Bloody Shovel 4

Nemo nos Salvabit

Posts tagged as rightism

Left and Right, continued

Bill was very kind to write a long comment to my last post. I was answering when I saw that it was getting even longer, and consequently I thought it'd be wise to just start a new post for it.

So here's the original comment:

Americans have this fixation with... well, America. So I wasn't talking about 1960s America, but rather about the late 18th century French Enlightenment, which is what I've been reading lately. The freemason, philosophe milieu was mostly anti-Christian, and they mostly cause...

How Left and Right both suck

I used to call myself a reactionary, but lately I'm developing a hate for the word. Let's say I'm evolving. I not longer think we should go back to the past. The modern world sucks alright, but the past sucked in his own way. Let me explain.

Let's talk about myths.

Conservatives have this myth.

In the old days people were reasonably well behaved, religious, serious, forthright, strong, men were manly women were ladies. Society enforced this behavior in many different ways, which we call tradition.
