismhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chala\_(Jews)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%B6nmehhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakure\_Kirishitanhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacombs We're all going back to the catacombs, in one way or another.
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Good post. Rather than passive-aggressiveness, I'd say the kurouji is essentially the strategic version of "no pain, no gain" and the Chinese name evokes that sentiment very strongly. You make a deal that is so painful the enemy thinks it can only mean one thing, but to their horror it turns out it's something entirely different. Also, 酈(not 驪)食其 is pronounced Li Yiji. Weird 多音字 situation that only happens once. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%85%88%E9%A3%9F%E5%85%B6
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I'm of the firm opinion that historical weird readings are all wrong.
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Even in a comment below, people want to be part of the Cult of Free. Why does it have to be free? That's why things are the way they are. Pay $10 a month Boomer ... goddam. It's the least you could do while washing your Oldsmobile Delta 88, watching the value of your house in the YT neighborhood skyrocket while your wife BLM virtue signals on IG and FB.
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I interpret this as the gambit. you give something up to gain something.
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Aren't you even a little tempted to join Soldo and Yarvin for those easy Substack bucks while that lasts? Going totally off-grid is self-marginalizing. You're sounding like a scholar-gentleman retiring to jianghu in disgust with the court, but we know deep down they were all really hankering for that recall to Chang'an. Make it easier to throw Empirecash your way you legend
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I ain't doxxing myself to Substack and Stripe. Happy to take your crypto though, king. And Urbit is not off-grid. It's gonna be *the* grid very soon.
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Off topic, but when I search for your blog (miss your twitter feed btw) this link comes up way before spandrell.com http://proxy6002.appspot.com/u?purl=L21vYy5sbGVyZG5hcHMvLzpzcHR0aA%3D%3D%0A which is a seeming clone of the site appspot.com seems to be a google thing, did you create this seeming clone?
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No I didn't. Wtf is that.
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Update your robots.txt to block web crawlers, maybe?
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You only like Urbit because you are a programmer, have an IQ that is like +3 SDs, and have some of the same personality quirks as the people who made it. When I look at Urbit and see combination of functional programming mumbo-jumbo and APL-like mumbo-jumbo... I stop looking.
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Guess you prefer the social justice mumbo-jumbo of Twitter.
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Is he? I was actually surprised when I have heard Spandrell has programmed his own site because I never really thought him a programmer. He never participated in the functional-vs-OO and similar theoretical discussions inside the NRx circles. But not very much surprised, because using a language like PHP or Python is far more linguistics than "engineering" or any other "tech" or "STEM" related stuff. That is why I can do it, too, because I too am a mostly humanities oriented type, but while writing C++ might be "tech" "engineering" or "STEM", writing SQL, these scripting languages or PowerShell is just accurate writing, nothing more. (I mention PowerShell because I have rolled my corporate reporting framework in it, a one-liner function call referencing an SQL Stored Procedure emails the output of such procedure as a nicely formatted Excel file to a manager.)_
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I checked urbit out and to me personally its a no go. The weird af language its using is too esoteric. For the same reason that APL, or K or Forth never took off. You will never find a critical mass of autist hackers willing to hack on it. You may find one or two, but not thousands. And people who can code (like myself) see this, thus never jump in themselves, so its somewhat a self fulfilling prophecy.
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This might be an intentional feature. Paul Graham wrote if you start a project in Common LISP instead of Java, you get higher IQ developers. Back then he could write stuff like that and not get witchburned. So it is a filter. It is likely an intentional filter. It filters me out, too. I hate these stupid runes and reinventing terminology - so typical Yarvin - that a function is now called an arm or something. It is probably not an IQ filter, but a conscientousness filter. I don't have an IQ problem, but I do have a conscientousness problem. I do not do things the old way, investing time into learning. With every new technology, I just learn on the go, googling tutorials and examples and solutions, making it up as I go. I do not invest time into properly understanding things. Maybe Urbit wants to filter this kind of coding out. NRx is elitist thinking. It might be that Urbit wants more elite devs than I am. Which is fine. Although I hope eventually someone will invent a nice human Python like scripting language on top of Hoon for the less elite scripters like I am. That can be learned in this on-the-go way.
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High level languages will happen, but it's still early. Again there's zero need for people to start writing hoon apps at this stage. There's not even a package manager yet.
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"...Although I hope eventually someone will invent a nice human Python like scripting language on top of Hoon for the less elite scripters like I am. That can be learned in this on-the-go way..." Couple things very similar. First is Nim. It can be complied into C, C++, JavaScript. Has macros like LISP. https://nim-lang.org/ And here's something super interesting that never really caught on...yet. Rebol. Speaking of hoon,"...Hoon is a typeless esoteric functional programming language. It compiles to a small lower level typeless functional esoteric language called Nock...". It sure sounds massively like Rebol. I wonder if it's a sort of copy. Rebol was written by Carl Sassenrath who brought multitasking to personal computers in the Amiga. You can download this free, it's only a few megabytes, and it has networking, a GUI, a system for writing Domain Specific Languages(DSL's)[they call it Dialects] and works on damn near any OS platform. The GUI is even a Dialect. Like HTML or pdf that sort of thing but for the GUI. http://www.rebol.com/https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24080254 The next link will show you how to program with it very fast by doing. http://business-programming.com/business\_programming.htmlhttps://www.freetechbooks.com/rebol-programming-for-the-absolute-beginner-t305.html It didn't light the world on fire so Carl stopped work on it and open sourced it. Called R3 with a fork [by a guy named "Hostile Fork" no less] called Ren-C. https://github.com/metaeducation/ren-c At the same time someone started a coding a new Rebol but updated. Red Programming Language. It has the same type system but it has a DSL that is for "C" like systems programming. So it can be interpreted or compiled and you can made DSL's all in the same system. It's goal is a complete Swiss army knife programming tool chain. No it's not done yet but it's being used in production by some companies. Red Programming Language https://www.red-lang.org/p/about.html
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I looked at this Hoon page https://urbit.org/blog/why-hoon/ It's really interesting. Now this is something that Moldbug has done that is good stuff. It's very similar to Rebol and RED but he may have even done one better on them in simplification. Let's hope this takes off.
