Better people
Hey, it's been a while.
Apologies for not writing much these days, but you know, shit happens, people form families, move countries, change jobs, get busy with this and that. And they just get plain old and run out of things to say. Even if they won't admit to it. Looking at you, sir.
Or shit just gets so bad that there's little to say either way. I have plenty I could write about, but I hardly see the point. I certainly have better things to do, and even if I didn't… would it help? The utter and complete obliteration of even the pretense of liberal government after Corona. What does one write about it? Plenty of people are laying the facts on the table, better than I ever could, and all their effort does is prove that facts don't matter at all anymore. All this bullcrap is doing is eliciting despair, and for good reason.
Good thing is I didn't need covid to despair, I despaired long ago. In a way there's been plenty of silver linings coming from this wretched pandemic. The remote work revolution, for one, has been a godsend, personally. And having plenty of smart people come closer to my long-held positions has been also quite nice to watch.
Note that I reached that conclusion in the very first post in this blog. Time does nothing but prove me right. Increasingly so, as people are demonstrably getting more stupid, for the old fact of dysgenics that we all know.
If corona has proven something is that Nationalism as a Schelling point is dead, destroyed, completely unworkable. What do nations matter when they are all divided on basic matters of the freedom to show your face in public? I love my country, I still get emotional when groups of men sing army songs or people stand to the national anthem. But whenever I see a person with wearing a mask outdoors in 2022 I immediately lose any little sliver of collectivism in my soul. Those are not my countrymen. Even if it's family. Just fuck that. Fuck my homeland, fuck my heritage, fuck my language and culture. I just don't want anything to do with anyone who thinks getting a vaccine (a booster!) for corona is a good idea.
"Oh but normies are normies man, they just follow the script", you'll say. Sure, my point exactly. The problem is normies. I don't want to share a nation with normies. "Oh but we just have to recapture the media". Hah. Good luck with that. Why even try, though? For what purpose? To attract the loyalty of that mass of mask wearing retards? How can any red-blooded man even keep the motivation to engage in mass politics after these two years?
Seriously. Sure, nationalism, even the most retarded type, would be an improvement over Globohomo. No question about that. But it's just not good enough. Hungary got a lot of attention for Orban being based and redpilled. And yeah. not letting his country be swarmed by niggers was very nice of him. But he's still a disgraceful coronacuck. That's just not good enough. Nothing is. We can't go backwards. Or even rightwards. We gotta go up. We gotta solve the real problem, the root problem. People are fucking stupid. We need better people.
How to do that? Well, it's gonna take time for sure. Bit of a long shot. But it's the only worthy goal. As for intermediate goals… just make money, move to a nice place, and have a good life, surrounded by loyal friends, hot chicks and loving children. That's all there is to it.
Oh, people were complaining that the link to my Urbit group was wrong, and it was indeed, I had to change it a while ago. The easy solution to that problem was to DM me inside Urbit, and kudos to the people who were smart enough to realize that. Those who couldn't figure that out are probably better staying on Twatter. Anyway, the link is now updated, and Urbit planets are now (from this week really) very cheap, so by all means try it out.
This isn't a goodbye, this blog will stay up. The internet needs a place where people can say nigger. I'll still write now and then. So stay tuned.
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As the (until recently hidden) purpose of these jabs is world population reduction, I'll assume you might be in favour of them! There are estimates that between 40% & 70% of those triple-jabbed will perish within 3 years (mainly from blood clots & ADE), so reducing the number of normies in the world, which will benefit the sensibly unvaxxed. All those 'leaders' received saline dummy jabs, so unfortunately they'll survive.
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Please continue this blog because we can ignore Urbit for longer than you can shill it. Interesting views on stupid/normie people. I'm sure I don't have to tell you of all people that, if it wasn't for the resistance of the normies, the West would have gone communist on multiple occasions last century. Communism being pushed by academics and some select money elites and not the actual working class. But I guess even the normie of old was way more functional and overall intelligent than the normie of now, damn dysgenics! So at least in theory the normie could be a great insurance against the most lunatic policies. Low IQ and low environmental sensitivity (think autism) helps you a lot when being confronted with outlandish propaganda and maladaptive ideas. Broke: Madonna-whore complex; Woke: Based normie-pozzed normie complex.
