Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as Cold War 2

Cold War 2 Propaganda

So it seems that hostility to China is now official American policy. Redgov, i.e. the Military Industrial Complex has been pushing it for quite a while, and for good reason: they want war, or at least a plausible threat of war so they can get bigger budgets and waste more money so they can embezzle their cut and invest it in things like Theranos. That's their job. And it happens that the narrow pecuniary interests of the Military Industrial Complex now fit very well with the electoral interests ...

Hong Kong and the Perils of Nativism

There's an old saying, that Paris would be lovely without the Parisians. I don't actually agree with that. They can be a bit arrogant, sure, but on the whole I find Parisian men quite civil and Parisian women classy and sexy. So I hope they stay.

There is one place though where that saying absolutely fits. Hong Kong. HK is a very cool city. It is a first world city built on a landscape of high tropical mountains, and you can see how the force of modern industry has made humans conquer the environ...

China doesn't care about your opinion

Well, the news is out: Xi Jinping has become dictator of China for life. He's the new Mao, a totalitarian ogre who will destroy human rights across the world.

Or so would the Western media have it. But that's why you're here reading my blog, of course, because you want a better take. Well this is mine.

What just happened? Well, the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, the de-jure highest power of the land, made by 205 members, has proposed a series ...

Fighting the bad fight

The United States is the world empire since, at least, 1991. There's no question about that. This hegemony has started to crumble in recent years. First, China refused to surrender to the Western-supported students in Tiananmen square, in 1989. Then Russia fell, some thought for good, but since 1999 Putin rebuilt the Russian state and its sovereignty, leading to very tense relations with USG. China also waivered between accommodation to the USG led order, signing all those UN human rights treati...

Choose your side

And people ask me why I cheer for China being a great power who can stand against the US.

ETA: I see that the poster isn't translated in the fake news peace, so I'll do it here.

Well said. Why indeed? Who the hell enjoys working?

Not that China is putting all the weight of the state behind traditional marriage. Plenty of feminism out there, both in private and public areas. But it's getting better. And the more evil baizuo like John Pomfret sig...

Nuclear Proliferation

Just when I finished my last post saying that the US dominion over the Western Pacific will soon be over, and asked "what then..."

Comes North Korea and shoots an (alleged) hydrogen bomb. The world is startled. No, it's the world is amazed. It's jizzing on its pants. I can't say I appreciate Kim Jong Un's sense of aesthetics, but man, this guy understand strategy.


As usual, everybody is pointing at China. Please do something! You're feeding these guys!

And what says China?

US Empire Decline Watch

I don't know if Duterte is serious; but if he does push away every single US military facility from the Philippines, that's basically giving China the South China sea. All of it. Who would've thought that, 5 years ago?

Next step is finding some South Korean Duterte who expels all US troops from the Asian mainland. That should happen in less than 10 years, if China has any power at all. Japan would be trickier, but Okinawa is not that much of a threat. At any ra...

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo is dead. Who the hell is Liu Xiaobo?

A pyschopathic status maximizer from Northeast China. Or may I say a high-IQ status-greedy sociopath. Or a shameless self-promoter taking money from USG to undermine his own nation?

Or in one word: an activist. Liu Xiaobo was a student activist from the 1980s. The 1980s were a very delicate time in China. Mao was dead. Deng Xiaoping had opened up the country. The old order was shattered; and when a country is in disorder, the status-hunters smell wea...

One Belt One Road

So the Chinese government just had a huge party in Beijing, attended by 100 or so heads of government, where they announced the launching of the One Belt One Road initiative. They even had cute videos in English like this.

But still, nobody has any idea what this is all about. And the reason is that Chinese public PR is utterly retarded. It just doesn't work. China's government has absolutely no way of reaching the hearts and minds of white people.

Part o...