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How is hoon preventing you from using Urbit as thousands of others? Urbit doesn't need everyone and their mother to write apps for it. The apps will come. On the meantime you just join a group and socialize.
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I'll try to give you a serious reply. 1. It just looks like a hassle, and not even from a money aspect. Just reading the FAQ about what urbit is about was mentally tiring. And the payoff seem uncertain, I have a vague notion if some small frog/NR-adjustent community. But how much more quality that community can offer comparing to not yet banned portion of frog Twitter, yarvin's substack, and some highly active forums that I won't name not to Expose them? 2. The money aspect of needing to buy your own address (planet/moon/etc) just plain stinks of MLM. Sure you did not loaded up on BTC but buy a planet, it will be worth 100x later on. IMHO what you should do is provide some public (read only) bridge into supposedly high IQ urbit community, to hook people up. Where they see interesting stuff posted and itch to participate. Now that seems like obvious idea and I can think of two reasons its not done. One is that its kind of a wasteland, with maybe like a weekly thread with 10 active posters. Second possibility is you got a vibrant community but its /pol/ like, thus exposing it to outside world can get attention. But that also brings into question urbit resiliency. If bringing attention can lead to negative outcome, what guarantees thete won't be negative outcome when it makes ut big?
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weev apparently uses urbit. If we can get a statement from him, I'd trust it.
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I think there's probably a fundamental tradeoff between ease of use or access and dependence on central authorities (this is probably an idea that's been well formalized or at least precisely stated). My suspicion is that nothing properly robust can ever be properly easy though I may be wrong. Maybe one way to put it is that there is no "forgot password" option in the robust world, and that's a kind of convenience many people rely on. Robust systems will become much easier to use of course and there will be somewhat of a renaissance of interest in actually understanding how the things and tools around you work. And it's not like most of us are operating anywhere near the Pareto frontier of the tradeoff. It's unfortunate how things have played out but most people who "own" Bitcoin are incompetent to actually transact in it without a completely central authority even though the protocol is within their grasp if they actually cared. On a more concretely relevant note, there's stuff like twtxt as well.
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I'd like to follow your blog content but your RSS doesn't seem to be working and now that you're off twitter I've got no way to know when you post other than periodically refreshing the page.
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Urbit. Did you read the damn post. That said, https://spandrell.com/rss.xml works fine
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Thank you.
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Spandrell, I’m very curious of your view on the current cultural and economic state of Japan. They have unbelievable potential, in terms of IQ and Capital, however their financial system is obviously shit resulting in high as fuck time preferences. Their birthdates are low and there is hentai and porn all over the place and they continuously spend time inventing new ways to clean their rooms, hold hands, marry fictional characters and literally jerk themselves off while everyone in the west INCLUDING the EthNats stare at awe. I’m unironically developing hatred for that place.
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Plenty to hate. I think it's a spent culture. They tried their thing in WW2, didn't work out. They're as dead as Spengler says we are.
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Speaking of Japan, is the existence and popularity of such content (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Guui7MH\_Cps&ab\_channel=KimonoMom ) a reason to be white-pilled or black-pilled about the future of Japan? Thought you'd enjoy it since it combines popular topics on this blog, such as: women, signalling, traditionalism, Asia and - with a little bit of leeway - demographics. Enlighten me, Spandrell. If nothing else you learn a new recipe for an abomination of an Italian dish lol.
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Nah tradthots are just thots. Trad aesthetics in Japan have always been prized but the cultural trend has been consistently towards deracination.
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Traditionalism and religion are pretty much one and the same signal when it comes to women: "Hey there, invest your time, energy and resources in me and our future children because I will NOT cuckold you since I'm traditional/religious." That goes for any country, not just Japan, and it's the reason why religion and traditionalism flourish in patriarchy and wither away in neoliberalism/feminism. That being said, we've already established that financial incentives don't really move the needle when it comes to birthrates. So the solution needs to be first and foremost ideological with a firm grounding in biology. I really don't know how any woman could see a video like this and not want to have children. The interactions of Moe and Sutan are so genuine and adorable that it simply has to melt away feminist and careerist indoctination in women. And if a woman isn't susceptible to such content her genes are in all likelihood something humankind can miss out on without problem. So I guess it boils down to good marketing and presenting alternative ways of life, something a channel like hers does an excellent job at. So Kimono Mom-Nationalism (Yes, you're not the only one who can coin terms lol) is a viable strategy for Japan and the world. And not to white-knight or anything but the tradthot criticism is a bit harsh. In contrast to Western tradthots she actually has a kid (with someone of her kind) and dresses and behaves very presentable and gracefully. And yes, I would bang indeed.
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Are you ever coming back?
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Back where?
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Will you no longer be posting to this blog?
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oh I will, just a bit busy these days.
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Email me pls: lost previous email, want to get back on TM w/ new acct. See recent comment on another thread for address.
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I was just searching for your username of gettr and did not see anything
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So is the group dead or is my urbit instance just screwed up?
Agreed. I've tried twice now to set it up and I've given up.