Jewish soul


I have my reserves towards the, let's call it Moldbug theory of Jewish leftism, which argues that Jews aren't a causative agent of leftism, but that during Emancipation the Jews contracted the virus of Progressivism, and being highly talented, they caused the virus to mutate and grow further into the catastrophic malady that it became.

I really have my reserves. In the end it's all about assigning blame, and when you think about it carefully, the whole idea is quite misguided. Assigning blame for particular memes is hard enough when talking about individuals; when talking about groups, the very concept of agency becomes quite fuzzy. So trying to come up with a comprehensive theory on blame or the origins of anything is quite probably the wrong way of looking at it.

Nonetheless it is always interesting to look at particular examples, particular people and particular ideas. Notwithstanding my reserves towards clearing the Jews of all blame about leftism, I have found a quite persuasive data point towards them being victims of infection by the progressive virus.

This is from a recent BBC documentary series on the Jews, led by Simon Schama. Simon Schama himself is quite a good example of Jews being victims of English ideology, but just watch the video.

Lol. The shtetto and the ghetto. That's just humiliating. If you let that happen at your place of worship, you're not dominating the world. Just saying.

Contaminated NEET

ED: ..and then Dr. Vornoff falls in the pit, and his own octopus attacks and eats him! The End. Seriously though, nice find. The interviewer really makes the video; he takes it all so seriously.


Based on Poland and Germany it appears that removing your Jewish population greatly reduces destructive corruption. The elites can never bring themselves to fuck regular people quite as thoroughly as they can when they use Jews as the middle men for the fucking. For that reason alone I'd prefer them out of the my nation.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Anyway, related - read the whole sub-thread. Bottom Line: 'So a one standard deviation difference in mean implies a minority of 2% is 13 times overrepresented (so, 26% of the total) of the top 0.1%, one out of a thousand elite.'


In Simon Schama's history of the Jews did Jews ever do anything wrong? Ever. Even once. No, of course not. Just for starters the reality is Jews dominated the slave trade around the Red, Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas and the Atlantic Ocean for 3000 years. Of the thirteen men in charge of the Soviet concentration camps in which tens of millions of European Christians were imprisoned and millions killed which *led* to the rise of Fascist parties in Europe twelve were Jews and the thirteenth was married to a Jew. The source of eternal Jewish malice is not in the DNA but in the lies they tell to themselves about their history. Their persecution myth is what creates their group cohesion but is also what drives them to attempt the stealth genocide of every people foolish enough to allow them refuge.

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Are film producers part of the top 0.1%?


I think the important thing that's missing in debates of Jews and progressivism is "/pol/'s law". -> Almost every time we see someone describe themself as a White race traitor, they're Jewish. <- I think the reason is, if Jews are convinced that Whites are evil, they mentally retreat to their Jewish identity, and can feel comfortable in saying that Whites should be wiped out. That's why progressivism became so caustically anti-White when the Jews moved in, where before it was about saving White souls by removing their privilege.


I do think there is a thing about the Jewish religion. Jewish people are innately and intensively religious. You have to be to keep up with the minutae of Mosaic and Jewish law through the centuries. But in the 20th Century, (perhaps due to the Holocaust) most Jews lost their religion. Being a religious people most turned to secular religion, i.e. leftism of various stripes. The left practices politics much more intensively than the right because for leftists, politics is substitute religion. Rightists tend to have actual religion and concern themselves with their own actual lives, rather than the arena that is politics. There are plenty of Jews on the right. They are the Orthodox and they mind their own business and raise their own large families and don't meddle in the affairs of others.


lol @ dat Shtetl feel I have a hard time seeing why the Jewish people are such a contested topic in these circles. They're a middleman minority, an internally coherent high-IQ subpopulation that thrives in certain environments. Not great at maintaining a nation of their own, but very capable of finding niches within other organized societies, their culture reflecting this history of a millennium of diaspora. Whether the relationship is considered symbiotic or parasitic (or whether some segments of the host nation benefit of the arrangement while others do not) is where the tensions come from. If you subscribe to the ethno-nationalist premise, having an inwards focused subgroup within your ingroup is a drain and a potential disaster waiting to happen. With clearly dysfunctional diaspora cultures (Gypsies) this is immediately obvious. With otherwise talented ones (Jews), the pluses and minuses become more a matter of preference. It's not about THE JOOS dominating the world, instead it's whether their divided loyalties and their slightly exaggerated nepotism are worth the service they might bring in economy or science? If you reject the ethno-nationalist (or even the traditionalist) premise, you'll probably see less downsides to this. Hell, maybe you can go colonize cyberspace together. I believe that Jews' diaspora culture in itself has selected for certain psychological traits over the centuries. Most significantly an identity formed in opposition to the majority. You see this in their over-representation in progressive movements where they a) identify with the outsider/alienated/nonconformist view, and b) are actually rhetorically capable of working towards making the outsider view more acceptable. It's not a conscious conspiracy, just something that you'd expect a population in such a situation to organically behave like as an adaptation. It's futile to blame them for behaving in their advantage. It's the host culture's task to resist such subversion. The dynamic is also somewhat similar to what a weaker participant in a transaction might try to improve their hand: appeal to 'social justice' or 'fairness'. Your kid will try this in a few years. One particular curiosity that I perceive in Jewish people is that for some reason or other, their intersexual differences seem more muted than in other populations. To put it harshly, their women are domineering neurotic hags and the men are wordy neurotic wimps, both seemingly more tilted towards the high end of autism spectrum than white Euros. I think this in particular has resulted in the Jewish overrepresentation in the wackier gender theorizing contingent. The masculine women promote nth wave feminism to be accepted as men and the feminine men write Curb Your Enthusiasm sketches where the blathering faggot never gets his teeth kicked in. I'm by no means saying that Jews are the single causative agent in the current downfall of the Western civilization but they do have their own distinct role in it all. The significance and origins can be argued.

