US Empire Decline Watch


I don't know if Duterte is serious; but if he does push away every single US military facility from the Philippines, that's basically giving China the South China sea. All of it. Who would've thought that, 5 years ago?

Next step is finding some South Korean Duterte who expels all US troops from the Asian mainland. That should happen in less than 10 years, if China has any power at all. Japan would be trickier, but Okinawa is not that much of a threat. At any rate, the USG is going to lose its dominion of the Western Pacific very fast. And once that's over...

US Empire Decline Watch | @the_arv

[] US Empire Decline Watch []


China could remove Kim and create a Manchukuo type puppet state that makes nice with a renewed SK Sunshine Policy push. What would keep the 30,000 US troops there if the Kimless Norks make nice with ROK?

Rod Horner

Should be an interesting litmus test for the underlying loyalties of the neolib cabal. I strongly suspect most are bought into China as center of the new geopolitical paradigm; however, zionists might waffle with China seeing Iran as keystone to their neo silk road.

August Hurtel

It has been suggested that he was China's guy all along. Maybe you said it. I thought I had written about Duterte (and linked to whoever it was) but I can't find it now.

US Empire Decline Watch | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

Tomas Nau
Replying to:
Rod Horner

Given how Iran hates the saudis too, not that hard to see Israel's leadership deciding to work with them. Of course, given the current trend towards neocon/jihadi/saudi alignment this just gets you Israel AT BEST getting on USG's shitlist, assuming it doesn't join Iraq and Libya as another secular regime bombed flat by USG then replaced by islamists.

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August Hurtel

He was obviously China's guy all along, wasn't a big secret.


Oh please. China won't take over in 10 years. I'm not defending the U.S. empire either, no one wants to see the U.S. reign in the military more than me but this is ridiculous.

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In Korea? Of course they will.


Let's see what will happen. There is often a gap between talking and doing, especially if a ruler does the talking. But talking is often the first step of change, so this indeed suggests US empire decline.

Contaminated NEET
Replying to:
Tomas Nau

Israel on USG's shitlist? Not until the last boomer evangelical is dead, and Hollywood is nationalized.

bob sykes

He has his own deep state to contend with, which includes his generals. None-the-less, a rising China and a declining America will force the locals to reconsider their alliances.

Rod Horner
Replying to:
Tomas Nau

Word salad hasbara. You need better talking points for reactionary goyim.

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Tomas Nau
Replying to:
Contaminated NEET

They'd be able to spin it easily with the right billion-dollar campaign. You underestimate boomer gullibility.

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But if they do it won't be because of China's Fu Manchu machinations but rather S Koreans' anti-American Cathedral brainwashing. It might be in its late stages but it's still the American century. (And I'm not quite convinced the next one's Chinese, either).

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China threatening to starve South Korea's business over there must surely exert some influence. China won't be the world hegemon; they're not universalist. But they do want real independence and that requires them to dominate their "near abroad", as the Russians put it.

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That was the intention of KJU's uncle according to Nork watchers, didn't work out for him. :)

Baruch Kogan (@BaruchKogan)

>And once that’s over… ...yes? What then?