The Social Module


It's common now among scientists of the brain to propose that the brain is made out of separate modules, which receive input, process it, and produce an output, often in the form of behavior. If you've read any Haidt or Pinker you know what I'm talking about.

Letting aside the question of whether the brain actually works like that, even if we understand the idea of "module" as metaphorical, it does seem to be a productive framework.

Imagine that human beings all have a number floating above their heads. Like the HP floats above a character on a RPG or a strategy videogame. Let's say it's a three-figure number. That's your Status Points. It's more of an ordinal system; 001 means you're awesome, 999 means you're some omega piece of shit.

Now, we can't actually see that number (maybe we could in the lost ancient Golden Age of Magic); but we have a pretty good feeling for it. For all purposes a big chunk of a brain is dedicated to perceiving this number in oneself and in others. Some people are better, some are worse, there's a bell curve of SP perception. But all humans are pretty good at that.

The number isn't quite fixed. It hovers around a certain range, depending on the social circle you are at on a given moment. We all know people who are alpha at work and beta at home, people who are bullied at school but high status with a different group of friends. The SP number hovering around your head changes in these circumstances, and everybody else is able to perceive it, and act upon that knowledge.

Now one could propose that the basic principle of human behavior is to raise the SP number. Sure there's survival and reproduction. Most people would forget all their socialization if left hungry and thirsty for days in the jungle. But more often than not, survival and reproduction depend on being high status; having a good name among your peers is the best way to get food, housing and hot mates.

The way to raise one's SP number depends on thousands of different factors. We could grab most of them and call them "culture". In China having 20 teenage mistresses as an old man raises your SP; in Western polite society it is social death. In the West making a fuss about disobeying one's parents raises your SP, everywhere else it lowers it a great deal. People know that; which is why bureaucrats in China go to great lengths to acquire a stash of young women (who they seldom have time to actually enjoy), while teenagers in the West go to great lengths to be annoying to their parents for no good reason.

There are other modules in the brain; one allows you to see, another to hear, another to recognize faces, another to find your way home, another to make accurate predictions about reality. All of those are useful, which is why we evolved them in the first place. Brain tissue is expensive. But the SP optimization module likely has higher priority. It is nice to see; but blind people can make a living. It's important to recognize faces; but face blind people can make a living. Being unable to appraise one's status and try to improve, however, leads to likely social death, and human groups being what they are, social death leads with almost complete certainty to bullying, scapegoating, and eventual death. In the best of cases you are ostracized and sent to starve or be eaten by wild animals in the forest.

It thus shouldn't surprise us that something as completely absurd as Progressivism is the law of the land in most of the world today, even though it denies obvious reality. It is not the case that most people know that progressive points are all bogus, but obey because of fear or cowardice. No, an average human brain has much more neurons being used to scan the social climate and see how SP are allotted, than neurons being used to analyze patterns in reality to ascertain the truth. Surely your brain does care a great deal about truth in some very narrow areas of concern to you. Remember Conquest's first law: Everybody is Conservative about what he knows best. You have to know the truth about what you do, if you are to do it effectively.

But you don't really care about truth anywhere else. And why would you? It takes time and effort you can't really spare, and it's not really necessary. As long as you have some area of specialization where you can make a living, all the rest you must do to achieve survival and reproduction is to raise your SP so you don't get killed and your guts sacrificed to the mountain spirits.

SP theory (I accept suggestions for a better name) can also explains the behavior of leftists. Many conservatives of a medium level of enlightenment point out the paradox that leftists historically have held completely different ideas. Leftism used to be about the livelihood of industrial workers, now they agitate about the environment, or feminism, or foreigners. Some people would say that's just historical change, or pull a No True Scotsman about this or that group not being really leftists. But that's transparent bullshit; very often we see a single person shifting from agitating about Communism and worker rights, to agitate about global warming or rape culture.

Most people, including leftists themselves, perceive those different movements with completely unrelated ideas to be the same thing, i.e. "leftism". There's good reason for that; this feeling is not the output of a logic module; it's the output of our SP module. We unconsciously classify people according to their character. "Character" is what we call consistent patterns of behavior. A large, if not the largest part of human behavior is SP maximization. It follows that what we call "leftism" is a particular strategy of SP maximization, used by a proportion of the population in all countries and cultures.

The leftist strategy could be defined as "psychopathic SP maximization". Leftists attempt to destroy social equilibrium so that they can raise their SP number. If humans are, in a sense, programmed to constantly raise their status, well high status people by definition can't raise it anymore (though they can squabble against each other for marginal gains), their best strategy is to freeze society in place so that they can enjoy their superiority. High status people by definition have power, and thus social hierarchy during human history tends to be quite stable.