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Works for them.

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But in the 20th Century, (perhaps due to the Holocaust)

I don't think you have been paying attention. Secularization started centuries ago with the Enlightenment, Emancipation and Reformed Judaism. Have you ever read a history book?

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It's stuff like this what get people riled up The nationalist paradigm has a strong hold in the minds of many, even though it's nonsensical. Nations (to the extent that they even exist) aren't coherent agents with a will of their own. If they were of course Jews wouldn't have the power they have.

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It worked as the least-worst diaspora option with non-assimilation outweighing the ups and downs but I don't think it does long-term. In a more and more connected world a people travelling from tallest poppy to tallest poppy and knocking them down from the inside will eventually knock things down below the point where they can't be built up again.

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If Germany turns into a corrupt shithole in 20 years then you can confirm or deny my theory.


Jews function exactly the same way other middlemen minorities function: As a tool to harm, exploit, and control the masses for the elites until such time that the elites can toss them to the people for their crimes. The only unique thing about the Jews is how white they look(Mormons fit this category too). Middleman minorities are parasites. They create decant elites by separating the elites from the people and sap the ability of a group to function in a unified way through their hatred of their hosts. They push people's towards the values of greed and envy and away from honor and duty. The jews are not to blame for the left, but adding jews or any other middleman minority into a leftist movement makes the damage that much greater. It's like pouring gas onto a slow burning fire.

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Works for them at present. You can't ask people to have that sort of foresight.


Leftism is older than its Calvinist variant. (Leftist) Jews existed before emancipation. Assigning blame only matters in looking for a cure, so even if leftism's roots are in Rabbinical Judaism, its important to realize that (even if that is the case) *we are all Jews now*. Now leftism's essential roots are not entirely a product of Rabbinical Judaism, but historical bullshit annoys me to no end. There seems to be this idea that Jews had no influence over Europe before emancipation. Jews mattered in Europe *a lot*, even before emancipation.

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I do know of their economic influence in the Middle Ages, but can't say I know much about leftist rabbis back then, even less of gentiles listening to them. Any links on that?

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Directly on point: Google some old books for the word "Marrano" to see the dominance of Spain by the Sephardim and the Marrano influence on the Dutch revolt, Calvinism. Or look into the study of Talmud and Kaballa among Renaissance neo-Platonists/Humanists. These guys all thought the Rabbis were the coolest cats around. The Re-founding father of Neo-Platonism seems to be this chap:\_ibn\_Gabirol#Restorer\_of\_Neoplatonism This is from the father of modern Jewish historiography, Henreich Graetz."Heinrich Graetz"&hl=en&sa=X&ei=00GKUurtHMPlsATbl4DwBg&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Or just look at Spinoza. Heck, there is even a possibility that modern Freemasonry is of Portuguese Jewish origin. mett att ye house of mordecai campanall&hl=en&sa=X&ei=z0OKUovZLKuxsATNn4GYBA&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=We mett att ye house of mordecai campanall&f=false Basically Jewish increases during the commercial revolution and never really looks back.

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"Have you ever read a history book?" Easy there, tiger. If you think the Holocaust is unrelated to Jewish unbelief you must not know very many older Jews. It is from these older Jewish people in my life that I first understood that they are atheist/unreligious because of the Holocaust. Because they told me. That's just the end of the theological discussion for them. The 'God is Dead' theme is huge after the Holocaust in Judaism. “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed....Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust." ― Elie Wiesel, Night Behind me, I heard the same man asking: "For God's sake, where is God?" And from within me, I heard a voice answer: "Where He is? This is where--hanging here from this gallows..." - Elie Wiesel, Night