What's the deal with the Rohingyas


Myanmar opened up to the West, agreed to "democratize", and release Aung San Suu Kyi, in 2011. I blogged about it back then. The rationale between the military junta dissolving itself was that China was eating up the whole economy. 100,000 Chinese have basically colonized downtown Mandalay, so the idea was to play USG against China. Which is a pretty good idea. Kim Jong Un is playing the very same game right now. Duterte in the Philippines kinda is too. This will be basically geopolitics 101 in Asia from now on.

Westerners of course didn't see it like that. They thought this was a great victory for Human Rights and Progress. Soros set up shop, and every American businessmen with spare change was in Yangon the very next weekend. Myanmar, The Last Frontier they called it. Plutocrats starved for yield were watering their mouths watching a new virgin country with actual possibilities of growth, i.e. with a native population with an 80+ IQ.

So what happened? Not much happened. And not much is happening right now. The generals didn't really go away. And the democratic government isn't quite sold on the idea of selling out the country to Cathedral-aligned plutocrats. Doing business in Myanmar is still a nightmare, and very few palefaces have managed to make a buck out of their country. So what did USG do?

The usual trick, run a divide-and-conquer worldwide media campaign. And this one was extra easy, because USG didn't even have to pay for it. Myanmar has a problem with Muslims in Rakhine state. Why? Well there's plenty of theories about it. Foreign jihadis infiltrating the community and attacking the Burmese army and stuff. But even if that isn't true, which I guess it likely is true; there's still plenty of reasons to dislike the Rohingya.


The thing is these guys are Muslims, and Muslims abroad got money. Gulf money has pretty much bought half of London, a big chunk of Paris, half the American congress, and I believe a very big chunk of worldwide media. You don't need to watch Al Jazeera anymore, it's the same stuff in our own Westerns tations. There's a reason why they won't shut up about Syria. There's a reason why "Islamophobia" is a word. It started as marketing copy by CAIR. Surely somebody is greasing CNN and the wider fake news media. Some little example.


Muslims have money, and they like their signaling too. Muslim governments all across the world are rushing on, climbing on top of each other in order to be the one who is more vocal in defending gaymarriage the Rohingya and denouncing those evil white supremacists Buddhist supremacists in Rakhine. Erdogan is putting big money on the proejct. Politicians, even local mayors in Malaysia and Indonesia are wasting their time talking about the plight of the Rohingya.

So USG is playing along, letting the latest Muslim signaling spiral work for their own objectives. It seems to me this is a long term plan of them. They certainly make good use of Chinas crackdown of militant Islam in Xinjiang in order to make China look bad. Fortunately Myanmar seems to understand what's going on, and it's not apologizing. Even the yesteryear London socialite Suu Kyi, in exquisite RP of course, masterfully dodged the question and announced to the whole International Community (i.e. Bluegov and its vassals) that the Burmese government has done nothing wrong. Well done.


The 400,000 or whatever Rohingya who have fled will be able to return to their homes (what's left of them) after a "verification process". And you know, that stuff takes time. Wow, tons of paperwork. And Burmese bureaucrats don't work long hours. Buddha no like that. So there you go. They can remain in Bangladesh to keep churning their 10 babies per woman.

Meanwhile Koreans and Japanese do get to make money in Myanmar. Why? Maybe because they're Redgov vassals. A different empire for all that matters.

What’s the deal with the Rohingyas | @the_arv

[] What’s the deal with the Rohingyas []

Johan Schmidt

I remember when the cause célèbre for Western Goodthinkers was the Karen people. Apparently they made it into the 2008 Rambo film, and they certainly showed up in Top Gear. Hopefully there's some scope for redpilling people over how this entire campaign essentially popped up overnight.

Inquiring Mind

Spandrell: You shall tell me if I don't understand you here, but. Why would Daesh/ISIS/ISIL/Whatever chop the heads of Western aid workers? The aid workers are helping their people, what gives? I think you explain it here. Why did Mao make relief of poverty and hardship and natural disasters the exclusive responsibility of the State why did China not allow any private charitable organizations until very recently? I think you explain that too. Please tell me if I have your explanation wrong, because this is a very serious point you are making about "how the world works." Thanks!


Man, how can I learn to speak like that?

What’s the deal with the Rohingyas | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

Contaminated NEET

What's the deal with the Rohingyas? They're saint-like victims being brutally murdered and oppressed because the primitive and easily-misled majority has been whipped into a killing frenzy by wicked hate-mongering Buddhist monks, proving once and for all that all religions are violent and evil, not just Islam, you bigot! Well, I mean, Islam isn't actually violent and evil, some people just misunderstand how beautiful and peaceful it is, but you get the picture.


Here is India's Modi condemning attacks on Burmese security personnel by "militants". Which militants? Well, he would not elaborate. We all know it is the Rohingya, but he would not elaborate. No one asked him to elaborate either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga76EAYPWSI&t=305s I think Modi an enemy of the Cathedral, but he is flying under the Radar. The cathedral is too occupied at the moment with Putin, Trump, Syria, Rohingya and Duterte to notice this guy.

