Modern Inquisition

Posted by ~fonner-batmul on

Ever since the assassination attempt against Anatolij Sharij (Ukraine's second most popular opposition party leader who lives in exile in Spain), likely ordered by the Ukrainian government according to inside information gathered by underground supporters of Sharij back in the country, and the Spanish police's complete incompetence in investigating leads, maybe on purpose, the former politician has been heavily criticizing European modern culture. Some of this results in pretty funny videos/audio on his private channel.

I thought this one was interesting. The following is a re-tell of Sharij's words:

This is an audio file where he says he understands how the power of crowds has led to things like the Inquisition and how it's still a powerful force today, even in an enlightened Spanish democracy. He says that recently a Netflix movie has come out called 'You are not alone' something or other. It's about a famous 'wolf pack' rape in Pamplona during the bull running festival (you can google it), where apparently group rape of a woman occurred. The film describes this event and there is the woman who comes with her soy guy, who gets tired and goes back in the car to sleep. She goes back to the festival, meets some guys and they agree to go to a hotel to do stuff that mom and dad do, except that mom and dad are married and there is only one dad and one mom. The hotel is full so they go in some alley. The video published from this is just her moans and there is no hint that she does not like anything. However, the wolf's pack makes a mistake when one of them steals her phone and leave her. This is probably what they did wrong. If they had not stolen the phone and did not leave her but bought some beers for her, what happened next may not have happened.

When she realizes her phone is gone she sits crying on a bench, others come up to her and she says she was raped. Police come and a big investigation starts. They find the video and the lawyers say that there is no rape here. Later at court she says that I was kissing one of them and the second one convinced me to go somewhere... It seems like a failed case until a huge crowd of women joins in and starts shouting that it was rape. A lot of public actions start. Since the herd likes to be part of a hard, other cities joined in, including in Berlin and other countries, and the men of these women (who cannot be called proper men), all start shouting 'rape! rape!'. The court cannot find any rape here, but because the street insists on it, they give the men 9 years in prison.

The street erupts because they should have gotten 20 years, because it's rape! This has been decided by the street and the people keep coming out. Even when a month later the raped woman puts a picture on her Instagram of her wearing a shirt saying 'In any situation, just take off your panties', but this is fine because she is a modern woman. But the street, which centuries earlier burned people alive is happy and continues with its campaign. They demand the rapist to be 'burned'. This goes to the Supreme Court of Spain and the rapists get 15 years. Everyone celebrates.

I ask you to watch this bullshit (the Netflix movie), and see how they are all happy. To look at the faces of the people screaming for punishment. You know what's interesting is that in this movie they point out that a murder took place in Pamplona at the same time, and some murders where some girls were kidnapped and tortured and killed. Now compare those stories to what happened. Because I'm sure a lot of women have a friend that was 'raped' in such a way. And many men know such victims as well. In alleyways, and in basements... These women are called whores. A whore is someone who goes voluntarily with five men with no problem to an alley, does everything they want, and then gets upset that she's not the queen of the evening and gets left behind. And then you wonder how an Inquisition happened many hundreds of years ago. It's a genius film really. There is everything in it and I want you to watch it and then share your thoughts on it.

There were other interesting comments on this movie and I'll put them below in the comments.

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  • Sharij later says that since he was big in politics he knows of a lot of cases of basically innocent people sitting in jail with sex being used as the biggest driver in conviction, even when in one case the sex did not happen. Anyways, he talks of an interesting case where a woman and her husband's sister went to a nightclub and she met a 16 year old there and suggested they go back to the car for sex. The friend of the 16 year old found them and asked if he could join and she agreed. Now a bit later the sister was getting worried since her sister in law was gone and went to look for them. She found the car and the woman immediately starts screaming 'rape!'. Police are called and they come and... there are no marches of solidarity or anything like that, because this happened in Ukraine and it took 10 minutes for the police to figure out despite all protestations, that there was no rape and they told the 16 year olds that they can go home and nothing will happen. However, it turned out that the woman and her husband were powerful enough to demand money from the families of the 16 year olds or they would end up in court. The families decided not to risk it and gave 10K for each kid. Basically a successful whoring operation by the husband that can continue in the future.

    • More from Sharij:

      “And now let me tell me where this leads in politics. Me and my wife where driving in the car while listening to the biggest crime of the century in the country. The women's volleyball team won a tournament and the trainer, full of emotions, kissed a player. This was the biggest crime of the century and there was a big outcry and the last I heard, the trainer is facing eight years in jail. And now let me tell you where this leads for a society. You get a bunch of womanized men who cry ”Meh meh... my emotions! and so forth.“ Men who have an atrophied sense of manliness because they are afraid to look at women. Back in our countries we have the opposite problem of bydlo who are whistling at women, France may be alright because they have a culture of looking at women and appreciating them and I look at pretty women too, pretty buildings, etc..., but there they don't look at women. ”Machismo is the biggest problem of the century!" They beat and silence men so much that you see in the end people who have 'warm discussions with their own sex'. I haven't seen such a number of people having 'warm relations with their own sex' anywhere else. And this is where this type of politics leads. I'm completely convinced of this. They are afraid to talk to woman. Some women look accordingly of course, in modern Europe and some you look at and you want to puke. Feminism doesn't mean you stink and look dirty. This leads to men not being men due to them being indocrinated and scared from an early age.

