The upcoming Hapa masterrace

Posted by Spandrell on

This is something I haven't written at length, but I've talked often with friends in person.

I've long been a proponent of hapamaxxing. I like yellows but they lack some spark in them which white genes can provide; and whites are IMO too abstract and preachy and could use yellow genes to make them more realistic and grounded.

Not that I want whites and yellows to merge completely; but it seems both races are in some bad state right now so there's place for something new to appear and shake things up. Of course there's other mixes of white and yellow out there; Russians, to an extent, or Central Asians. Which have very interesting traits too. But those come from a different mix.

Hapas are presently multiplying tho and it's getting interesting. You get things like Sol Brah, who's single-handedly started an esoteric cult of fitness, ball-sunning and eating raw meat. And on the other side is Radfem Hitler, the most brutal, cynical, zfg feminist out there.

And that's the thing: whites and yellows have a combination of traits, and fusing those can go in different direction. One trend is quite obvious tho: you get that brutal, in-your-face godless Yellow cynicism, bringing the worst (or best) of ancient Chinese warlords who would send 20 million peasants to their death in a single battle, kicking their own wife and kids to make their chariots run faster (true story from Liu Bang, founder of the Han dynasty). To that you add the White faustian spirit and will-to-power. Quite the explosive combo.

All I can say is that billions will die, and likely led by a Hapa who has both the White will to start the process and the Yellow lack of scruples to carry it to the end.

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  • From Frank Dikotter:

    Intermarriage between select races was seen as a key to reform. In 1898 Yi Nai actively advocated racial fusion (hezhong) as a means of strengthening the Qing. Although he anticipated intermarriage with the white race, unions with the inferior ‘black’ and ‘red’ races were to be abjured. The diplomat Wu Tingfang also pronounced himself in favour of mixed unions: ‘There is no doubt that mixed marriages between the white and the yellow races will be productive of good on both sides.’ Tang Caichang advocated blending the white and yellow races, for it was only through ‘racial communication’ (tongzhong) that China would flourish again. He advanced ten arguments in support of intermarriage:

    (1) The exuberance of flowers and plants was the result of their original union. Giant prehistoric trees that had failed to merge with other varieties had disappeared after natural catastrophes.

    (2) Bees and butterflies were the matchmakers of nature. They contributed to the blooming of flowers by transmitting pollen from one variety to the other.

    (3) Zoologists had proved that the nature of animals could be enhanced by environmental and dietary change. In the Age of Great Peace, the world would be open to exchange, the mean would be ennobled, and the unruly would become tractable. In times of trouble, people lived in insularity, devoured by envy and hatred for different people, debased by an evil nature.

    (4) In ancient times, marriage within the lineage had been prohibited. This principle was in accordance with the idea of racial exchange. Only people isolated by high mountains and deep valleys could not flourish and quickly disappeared.

    (5) Between the five continents, there was a general flow of political, artistic, military and economic exchanges. Why would racial exchange not follow?

    (6) The Japanese recognised the strength of the European race and the weakness of the Asian race: their government sanctioned the practice of intermarriage.

    (7) In Hong Kong, Singapore and the Pacific islands, intermarriage between Chinese and foreigners had produced offspring of unparalleled intelligence and strength.

    (8) Although England, Russia, France and Germany all maintained national borders and nurtured mutual distrust, their citizens were free to intermarry.

    (9) Buddhism believed in a pervading spirit uniting all living creatures.

    (10) Intermarriage was not confined to the treaty ports alone: even several high officials had taken Western wives.

    Tang drew upon botany, zoology, history and even Buddhism in his defence of race contact. Thus far, however, his arguments lacked an essential element: an indigenous cultural trait on which the idea of racial exchange could be grafted. Tang continued his dissertation by opposing two foreign bodies of learning. On the one hand, proponents of evolution believed in the theory of natural selection and the elimination of the unfit. Exponents of physiology, on the other, considered that with the progress of medicine and science, the weak could be cured and the evil transformed. Evolution corresponded to Xunzi’s theory of man’s evil nature. Physiology was compared to Mencius’ teachings on the innate goodness of man. Whereas Xunzi upheld justice (yi), Mencius supported humanity (ren). Only the latter, however, suited the ‘One World’ (datong), an age of equality in which racial communication would inevitably follow other forms of communication. Mencius sanctioned racial amalgamation: only if the white and yellow races merged would the strength of the yellow race be enhanced, in accordance with Confucianism.

