Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as anglos


There's this stereotype that says that people who apply to join the police force are the kind of people that enjoys having power and using it over others. Power is nice but not everybody is equally driven to it. But some people just love the stuff. To lord over others. Give orders. The right to be nasty. Innate bullies, so to speak. I don't know how accurate that is, but there must be something to it.

Well, take a look at this, hat tip to Handle.


Chalupas Cowen interviews Ben Sasse. I had no clue who this Sasse guy was, but apparently he's a poster child of a well-adjusted American conservative. The uber cuck. Now this is a bit unfair. The guy does seem smart. And he seems like a good person. A healthy, down to earth family man. He's even written a book about education which isn't half bad.

The guy just seems like a very productive person. A german-descendend guy from Nebraska, when he commits to a job he does it well. Extremely well. And...


Sailer quoted Disraeli  (d'Israeli, originally) saying "all is race". I got curious and Googled the guy, and damn.

I don't know if England has lost 15 IQ point on average since that time, as Charlton says. But Parliament speeches have lost even more than that.

Some samples from

Heh. Prince Rupert being famous for being the best general to lose the English Civil War.

Probably true. Not a good thing though.

It did eventually become that anyway, though.

Again, it ...

On Anglo Sexual Mores

So it's summer time, and people are starting to show some skin. It's real hot actually, and I spent the last weekend in a seaside town. And people there were showing a lot of skin. Tank top, tight shorts, you know. Lately it is common for people to complain about the old and ugly women who also wear revealing clothing, which makes most men want to puke. It is really disturbing. But I wanna complain too about the hot young girls in short and tight clothes.

Yeah they are hot as hell and they make m...

Old grudges die hard. But they die.

So it is now common knowledge that the Euro is toast, Greece being already well scheduled to go back to a third world currency. The patronage networks are safe! I wonder how they are going to pay for oil and other imports. Perhaps Greeks will start to work. Stranger things have been seen.

The election of Hollande in France signals a change of the zeitgeist. No more creepy austerity, no more spending cuts. Not that there were any spending cuts at all to start with, but the sole mention of balancin...

The Creative Destruction of Anglo-Saxon culture

Jim tell us how books are being burned all over the Anglosphere. He links to an article on Cracked about some guy who tells how libraries all over hire him to dispose of books, because the library has to make space for new books, doesn't have the money to expand, actually doesn't even have the money to give them away. So the books are burned. They have a business to run, you know.

Oh, come on, you must be thinking, this can't be happening. We are spending trillions in bank bailouts, while public...