      • Finally Sharij offers some advice for young men who find themselves in a rape situation:

        “When I was young (in Kiev), my friend told me of a story that happened with his cousin. Same type of 'rape' situation one on one where after it was over the woman asked the guy to walk her home and he told her no. She said she will call the cops and tell them that she was raped. He told her to fuck off. She did call the cops. The cops took him in and he died of a heart attack. Of course it was obvious that they hit him and he fell in a bad way, or he mouthed off the cops and maybe a cop hit him too hard. He was 19 when he died. This is the most dangerous moment so you should always walk the girl home and buy her a beer. So this actually brings me back to the movie, because the rapists also got another conviction because they found a horrible video where a passed out woman is in their car and one of them puts a hand on her breast. Despite the woman being found and not remembering what happened, and declaring that she is a 'rebel', where rebel means you drive around with four guys and screw them, and are a rebel against the world... They found her based on her dress and she was drinking with them and couldn't remember what happened. So as not to have a second big court case, they just decided to give all those guys another 14 years in jail. When I was young in Kiev I knew plenty of such 'rebels'. They rebel so much that if all of them wrote police reports... everyone would be in jail.”

        • Surprisingly red-pilled. I don't follow Sharij and just assumed he was himself rather soy. Reading through his English-language Wikipedia page, though, he seems to have been initially based on the Fag Question, only to back down under GAE pressure. Sad.

      • Okay, a day late with my promise of transcription about the thoughts of the Ukr opposition leader Sharij on current sexual mores and satanic Euro cults, but better late than never I suppose. Here's a loose transcription.

        "Okay, now here is a story about something I promised a long time ago about a certain lobby. Let me get some tea ready, if no one is against that, and pretend it's just a radio play. The housekeeper just left and I'm preparing tea. Or maybe I should just drink juice... Juice is good for you so I'll pour some into the glass. Okay, now I'm going to drink healthy tomato juice. Look friend, a certain situation happened in a commune Outrou in France. There are many such communes in Europe is you travel a certain distance from Madrid, you might see a city that looks like Zhitomir, but from the 90s. There are weird people walking around in costumes and black shoes, and sometimes in white robes. Anyways, a normal commune like that with people walking around. And the following situation happened where a dad and mom sexually assaulted their children, for a long time. Terrible situation. And the small kids (4-5 years) instead of cartoons watched porno all day long. And I don't know how this worked out, but this so called Netflix, also made a movie about that. And I recommend that you watch that movie, where the kids say that their neighbors came to rape them, and to have sex with their parents at the same time. And there was a priest that came in, and a lawyer that came in and sexually assaulted them. And the kids said a lot about that. Also the kids said they were taken to Belgium and they were assaulted there at a farm, and there were animals there, anyways pretty hardcore stuff. And one of the kids clearly described how the rug looked inside the house of the lawyer where some of the rapes took place, and another described the pornographer who made films. The guy turned out to be a son and dad family porno operation. So the kid says clearly that so and so was involved in the rape and they also raped a small girl there and killed her, and I helped bury her. Can you imagine that?

        Anyways they all get caught by police, the parents... and the neighbors admit it all right away. 'Yeah, we came and we had sex with them, and then we raped their children'. So they admit it, but no one else does. And then the Netflix series starts hinting that the kids invented it all. But psychologists who worked with the kids say that this is impossible and that this stuff cannot be made up by a child. But Netflix suggests very strongly that the kids made it all up. And that means that those who admitted it are guilty, but the ones who did not, are not guilty. And this is difficult to keep in mind with the direct scenes and details described by the kids, but Netflix leads on to say that you shouldn't always trust children. And eventually, the lawyer who was in the story and is the lawyer for the defendants, becomes the minister of justice in France (currently), and the rest of the figures in the film also have good careers. The accused eventually go free, except for the ones who confessed, because they are guilty. The priest is whitewashed, since he is just a good guy. He came into the house but he didn't see anything. The kids were apparently raped/assaulted in all various ways, porno is always is turned on, but he always went into the house with his face turned up in prayer, so he didn't see anything.

        So at the end, what do we get friend? The kids made up everything and no one is guilty, and the body of the girl was not found so the kids made up everything since if there is no body, there is no girl. People are not guilty and only the kids are guilty and it kind of ends that way. You know what I think? I think that there is some strong lobby, wait I forgot that the parents got some jail sentences, maybe six or seven years and now they are free (transcriptor's note: it was 15 and 20 but it turned out six and seven because they were released early), and the neighbors got 1.5 years. Look, I think there is some strict lobby and companies like Netflix serve this lobby. You don't think like this? I encourage you to take a look at this story: Outreau (transcriptor's note:

        • Sharij must be annoyed that the SBU didn't knock him off and is hoping to get some attention from Western security agencies.

          The strange thing is that they keep dredging this up rather than sending it down the memory hole, as if they like rubbing it in. There was another big scandal in Belgium, in which corruption at relatively high levels was suspected:

          • I never heard about these cases before this, I think. Or at least not in great enough detail to remember them. Maybe just a throw-away news item. The Belgium case appears different because the guilty were really punished I guess, and society got behind the punishment.

            • Plus in the Belgian case there were actual bodies found. In Pamplona though, there was a murder that happened at the same time, but everyone seems to have forgotten about it. I suppose it was prosecuted or whatever, but the other two cases they twisted to accuse the 'rapists' with public help and in the second there is a hint of the children's testimony being unreliable. The only constant I suppose is the power of crowds to force political decisions. In France they sort of neutralized it over time since the lawyer who was probably involved in the rapes became the justice minister.

        • this case is way more weird, as involving several people and no condamnation : (unfortunately, it's only available in french)