This goes against the interests of many. First of all the lower status people, who, well, want to raise their status, but can't manage to do so. And it also goes against the interests of the particularly annoying members of the upper class who want to raise their status on the margin. Conservative people can be defined as those who, no matter the absolute level, are in general happy with it. This doesn't mean they don't want higher status (by definition all humans do), but the output of other brain modules may conclude that attempts to raise SP might threaten one's survival and reproduction; or just that the chances of raising one's individual SP is hopeless, so one might as well stay put.

Leftists have a raging desire to raise SP, one which overpowers all other modules, and which doesn't care much about risk assessment. Thus they seek to agitate to destroy the current social equilibriums, both local and wider, by any means possible. If agitation by lower class leftists reaches some momentum, they may ally with the upper class leftists (marginal SP seekers) and actually pull off a revolution.

Again the particular content of their ideas is completely irrelevant. As it happens, humans evolved in fairly egalitarian forager groups, so egalitarianism always has a pleasant feeling for many. In Western society, a tradition of Christian doctrine and state-church conflict meant that individualist egalitarianism also has religious backing, so leftists (sociopathic status seekers, S3) had so much material to work with.

The populace will agree or disagree with leftist agitation to the extent that their SP modules compute that they can raise their status by doing so. At first, most people might find it better to stay loyal to the system. Some may have proclaimed their commitment in the past, and thus would look very sneaky if they defected. Most would just think there's little chance of actual change, so why risk it.

Once momentum rises though, the best strategy is to join the party before it's too late. Of course this may not necessarily raise your status. The leftists may have coordinated among an idea that makes you evil. They may have coordinated among a set of rituals that you find repulsive. You might have committed in the past very strongly to principles that go against leftist ideas, and you can't pull off a reversal. Even if you just went for it and lied your way in, eventually the purges will begin and you'll be the first one shot. Which is why not everybody becomes a leftist; it's not always a good individual strategy. I'm sure all my readers can relate to this.

Now, anti-social agitation is generally a one-off event, a rebellion, perhaps a long war or a revolution. The modern West, though, is very wealthy, and has been able to afford constant agitation for quite some time. Under this circumstances, the little radio in our brains which tells us how to optimize our status have a hard time keeping up. What people do is extract some abstract schema of what is high status now, and what leftist agitators are shouting about. The best strategy is to adopt some vague keywords from the conventional wisdom, and proclaim one's loyalty to that, while leaving the door open for plausible innovations by new leftists. So yes! Racism is evil. Feminism is great! Global warming is a serious problem! Transsexuals? Well, I don't know. But we're a free country, right? Oh, you mean Bruce Jenner is on drag in the NYT? Transsexuals are awesome! Pedophiles? Well... people can't choose their orientation... I think.

You can't blame people for being logically inconsistent; because they can't possibly know anything about all these issues. Few have any experience or knowledge about evolution and human races, or about the history of black people to make an informed judgment on HBD. Few have time to learn about sex differences, and stuff like the climate is as close to unknowable as there is. Opinions about anything but a very narrow area of expertise are always output of your SP module, not any judgment of fact. People don't know the facts. And even when they know; I mean most people have enough experience with sex differences and black dysfunction to be quite confident that progressive ideas are false. But you can never be sure. As Hume said, the laws of physics are a judgment of habit; who is to say that a genie isn't going to change all you know the next morning? At any rate, you're always better off toeing the line, following the conventional wisdom, and keeping your dear SP. Perhaps you can even raise them a bit. And that is very nice. It is niceness itself.

The Social Module | Neoreactive

[] By spandrell []


I've been thinking along similar lines recently. In short, the right specialises in inter-tribal competition, and the left specialises in intra-tribal competition.


Thanks Max.

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The right isn't competing. At most it's busy trying to keep the losers down.


A few thoughts on this. First, we know that Europeans, or at least Brits, have experienced centuries of selection in Malthusian conditions, where the population was gradually replaced by the downwardly-mobile surplus children of the upper classes. Presumably this sort of selection would select for, among other things, stronger SP modules. We might thus expect to see leftism be more pronounced in Europeans than other races. Not sure where the East Asian peoples came from in this regard. Second, it might be interesting to study people on the autism spectrum who nonetheless have a strong SP module. That is, they don't intuitively understand people and status, but they want status nonetheless. Is there such a thing? What do these people do besides (when they end up at 999) shoot up schools? Finally it's worth pondering the relationship of the SP module to reactionaries. Some of us are probably just autistic, but I think many are quite sensitive to status -- we all use pseuds, for example. So are we broken in some sense, SP-wise? Or just playing the long-shot game? (This does seem true to me since IRL I am quite risk-averse.)

The Social Module | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

Replying to:

1. I'm not sure how Malthusian conditions matter that much. Surely people have been nasty to dissenters in the ingroup forever. If anything what matters is how tight the ingroup has been historically. There's an old argument about how rice farming requires far more group coordination than wheat farming, thus Asians have been bred for conformity. If anything leftism in Europe has been stronger because of our tolerance for individual strivers. Anywhere else a Luther or a Rousseau would have been hanged as a teenager for disturbing the peace. 3. Well I can only speak for myself, but I've always been on the wrong side of leftist arguments because of family background and temperament. I'm quite certain I'd lose status for every leftist advance, so opposing it does fit a status maximization strategy. And at any rate I'm too committed now to defect without losing my reputation.

