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One of the weirdest things in history was Byzantine iconoclasm in the 8th and 9th centuries. The Byzantine imperial house decreed that all pictures and portraits in Orthodox churches were to be destroyed. Not that I'm a fan of the art style of Eastern icons (I find it kinda gloomy and too flat), but that was a waste of perfectly fine artwork. The usual explanation is that the Emperor thought that Islam was strong due to its ascetic religion, and that Byzantines were losing the war because the wasted too much time and effort into drawing lame portraits. Whatever the reason, the Byzantines had adopted an important trait of Islamic culture without surrendering. "Aerial influence", as linguists call it, made the trick.

Another example is the Taoist and Shinto religions. People talk of Taoism in China and Shinto in Japan as if they were ancient religions, with temples, and priests, and the whole package. But that's bunk. When Buddhism came into East Asia, it brought temples, monks, books, influence peddling with rich and powerful, a very strong institutional package. Taoists and Shintoists just copied the whole thing, including the architecture of the temples, and much of its vocabulary. It's like if some neopagans built Gothic Churches, and run weekly rituals where people were fed bread by a professional priest, after giving a homily on the state of the world.

Anyway, I was saying that maybe we should accept Islam, in order to bring some much needed social conservatism into European mores. But we don't need mass conversion, Submission style. The sheer physical danger of having hostile barbarians around, and the refusal of the state to stop them, might bring women back home, make them require and seek the protection of their men, and make them have children so they can have someone to physically protect them after old age.

Just have some strategically placed White Muslims pushing a Salafist agenda so that the curse of affluence disappears. Imagine if Muslims in Europe were able to push the government into pushing women out of the workforce, or at the very least out of male workplaces. Just like that you solved the Two-Income Trap. All we need is to be a bit more tolerant. To stop protesting in the streets, to stop fighting the fight we cannot win, and focus in what's really important: in going on with our lives, protecting our families and our friends.

Influence | Neoreactive

[] Influence []

Count Dracula

"The sheer physical danger of having hostile barbarians around, and the refusal of the state to stop them, might bring women back home, make them require and seek the protection of their men, and make them have children so they can have someone to physically protect them after old age." They will seek the protection of the barbarians instead.

Replying to:
Count Dracula

Barbarians don't wanna marry them, they wanna rape and dump, kill if convenient. Barbarian families are also extremely annoying. Outmarriage rates are very low for a reason.

Johnny Bits

> All we need is to be a bit more tolerant. To stop protesting in the streets, to stop fighting the fight we cannot win, and focus in what’s really important: in going on with our lives, protecting our families and our friends. I've been mulling over the thought recently that NRx, alt right, etc. are primarily driven by high IQ males who've been, for whatever reason, excluded from fully participating in civilization. It's a group that is intellectually under-stimulated, with cause to hate and disrupt the power structure. It's better all around if this valuable human capital gets put to good use, rather than LARPing a revolution that can never succeed.

Influence | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

A.B Prosper
Replying to:
Johnny Bits

A putative revolution is quite capable of succeeding, especially since the Cathedral isn't getting stronger but weaker. It won't be in the US right way though but Europe. It can take a decade or so but its already underway and moving fast. The Breitbart story shows what happens. the girls band up than more masculine men seeing girls who want them, band up Also its not a numbers game, the weapons of the future aren't mobs and guns or raw numbers but the ugly ones, privation ,plague and famine. To win, you make sure you are yours eat and the other guys doesn't. 4 billion (more than half of humanity) already faces food and water issues . The only reason to work hard now is to avoid this, respecting immigrants back home is kinder and kills less of your own in the long run. Also Islam is weak, can't even manage to get low IQ Arabs on the same page. Its a poisonous waste of time and like any form of insanity, importing it into the West is repeating the same thing and expecting different results. The era of free capital to control the masses through Abrahamic religion is ending and not a moment too soon. We will find another motivating force anyway, nationalism, Christianity, racialism

R7 Rocket
Replying to:
A.B Prosper The Cathedral isn't invincible, thanks to Russia.


Instead of trying to persuade a majority of whites--and unhooking American Christians from the Matrix (no time!)--I suggest gathering a handful of the finest genetic specimens (sperm, not humans) from all over and building an off the grid society in the middle of nowhere (there are still places that don't get good coverage by satellites). Engage in rapid eugenics using CRISPR and embryo selection. You'd only have to persuade a handful of billionaires to fund this project (I can think of at least two who would give a persuasive person at least a hearing). An upward-, outward-looking religion of 'we shall become gods' -- or one of such extreme superintendence to know the mind of God ought to be enough of a religion. Once a significant edge is established over the rest of humans, infiltrate and dominate, saving whomever is left, if any. A lot of problems disappear as you get really, really smart, so there's little need to flesh out the exact details as the program progresses.

Replying to:

Call me back once you've persuaded the billionaires, and I'll move my family at a moment's notice.

With the thoughts you'd be thinkin

What do you think of Bahaism, Spandrell? A sect that originated in Iran and is in my opinion what the closest representation of what a westernised Islam would be in reality, basically slightly more traditionalist unitarians. Perhaps a more conservative interpretation would fit your proposal?á'í\_Faith

Replying to:
With the thoughts you'd be thinkin

Always found it a bit too hippy. With more whites it would quickly evolve into transexual toilet activism.

Seth Long

I'm surprised that Mr. Land hasn't chastised this post publicly. The Islamic memeplex, adopted widely by American and European society, may seriously threaten technological accumulation. Tradition, yes, patriarchy, sure, kick out the foreigners, maybe . . . but an Islamic West is never going to Mars. Of course, during the Islamic Golden Age, adopting Islamic ideas (well, really, Persian ideas) was a net benefit to the West, but the Islam of today is very different from the Islam of al-Khwarizmi.

This Week in Reaction (2016/02/14) – The Reactivity Place

[] has some Data on Muslim fertility rates in Europe. He continues to like Islam for its ability to solve actual social problems. I wouldn’t deny this. But I don’t think Islam solves []