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It's wrong to blame the normies. They have been lied to and all the information on who ran things, how they did so and who they were has been censored for well over 5 decades. The people who run things control all finance of note, and they have been hollowing out the west for a very long time. People who are normies make a lot of things work like they should. They do what needs to be done and do as they are told. You might go so far as to call this "civilization". Where people cooperate to make the trains run on time. This s not a bad thing. That their leadership has fooled them is not their fault because they've been so hectored and downsized that it's all they can do to finish work, watch the evening propaganda report and stagger into bed so they can get up and do it again the next day.
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I'm not blaming anything. The normies are retarded and vulnerable to being fooled like this; it follows they can't be relied upon, period. We aren't solving the problem of evil elites fooling the normies for their selfish benefit. That's happened before and will happen again. We need to improve the average cognitive performance of the population. So they stop eating bullshit like it's nothing.
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That wouldn't help. Feminism is both dumber and first picked up by the smartest slice of the population. You can't outreason evil because reason is a tool to convince others your method is the best to achieve a goal and the goal of evil is to murder you, your family and everyone you've ever met.
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True. Normies need religion. Smarter normies also need religion. Spandrell, you used to say we need a new religion. Why do you now think that more intelligence would suffice? There is no shortage of smart people believing dumb things. Corona showed that they were not just faking belief, but really believed.
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Exactly Karl. More intelligence does not suffice, there are plenty of smart stupid people. We need a virtuous population, and the only way to effectively cultivate virtue is religion. (There's more virtues than people think, for example, there is a virtue that basically means 'awareness of situation').
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Yes we (cogelites) need to improve our normies. Half of cog elites are produced by normies granted the less stable half but also the hybrid vigor half. Lots of reasons to take care of our normies they are cousins and produce great baked goods and can build and repair things. Mainly they can defend us and hold our resource lands. In short we can’t live without them any more they can us. The easiest way it seems to me to incentivize elites to do this is a culture that insists on it because we are one people a large family a natal -ion. Euros seem to be only group that can organize around ideas over blood useful but also not so much. Our adopted religion may be why nevertheless HBD can be both an idea and a blood and soils schelling point and since the others are coming for us an obvious necessity. Seems some cabal has been indoctrinating impressionable youth likely for centuries to mole into power for globalism. Sadly this same group 100 years ago might have been convinced to simply eliminate the others while able and not so squeamish thereby attaining global hegemony oh yeah someone tried that lol Anyway I think we are past religion at least one based on lies perhaps a sort of religion based on truth is possible and more stable and hard. I’m not convinced it’s the Protestants their leftism seems of the naive do good type but I am becoming convinced it’s not simply a social phenomena that may be happening but there’s a group deep thinking and steering this.
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A very sensible comment.
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Nothing wrong with the vaccine, other than the fact that it targeted the original virus, which has since strongly mutated (2 years have passed). Need a better vaccine, one that targets the non-changing, common parts of the RNA. No such vaccine now. But old vaccines were far better than nothing. Omicron is both a problem and a de facto answer to all of that. 2) Going out in the street wearing a mask is stupid, yes. Unless it's cold and windy, in which case it becomes a ski mask. 3) Saying "niggers" is really fun. I love saying it in my language, while talking on the phone in American cafes, smack in the center of regressive areas, as opposed to a place where everyone already can say this (like here). That way, it's more of an adrenaline rush.
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The Vax is so safe minitrue is surpressing information about the excess death rate.
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"Most people are stupid, they are venal, they are hateful. It's the greater number that is everything. That's democracy, the one we have, at least. And any other form of regime is probably no better, for other reasons... wisdom: to endure, without participating." Paul Léautaud.
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Everything changes ⇔ Everything is transientHappiness: is it the pursuit of attachment or is it the pursuit of detachment? (Three kind of people: i.Those who have found the answer; ii.Those who are searching; iii.Those who don't give a darn. Whatever the type you identify with, consider stop complaining.)