    • The Y chromosome is small and doesn't have a lot of information. Indeed Asian men who pull white women tend to be chads. What are we to do about what? Good for them.

      • There's a WMAF (Thai) hapa poaster on Twatter (currently banned without an alt I believe, an old @ was colonelgazprom or something similar) who from my observation conceptualizes himself as a rayp baby and as coaping mechanism looks to Chyna/Azia for proof of masculinity/pwning Amerikwa to “redeem the mother” i.e. see her as less of an “inferior type”. Still a healthier reaction than, say, r/hapas neurosis or Elliot Rodger.

        The psychology of WMAF offspring raised under the “Anglolsphere mindset” seems to be a rather delicate thing with high variance. The relationships formed out of convenience/racial fixations (see San Franshithole or SEA, though they have their own regional idiosyncrasies) seem to produce children who resent their parents (it's even a genre on TikTok) - whereas the healthier outcomes come from relationships where the father respects the Asian side. And I think the children can tell if this is for real, being more sensitive to these dynamics than adults may be able to recognize.

      • Something to consider: The Y-chromosome is the only chromosome that does not go through recombination and does not mix. Perhaps what we will see is that if hapas do occur is this allegiance to the race where the Y-chromosome comes from. White guys who mix with Asians tend to be somewhat dorky or struggle to get white girls at home, though I imagine there are plenty of exceptions. Asian males who mix with white girls tend to be unable to do so unless they are gigachang types. Likely, of the coming hapa race, the Asian Y-chromosome ones shall be the superior type. What are we to do about this, Spandrell?

        Also interesting to note that Elon's paternal haplogroup seems to be an East Asian one despite being mostly white. A precursor of the coming race?

        • There are plenty of exceptions and your comment in general is well-taken. The dorky white guy in Asia thing is a real Problem but it's also a market dynamic and there's nothing underlying it, imo, that precludes exceptional children from WMAF pairings. That is, in instances where the father is exceptional, the kids are exceptional; I can't speak for the genetic basis “Y-chromosomal group affinity” , if we can call it that, and I don't want to dismiss it. There's maybe enough data to do serious science on, but my anecdata doesn't stretch far enough to make a claim.

          So what I will say is that in regard to my own Children (capitalized, because Future Steppe Nobility), who have only been to America once for a week, they have an affinity for all things American and want to be American. My Son idolizes me, as sons do, and wants to be whatever it is that I am (except vocationally: he'd like to be an astronaut). Anecdotally , this tracks with the experiences of white not-losers I know with hapa kids. The problem is that the market realities of whiteness in Asia make it a place for losers to go, so we have very skewed data: how does a kid with a dad he senses is a loser with a 'more competent mother figure' respond? By affinity for her and her group. I mean, that has a genetic basis, sure, but it's not the one you're talking about. It's got to suck to find out your dad is a white loser and that you are therefore likely to be sort of a loser, too. Many such cases.

          • Hapa girls are hot especially Jap white mixes.

        • Interesting comment, but bro, get an urbit planet on red horizon. Really. I just want to punch your faggy avatar.

          • Sorry about this, there was a bug and I accidentally deleted one good comment. I'm very sorry.

            On the y-chromosome thing; the y-chromosome itself is very small and encodes very little information.

            It's certainly true that AMWF and WMAF couples produce different kinds of children; although the difference isn't as stark. Sure, an Asian man has to be quite chad to pull of a white woman, but the sort of white woman that goes with an Asian man, no matter how chad, tends to be kinda dorkish IME.

            At any rate, who cares? There's no green gene, allegiance never goes that deep.

            • Hapas obviously have it easier in Asia, especially the boys. Being a normie leftie hapa in America being mogged by most other boys being bigger than you and having the retarded antiwhite ideology on top must be torture.

              • I'm sorry. If I have kids, sure I don't want latte-brown niglets, but I don't want them to be short and slant eyed.

                • I'm sorry. If I have kids, sure I don't want latte-brown niglets, but I don't want them to be short and slant eyed.

                  • I'm sorry. If I have kids, sure I don't want latte-brown niglets, but I don't want them to be short and slant eyed.

                    • I'm sorry. If I have kids, sure I don't want latte-brown niglets, but I don't want them to be short and slant eyed.

                      • I'm sorry. If I have kids, sure I don't want latte-brown niglets, but I don't want them to be short and slant eyed.

                        • meant to post that once, not thrice