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Contaminated NEET

To Summarize 1. Muslim group kills Non-muslims shouting Allahu-Akbar: Nothing to do with Islam 2, Yoga helps people's health and ;longevity: Nothing to do with Hinduism 3. Rohingya militants in Rakhine state killing Buddhists: *Crickets* 4. Burmese monk Ashin Wirathu leads Buddhist fightback against Islam: Buddhist Bin-Laden

Contaminated NEET
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Yes, exactly. The Western press has been salivating for this narrative for two decades: a story of religious violence where, not only are Muslims not the perpetrators, but they are the victims! The actual situation might be nuanced, complex, and ugly, with plenty of blame on the Muslim side, but we can't let that get in the way of a very important lesson that the whole world must learn: Islam is not more violent nor more oppressive than any other religion, and anyone who thinks otherwise is not only hateful, but also ignorant. Let every screen, speaker, and newspaper blast out a simple, black-and-white morality play of genocidal Buddhists and innocent Muslims until this vital lesson is stamped on every human brain.

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Are you guys excited about the Japanese high speed train?

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Inquiring Mind

Any organization is a political entity. Especially if it's not about profit. What is it about then?

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Should we be excited?

Xiahou Dun

I consider bamar people to be east Asian with a bit of south Asian admixture. I think their IQ should be closer to 90 , which is better then most of south east Asia about on par with Vietnam.

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Not you.

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Xiahou Dun

Yeah, that sounds about right. I've been there and I did feel the locals looked a little bit smarter than an average Thai, but not as smart as an average Viet.


"Meanwhile Koreans and Japanese do get to make money in Myanmar." I doubt that the Koreans or the Japanese would be able to do much about it if, in the future, the Burmese need to kick out their expats. Americans would be a different story and, whatever the long-term prospects of this relationship, kicking out Europeans would be a hell of a lot more likely to get the US to intervene on behalf of a third party than a bunch of other Asia

Xiahou Dun
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The viets are dai who speak a different language though. http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/8020624/1/ Modern Thai are a dai who assimilated the mon khmmer population. I think the lowest IQ in island south east Asia would be the khmmers, which explains why Cambodia is still quite dysfunctional despite a lot of foreign aid.

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Xiahou Dun

Yes, they're also darker and more australoid looking. Viets must have a lot of Chinese admixture, more than the Dai, and way more than the Bamar.

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Contaminated NEET

The actual situation is not nuanced. It is very Black and White like "almost" every other conflict involving Muslims in the modern age. But it is Black and white in exactly the opposite manner has potrayed by the Islamo-progressive media. The nuance only comes up when discussing Muslim Perfidy. The fact that they are perfidious to start with is very cut and dried. Here is a simple timeline 1. Brits Conquer Burma 2. Brits facilitate massive migration of Bengali Muslims to Burma. These are the forbears to modern day Rohingya. Burmese watch helplessly 3. World war 2 arrives. Brits arm the Rohingya but not the Buddhists. 4. Rohingya promptly use arms to rape Buddhist women and kill Buddhist men which has always been the case when Muslims are armed and Kaffirs are not 5. World war 2 comes to an end, the Rohingya Parley with Mohammad Ali Jinnah of Pakistan to detach Rakhine from Burma and merge it with East Pakistan (Modern day Bangaldesh) 6. Present day: Encouraged by Wahhabi money and Saudi backers, Rohingya once again start killing Buddhists and raping their women 7. This time, the Buddhists have had enough. They Fightback 8. Islamo-Progressive media paints aggressive Rohingya as victims and Defensive Buddhists are Bin-Ladens and Genocidal maniacs. This video is somethine you will never see from the Islamo-Progressive media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxgxxVsvymM

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Those with Hindu-nationalist sympathies are definitely very excited. But they are more excited about the fact that India is moving closer to Japan rather than the simple issue of the High speed trains. They see Japan as a civilizational partner, a nation of Warriors embodying the Kshatriya (Samurai) Spirit and have been agitating for this sort of relation ship with Japan since the late 1800s. This is what excites them. Leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tikak (whom Gandhi unseated from Congress leadership with British connivance), Rash Behari Bose, Subhas Chandra Bose have always advocated that India ally itself with Japan. A Hindu Nationalist judge called Radha Binod Pal sat in the Tokyo Tribunal ( a mistake by the Cathedral to appoint him) and declared Japanese General not guilty of war crimes. For his trouble, there is a memorial to him in Yasukuni Shrine and his verdict is used by Japanese Right wing groups to press their demands for Japanese re-armament Now that a Hindu-nationalist government is in charge of India for the first time, this is finally happening. Let me display two videos released by the Indian ministry of External/Foreign Affairs to give you an example of how Hindu nationalists see Japan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WaenzbSJwkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff95twceJR4&t=724s Finally, a close Japanese associate of Subhas Chandra Bose of the Indian National Army, saichiro Misumi by name, was awarded the Padma Bhushan which is the highest award they can award a non-citizen. Already Hindu-nationalists are demanding that he be offered the Bharat Ratna which is the highest Civilian honor India bestows, but only on citizens. They are demanding an exception in his case. The Ministry of External affairs has released this video document on Saichiro Misumi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou6BnPqLlPE&t=131s As for the high speed trains by themselves, not too many people are thinking about them or talking about them apart from some eggheads who are for or against it for one reason or the other. The nationalists signal love for the trains and the progressives signal their hate. The bigger picture for thinking nationalists (as opposed to those who merely signal) is that India and Japan are moving closer, will continue to move closer, will possibly become military allies with a security pact to come to each other's aid in case of Chinese aggression on either territory.