

There's this idea that Cathedralist universalism is a by-product of wealth. Affluent societies lose sight of what made them wealthy, they become complacent, life is easy so the energy they aren't spending in surviving, they spend in zero-sum status whoring to see who is holier than who. Affluent people are also proud, disobedient, hard to employ in hierarchical corporations. That serves to incentivize the import of cheap labor to fill the menial jobs that their parents used to do happily, but the kids can't do without falling into depression. Of course the cheap labor isn't cheap (nor labor) in the end, but by the time you notice it's already an article of faith in the holier-than-thou rat race.

But wait, not all is lost! Universalism of course is toxic to the economy, and if wealth is causing leftism lunacy, the inevitable economic downturn will turn things straight, reminding people of their priorities. Poverty opens your eyes to what is important in life. What works and what doesn't. Europe today is fertile ground for a return to sanity. The economic crisis will strengthen national sentiment, pushing back the leftists and their insanity.

Right? Right??


Italy, of all places, just appointed its first Black African minister. Minister of what? But of course, Minister of Integration. That's right, Italy, where the state has been technically bankrupt for years, with a youth unemployment rate of 36%, with a political system so dysfunctional that they forced their 86 year-old president into reelection because they couldn't agree in anyone else (and the President doesn't have any real power), oh Italy, who'd you think has better things to worry about, has just appointed a Black Minister of Integration.

Because that's what really matters right now. Fix the economy? Cut public spending? Pay off the national debt? Bah. Fuck the proles. What's really important is integrating the vibrant black community.

Because in reality, immigration is a richness. Diversity is a resource.

According to Yahoo, "Foreigners made up about 2 percent of Italy's population in 1990; currently the figure stands at 7.5 percent, according to official statistics bureau Istat.". It might sound like peanuts to an American, but Italy's TFR is a mere 1.4. And of course this grand political stand, nominating a black minister, means that 7.5 is not considered enough.

Our friend Vladimir might have a point in that immigration policy is not decided by moneyed interests, but is simply yet another article of faith of the Cathedral, without any real interest to it besides dumb institutional inertia. Italians are chanting that diversity is strength when their economy is on the verge of collapse. It seems to me that nationalism is dead.

UPDATE: Although the evidence is still strong for third world immigration being a plutocrat conspiracy, as seen in the comment by camp:

Immigration IS decided by the Elite. Make no mistake about it. Multikulti is being PUSHED ON US. guy is an unelected Goldman Sachs/BP/EU/UN/Bilderberg shill. And their goal is to undermine homogeneity and push immigration and multiculturalism. He says it right there in the open. I have no idea why this link isn’t being reposted by the alt-right into oblivion.

So which is it?


Immigration IS decided by the Elite. Make no mistake about it. Multikulti is being PUSHED ON US. That guy is an unelected Goldman Sachs/BP/EU/UN/Bilderberg shill. And their goal is to undermine homogeneity and push immigration and multiculturalism. He says it right there in the open. I have no idea why this link isn't being reposted by the alt-right into oblivion.

Replying to:

I remember that news article. Yes, it's pure distilled evil. Guess that supports my plutocrat conspiracy theory.


>>is not decided by moneyed interests, but is simply yet another article of faith of the Cathedral<< It's both. The moneyed interests of the elite are the articles of faith of the Cathedral. Whatever the elite wants to be right, is made right by the Cathedral, that's what it's for.

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Problem is: I can understand the economics of Mexican laborers in the US, or the H1B visa. But there's no profit to be made by bringing blacks to Italy. Or Algerians to France. Or Pakistanis to England. They aren't taking jobs whites won't do; they aren't contributing anything at all. They are a net drain of resources on everyone. The only Cui Bono with blacks and others is government agencies who get bigger budgets to take care of the dysfunction.

Candide III
Replying to:

So? You are undercutting your own plutocracy argument. When plutocracy is doing things for reasons other than profit and self-preservation, it can no longer be considered as such. Something other is at work. And that something is, as Vladimir said in the previous thread, the fact that the moneyed interests have been co-opted by the Cathedral to a far greater extent than the Cathedral has been co-opted by the moneyed interests. This is easiest to see in the sources of Cathedral's funding: most of it comes from the State. What is a few billion dollars contributed by Bill Gateses and Warren Buffets compared to the deluge of government cash?

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Candide III

So you're telling me that this guy: Is pushing for Brazilization because of some religious inspiration? I don't know man...

Candide III
Replying to:

Look at medieval Italian Popes' portraits, Borgias and what not. This guy is not exactly a ringer for Jesus. No genuine religious inspiration is needed, although I wouldn't rule it out. It can be a factor. Consider people like Caplan or Monbiot or our favorite dummy. What is needed is buying into Cathedral status hierarchy. After all, that creep in your picture is already chairman of Goldman Sachs. How much more pluto can he get? Fnargl, Owner of the World? Karabas-Barabas?


Notice that under any conditions the problems don't fix themselves. Regardless. Notice "they" whoever they are - shy not from their task. It doesn't look easy because they're professionals, it looks easy because they have the field to themselves. Fixing the Problem would require the dreaded work, which is of course a prole task, however the Proles would need Tribunes. That might just be you, and that would involve not only work...but...would require...courage. Even if the proles shoulder most of the burden. Let me offer my very humble contribution to the bounty of talk: The Dark Realization. The moment when you realize it's your Watch. [Watch doesn't mean Voyeur to Life's struggles]. It's our Watch. So if you are confronted with "pure distilled evil" that further wants every inch of every mile ...?