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Seems to me that "normies" are not a big deal. "Normies" in 1680's France were all royalists and catholics. They were atheists and republican few decades after. Normies are like females, they goes to power. I was born in the 70', and in the 80', we all thought USSR would be, like, eternal. I imagine royalists in 1788, or 1847 thought the same. That said, I discovered your blog few days ago, and I'm eating it like a bulimic. I'll start to be a specialist of Song or Ming dynasty ^^. And I want to really render thanks to you for your work, your humor and your art of writing (but not for your f..atheism^^). (Hope you'll start posts about Tang dynasty, the search engine seems dead). Becoming rich :well, I would, but at 49 old, I have to admit to be quite scared with cryptos. I imagine I could understand it, but that ton of new words. If you have a very well-for-dummies site about BTC and other stuff, please, write about it. (well, I imagine in an eugenic way, you probably think if I'm not able to understand quickly, I shoud die). Don't forget the Tangs !
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Nikola Tesla predicted that in 21st century the ministry of health will be more important than the ministry of war. he also predicted feminism quite accurately. he also predicted smartphones and internet. all have come true, except one. you know what that one is? EUGENICS! he predicted that by the end of 21st century, people with "undesirable" genes will be eliminated.
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Political eugenics won't come true. It was part of the leftist package (what can be more controlling then deciding who gets to breed), but it turns out eugenics 1) works (which is bad if you want to use the underclass to murder your enemies) and 2) makes it explicit who is in power. We do have people aborting fetus with birth defects which is basically what he predicted though.
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Unfortunately for you, this blogpost missed Putler's invasion by just a few days. Normies are just as stupid as ever of course (they pivoted instantly from corona to nuke Russia) but this invasion gives me hope for nationalism. Here's to hoping it results in the GAE getting embarrassed yet again. Karlin has been having an absolute field day on his Twitter and Substack.
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He has. Big W for the guy, he earned it.
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Why say GAE when you can say ZOG?
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Welcome back nigger, hope you'll poast some more in the future if you're settled down As for normies becoming more retarded, the thing that convinced me was when I saw a poll for war with Russia going up to 44%, they are programmable drones who can change opinion on a dime. Edward Dutton once said that general intelligence has now declined to the level it was in Europe in the 1600s, and back in those days most people were serfs. Most people now are also serfs/niggercattle, some for corporations, some for politicians, all for media. There really is nothing to do except some form of restoration of aristocracy, however that is supposed to be accomplished. At least the niggercattle are getting more comfortable with being ruled like serfs, so abolition of democracy is a possibility.
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Yes, democracy and all forms of Potemkin-democracy must go and with them all those who have vied for it. "**65** Taoist rulers of old Did not enlighten people But left them dull. People are difficult to govern Because they are very clever. Therefore, Ruling through cleverness leads to rebellion. Not leading through cleverness Brings good fortune. Know these two things And understanding the enduring pattern. Understand the enduring pattern: This is called original Te. Original Te goes deep and far. All things reverse Return and reach the great headwaters." Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu (translation by Stephen Addiss & Stanley Lombardo, 1993) Sane minds will rule once more. And lose it again they will. Unmitigated hunger rules the known universe. The Everlasting Dissatisfaction
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The normies are amazing, and fun to watch. The documentary from the late 1990's called "The Matrix" showed them taking blue pills and in forever bliss. I have to admit, I am enjoying the show. Watching the near and far east give Globohomo the hard middle finger is great.
