Samurai haplogroups questions

Posted by anon on

"I could only find a handful of notable daimyo clans that didn't descend either from the Imperial lineage or from the Fujiwara lineage. The most prominent was the Mōri clan (not to be confused with the Mori clan above), who were descended from the Ōe, a court aristocratic lineage from the Heian period related by marriage to the Imperial family.

Another one was the Abe clan, one of the oldest in Japan, said to be one of the original clans of the Yamato people. The Hata clan is equally old and was founded by Chinese immigrants with the surname Qin (秦 ; Hata being the Japanese reading of that Chinese character) during the Kofun period (250–538). They became the ancestors of a number of samurai clans, such as the Akizuki, Chōsokabe, Kawakatsu and Tamura. Descendant testing at Family Tree DNA showed that that lineaged belonged to haplogroup O2a2b1a1 (formerly known as O3a2c1a), the most common lineage among Han Chinese, and specifically to the O-CTS10738 subclade found in both China and Japan."

Wikipedia on Hata clan (take a look at the icon):


An extra little factoid for you all: Iehiro Tokugawa (Yes, that Tokugawa...) spent his childhood in the United States. Finishing a course at graduate school there, he worked for the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) at its headquarters in Rome as well as its branch in Hanoi.

He said he fell in love with a Vietnamese woman and married her.

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  • Well, it's a typical immigrant clan that infiltrates elite structures in the host country, with a six-sided star symbol. The star is a typical basic geometrical shape used by some Islamic countries in medieval times on their flags. I bet it probably means nothing.

    • Real funny that Tokugawas are still naming their sons “ie-”