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I'm from Singapore. We are supposed to be the most pragmatic, sensible, realistic, common sense-driven, right-wing society there is. Guess what? We are generating, spontaneously it seems, ex nihilio, a crop of retarded leftist bastards spewing nonsensical social justice crap. Spandrell has of course heard of Amos Yee, just to name an example. So to answer Leonard's question, autists pursuing sp become SJWs too. Anyway China had the great leap forward and the cultural revolution, and that's just in recent history, so east asians are absolutely capable of massive left-driven insanity. But my wider point is that leftism happens to everyone. Its a dark and insidious rot driven by status seeking or pride, if you prefer. I found my way here from Heartiste. It's sad, because they used to have really good comments and now a few idiots drown all conversations blaming "the jews" for everything wrong with the west. Its crazy. I think spandrell's right on the money. Leftist SJW behavior is status seeking pure and simple. SJWs want power, period. Chinese will screw Chinese to get ahead. Whites will throw whites under the bus to get ahead. People want status and they'll do anything for it, race and other identity markers are an afterthought. I guess that's what the metaphors of Luciferian pride and original sin are really all about.

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Welcome here. Do call your friends in, and check out the archives. I've written some on Singapore, and I believe my post on the Cultural Revolution was linked up at heartiste. How bad is the SJW scene over there? Amos Yee was annoying but it seems he's been taken care of.

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The good news, its not that bad. The bad news is, its following the same pattern as in Euro societies - self righteous, wilfully naive (or in deliberately denial?) folks basically pushing marginal interests. And the tone, which you cannot prove, but you can hear, is not humility, "this is good for all of us". It is pride: "it should be done this way! Because. Listen to ME". Just like the slutwalk feminists. Same all over the world. No blog, but been through all your archives - good stuff!

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Thanks. In Singapore being a self-righteous asshole might, maybe, perhaps, if some day USG decides to crack down on Singapore, get you high status and some hot chick. The alternative is being yet another beta corporate drone without much hope of future status; at least for their particular kind of loud annoying personality, which is of course not very valued in corporate Asia. So going SJW is not a bad bet given what the Cathedral is publishing these days. Worst case you get the State Department to sponsor a visa to the US to work in some agit-prop nonprofit racket, which at least suits their personality. I think it's brilliant of the Singapore government to deal with agitators not by imprisoning them, but by suing them for money. Prison gets you Cathedral attention and a cool heroic past as a brave fighter against injustice. Being in debt only makes you poor and forces you to ask others for money, which is completely uncool.

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The mainstreaming of red pill may indicate White men discovering that leftist signaling does not help them, and therefore giving up on it. Perhaps my posting career could be described as reaching the pinnacle of what I could have as a leftist, wanting more, and shitposting. I thought I was just being autistic and following the consistency of the ideas, but, other autistics are SJWs, and I make no attempt at probing the consistency of their ideas, because I know they'll hate me for exposing their doublethink. Spandrell, did you just back up Jim's claim that capitalism is more important than nationalism by fleshing out the case that only the best will ever be willing much less able to understand anything, and explicit nationalism has calls for plebiscite as an unacceptably easy schelling point?

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I think so too. Some people just aren't very good at SJW, even the mild mainstream version. It seems women have monopolized it, so large amounts of men just feel silly by parroting what's supposed to be normal. To the extent that there can be a clear cut choice between capitalism and nationalism, it's only as a standard bearer of an internet movement of dissenters of progressivism. Nationalism as a Schelling point for internet heretics necessarily derivates into Nazism, which is generally unpopular, and in many places illegal. Capitalism as a Schelling point usually produces libertarians, who last time I checked were quickly pozzing themselves into support of gaymarriage and open borders. So I don't know which is more important.

This Week in Reaction (2015/10/11) | The Reactivity Place

[] brings us The Social Module—a significant amount of (biologically expensive) human brain tissue is thought to be []

James Wentworth
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Singapore has had people agitating for democracy for years, by complaining that the government doesn’t care about equality, though this seems to be pursuit of power directly rather than status. “Whites will throw whites under the bus to get ahead.” I've thought this about WW1. Instead of fighting each other during WW1, it would have been better for the Germans and English to go on conquering the world together. One can view this as a coordination problem.

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James Wentworth

Conquering the world at that stage was a notoriously bad business proposition. All Empires were bleeding money at that stage; Bismarck didn't want one for that very reason. Germany's strategy was sound.


SJW due to their individual inability to compete would be highly attuned to status as well as having a strong aversion to being outgrouped consistent with their r-selected nature.

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SJWs aren't any more r-selected than you. Leftism isn't a genetic strategy.

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I know the guy. The cover of his book should tell you everything you know about his intellectual standards.