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THE NWO WANTS TO KILL ME (AND MILLIONS OF AMERICANS) My name is Davide and I'm from Italy. It all started in early 2020 in the country of Georgia, where I got stuck during the first wave of the Covid-19 scamdemic. I noticed on several occasions that some people were following me and taking pictures of me with their phones. I also noticed a car with the number 666 on the license plate that was following me around. One evening on the subway, a guy sitting in front of me was openly staring at me and he was wearing a big ring with the masonic symbol on It. I was concerned about all that, but I didn't think too much of it in the beginning. From Georgia I eventually moved on to Turkey, where the Turkish branch of Globohomo picked up where the Georgians had left off -- I saw more people following me and more cars with the number 666. Turkey is where they made the first attempt at my life: they entered my hotel room when I wasn't there and they put poison on the clothes I had hanging in the wardrobe. I know because when I touched the clothes I started bleeding slightly from my fingers, a side effect of certain types of poison. I called the Turkish police but they were useless and said they couldn't do anything for me. At that point I decided to cut my holiday short and go back to my native Italy. Some of them even followed me on the plane. As soon as I landed in Italy I went straight to the police at the airport and I told them the whole story, but they thought I was crazy and accompanied me to a psychiatric hospital. I spent 5 days in the hospital. When I got out I was still being followed on the streets. At that point I couldn't take it anymore and I armed myself with a kitchen knife. The idea was to stab one of them on the streets and spend a few years in prison where they couldn't touch me. A stupid idea, I know, but at that time I wasn't thinking straight. To make things worse, I made a mistake and ended up stabbing a person who turned out to be an innocent bystander, something which still haunts me to this day. Luckily the person didn't die and reported only minor wounds. I spent some time in prison (a little over 1 year) and I was recently moved to a sort of psychiatric institute, always for the same reason that everybody thinks I'm crazy (including the judges). It's not too bad here, I'm allowed to have a cellphone and we often go for long walks or trips to nearby towns. I can sip a coffee or eat at McDonalds along with all the other "normal" people. The only annoyance is that I'm still being watched by those fuckers. You wouldn't believe the sheer number of cars with 666 on the license plate that I've been seeing lately. Sometimes perfect strangers will stare intimidatorily at me and never avert their eyes for a second. But enough of me. Let's talk about the reason why I've garnered so much attention in the first place. I've become aware of a plan to cause a massive blackout in the United States and kill millions of people in concentration camps. All the details are in this Bitchute video: They also did a TED talk about it to prep the masses (just like they di with Covid): I also found out on Twitter that brand new concentration camps have been set up in Canada. They were going to release a second virus called Covid-21 and put Canadians in front of a tough choice: renounce to private property or being put into one of those camps. Obviously the plan never came to fruition in 2021, so it was either canceled or postponed (most likely the latter). Please share this info far and wide, unless of course you fear for your own life, in which case you should keep your mouth well shut. I'm not sure why I've been singled out for assassination. Those morons probably think that I have someone in high up places feeding me information, when in fact everything I know I found on the internet, where It can be accessed by anyone who knows where to look. It's either that, or the info is so hot that they won't allow it to circulate in any form. I made the mistake of using Protonmail and other encrypted services which are actually owned by the NWO, so some of my private conversations must have been intercepted and that's how I ended up on their radar. Personally, I know that my days are numbered and I feel very tranquil about It. I've had a long time to think about it and I realized that I'd rather die now and be reunited with God than live in the hellish world they are trying to create.
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Well it gets worse, Spandrell. I am a coronacuck precisely because I trust Orban. Three Moderna jabs. I even like masks, because they make CCTV surveillance society bigbrother harder. Like 10 years ago it was banned round here that people at a public demonstration, march are not allowed to make any kind of masks. They want to identify you. I find it cool that now I can wear a mast, sunglasses, and a hat and they have no chance of identifying me. If even you and me could not share a country... not much hope is left.
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Lol, been a while man. Glad you're doing ok.
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Very based. So long sir Spandrell. But if you'd deign to look outside for just a moment, you'd see there's not much left to lose is there? And when there's nothing left to lose, there's nothing left that can't be done. So I reccomend we all stay in the fight. Even if it's completely lost and hopless. But the thrill of the fight may inspire the future. There will come a day when things will be better. And then they'll be worse. And it's all part of these great, ever upwards cycles. I only hope to see the next upswing before my time is up.
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First thing we do, lets eat all the normies
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The Hungarian government did at least one thing correctly. Their "vaccine passport" included non-Western vaccines and natural immunity; and other EU countries were obliged to accept it!
Oh come on
Almost all women are normies, retard.
its all so tiresome...