IQ autistic reproduktive r-strategy

Posted by anon on

k-Strategy would be marry best woman possible, have a few kids (5-10), protect them from modern culture and get 25-80 high quality grand-kids.

r-Strategy would be spamming as many kids as possible. You will loose out on average quality, because the eggs will be lower quality. Also your kids won't have many kids themselves on average since they can neither enter your economic niece nor protect themselves from the current cultural corruption. However you could manage to have 100-200 children with 150-250 grandchildren.

Since r-strategy will give you low quality children and also low TFR for each child, you really have to overcompensate with quantity. The main limitation to have so many kids will be time. So you need good sourcing of women and also outsource much of the communication to employees.

You have the to find potential women earlier than other sperm donors and you have to convince women to take your sperm, by making the process easy & comfortable and giving some social proof.

Create a charity helping couples in the 3rd world with fertility issues. Hire medical sales to go from gynecologist to gynecologist to hang up an advertisement for your charity. Help 4 couples initially and then 1 couple per year financially to have kids. Document this for Facebook/Ticktock/Instagram/YT. Women will go to gynecologist, see the advertisement, go to the Facebook site and fill out the application in the hope of the charity paying for their fertility treatment. I hire a virtual assistant to process and filter the applications. Applications who would benefit from sperm will be further processed. Other applications will be asked to apply next year since the budget is already used up for this year. If the single woman / couple / lesbian is comfortable with getting a sperm donation, I pay for transport to me, I pay for medical testing, I pay for hotel, etc. She will be accompanied by a hired sales girl to got to restaurants / zoo / swimming / etc. The purpose will be to mate guard and make the woman feel comfortable with her decision, take pictures for social media, etc. After giving birth I send a nurse to the woman to help her for one month and take a DNA sample to test for paternity. The pictures will be then processed for a different set of social media accounts not belonging to the charity.

The value proposition for the potential mum will be, she doesn't have to pay for any medical bills, she will have a nice time and she gets the child she desires. Get a baby, no effort and no money required.

100 children would be roughly 1 impregnation per month for 10 years. 3 times a month I would visit a hotel with a nurse and make a artificial Insemination.

Salary per month in the Philippines is 200-400 EUR, making hiring people affordable.Pay some money for advertisement. Maybe you could manage this operation with 5000€ a month, which would be 600.000 EUR after 10 years.

What could possibly go wrong?

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  • A lot to unpack here. First of all, race mixing can lead to outbreeding depression and even when it doesn't, mutts can't form a real group identity, which means they're likely to become leftists and globalists.

    Secondly, geniuses are all r-strategists. k-strategists are high in rule following, do you want your kids to be soyboy academics and redditors? Normally, k-strategists have an advantage because social norms are not that bad, and there are benefits to having a high trust society, but in our time that is different. Another advantage of r-strategy is that we're extremely rich compared to any previous society. Even if you don't invest much or anything in your children, they will likely still get food, shelter, access to internet and everything else they need to succeed.

    Thirdly, powers that be would never allow any of this to happen. Look what they did to Epstein when he tried.

    • “Powers that be would never allow it to happen”

      Inwards have managed to practice it just fine for the last 60 years.

      Top PUA's (Allah forgive me), in their era (late aughts) also did, if on a much more modest scale.

      Don't do sth retarded like “set up a charity and advertise” ofc. That's grug brained. But as a reasonably high SMV value Whyte male you can easily breed 20 kids with a hit and run appraoch, in this time of glorified single mommery. Assuming you'll go for true R (very low investment, most kids you won't even meet).


      • 20 kids is far too low to outperform monogamy, even if I pay for all of them.

        I think you could find 5 women to have 4 kids each, if you support them financially with 250€ per kid per month, which would only be 1.2mn EUR in total. However, you will have to make some compromise on the quality of the mum and most of your kids will fall pray to anti-natalist memes. The kids will also not be able to amas the money to repeat your reproductive strategy.

        There is also a risk of your r-strategy failing and you get killed or in prison or you just give up and remarry.

        You need many more kids in r-strategy to compensate for the loss of a monogamous family.

        Finding, some courtship and knocking up a girl will take around 1 year, which will give me only 20 children. To compete with monogamy (higher wife quality and more grandchildren per child) I need at least 50 children with around 4 initiated pregnancies a year for several years in a row. I need no manage my pipe line of girls, measure the cycle and fly them in with one of my employees in the fertile window.
