On Beff Jezos' physiognomy

Posted by Spandrell on

So many should be familiar with Beff Jezos, of e/acc Twitter fame. The guy was doxxed a while ago and has since come out as some Quantum physicist in Silicon Valley, and he's pretty much the father of the recent e/acc trend.

I like e/acc; I think it's great for Silicon Valley people to grow a spine and tell leftist to cut their crap. The SV tech scene has been the economic of engine of USG for decades now, and it was extremely worrying that politically they were all so slavish to the left. The fuckers are rich, about time they grew a pair.

And yet... and again this is not a condemnation of the movement. I just don't trust the guy. I mean just look at him:

This is a purely physiognomical analysis, but I'm naturally good at that. Runs in the family, and it's done much good over the years. The guy just strikes me as not trustworthy.


He's running some AI startup right now and apparently has raised 15m. He had some sort of announcement this week:


To be perfectly honest I know nothing technically of what he's talking about. So I could be totally wrong about this. But I just can't stop looking at that face and thinking he's full of shit.

Am I wrong?

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  • He has a similar physio to a guy I know who is a good dude, but also fundamentally a grifter / “charismatic leader” .

    I will note that The Big Yud himself also doesn't like this guy

    • I'm not really good at faces unless there are extremes. I cannot make these types of connections, often forget people, and if someone changes their haircut that I don't see often I might think it's a different person. So... maybe I should trust people less, but I wouldn't feel uneasy around this guy from first principles. But automatically trusting quantum physicists of any physiognomy often has not served me well. Now I try not to talk to them except for one guy who I'm pretty sure won't rat me out no matter what I say.

      • Something of a babyfaced hipster type... I feel he would try to be “cool professor”, older guy hanging around student spaces. I believe he believes everything he is saying, but maybe would also opportunistically scumbag me out of my money and then avoid me. In a confrontation I think he would panic, oscillating between extreme fear and over the top anger. Not calm. So I would expect him to have a childlike instability. Would trust and support but with limitations. I think any messing around would be opportunistic on his part