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Holy shit that Khazar beak opens a whole new can of worms by itself. Doesn't seem like he actually is one, though. Like you said in the last post, ethnicity is a messy business.

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Nah. Take your motivational speeches elsewhere pal.

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Interestingly, I took high school German in the 70's, and one thing mentioned in the book was Turkish "gastarbeiteren" or guest workers. The idea had been that in the 60's there had been a "labor shortage" in Germany so Turks would come for a few years and then go home. So at least some of the motivation was to push down wages, apply to Pakistanis in England and Algerians in France also. Some of it was the desire to give full residency rights to colonized peoples, applying to blacks in England and Algerians in France. Some of it was a desire to bring in refugees to be morally superior. They are a net drain on everyone, but a net negative can consist of a positive in one area and a larger negative in another area. The elites derive a benefit from immigration that is sometimes economic, sometimes political, sometimes social and cultural, often all at the same time. The non-elites derive a larger negative, but the elites don't care. There is no need whatsoever for foreigners to do any job since if you have been to Montana or Canada you know that white people are capable of cleaning hotel rooms.

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I did look for proof of Jewdom but he seems to be Anglo.

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Problem is, the term "elites" isn't very descriptive. There's two models here. One is the one I put forward: Plutocrats, i.e. rich business people conspire to bring migrants to drive down wages to profit from the plus-value. They bribe the media and lawmakers into doing their bidding. It's a purely class conspiracy to screw with the non rich. Vladimir's model is: the plutocrats don't count for shit, it's the Cathedral, i.e. the diffuse ideology of the bureaucracy and academia that bring immigrants because its ideologically defined status assignment mechanism works like that. It's not about material profit, it's purely about feeling morally superior. Not all Cathedralized people are "elites". The hard left bureaucrats making 30k a year can't be considered elites. There are tons of supremely PC minions who aren't elite and will never be. So it's not a class conspiracy. Well it's either one or the other.

Replying to:

I wouldn't call that motivational. It's pointing out the problem won't fix itself. As an academic you of course need to "define the problem." Which should keep you busy...forever. Yes your relationship to the Great Question is indeed academic. Nor will speech fix anything. The only justification for speech to to direct action. It remains for some of us at least - Our Watch. Good Day

Map of Visual Trichotomy of Dark Enlightenment | Occam&#039;s Razor

[...] Spandrell on ethno-nationalism. [...]

Replying to:

I wish you the best of luck but better not publicize your plans for direct action in the internet. The bad guys are watching.

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Indeed. I'll just repost what I posted at SP: "Radical individualism stops dead in its tracks if the state is not there to stop the more stupider variants of it." And your point is? If the people have decided that what they want is radical individualism then in a democracy they will vote for a state that supports it. It all reeks of the despair porn of the right. "Once the economy collapses, that'll show those bitches." 1) Economy collapses 2) ??? 3) Traditional society Hint: The great depression gave us Hitler, Stalin, and FDR. "Darwinian selection is quite efficient." Darwin is a eunuch without his brother Malthus, and Malthus is has been dead for awhile and will be dead for awhile more even if the economy "collapses".

Replying to:

But there’s no profit to be made by bringing blacks to Italy. Or Algerians to France. Or Pakistanis to England. They aren’t taking jobs whites won’t do; they aren’t contributing anything at all. They are a net drain of resources on everyone. The only Cui Bono with blacks and others is government agencies who get bigger budgets to take care of the dysfunction. You're correct in all of your assertions, and also correct of the beneficiary. I'll explain a bit on how it works at a micro level on some situations I have first-hand accounts from. In Finnish municipal politics, the refugee/asylum seeker/whatever business is an economic tool to channel government funds to your county. If you agree to build a refugee reception center, or to host refugees in otherwise low-usage housing, the government subsidizes your 'business' significantly, up to so called 'disco money' for refugees themselves. After the big domestic migration waves towards cities, our sparsely (and elderly) populated counties are running huge deficits (we're talking 50% of turnover here), so the economic incentive is pretty strong. Everybody wins. The petty local politician gets to balance the budget and a sense of achievement. The few remaining good girls get a swell job and something to sate their misplaced nurturing instinct with. Our leaders don't have to answer embarrassing questions in the next UN convention. Richard Florida gets a new speaking gig. If it just weren't for those damn externalities once again.. We also have the cultural aspect working in some parts of the country. The Swedish-speaking population tries to boost non-Finnish numbers with immigrants to keep their county officially bilingual with its monetary and administrative perks. It's a clusterfuck of short-sighted policies. The hunter is blind to mountains when chasing a rabbit, as the guy from Fourth Checkraise used to say.

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And your plan is: 1) ... 2) People discover Jesus 3) Traditional society Hint: Christianity took 300 years to rich critical mass, massive state coercion to force it on the population at mass.

Candide III
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Don't be so black-and-white. I know black-and-white makes for a better story, but we are not after a good story here, we're after the truth. The businessmen used to support importation of cheap labor for one set of reasons, the Cathedral supported it for other reasons and/or discovered what a nice opportunity do the immigrants present for playing their status games. Later, the business world ran out of businessmen educated outside Cathedral, so the businessmen could all the more easily persuade themselves that they are killing two birds with one stone, i.e. doing good for humanity and simultaneously improving their bottom lines. On the opposite side, the Cathedral is happy to mix with the businessmen and take their money as long as it does not mean seriously compromising on principles. That's about what Vladimir was saying, I think.