
Posted by Spandrell on


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    • The audience comes across as very eager to applaud and cheer the Big Man.

      • [] Source: Bloody Shovel []

        • From wikipedia: 'in 2007, 90% of Egyptian women wear a hijab.' Aw.

          • It comes across as a very we-men-are-in-control scene, with some amused side-observation on how difficult it is to keep these women in line (which presupposes that they're basically being kept in line). Suggests that empowered women kind of wanted the scarf-and-sack pageant, and that's how it happened. Isn't the Iranian parliament full of women? (On the buses in Brooklyn and Staten Island the scarf-and-sack girls don't seem especially suppressed to me; it's like girls wearing goth-costumes or punk-costumes or whatever.)

          • The hijab fashion industry is really gearing up. It's like 50's headscarves are coming back but with orientalist fetishism. Submission won't come from Mecca; it'll come from Madison Avenue.

          • A great display of schelling amnesia. What was then regarded as a joke by a popular leader came true. A vision of how the Middle East could have been not so long ago in history. Not to mention this crushes the conception of "progress" when we can see Egypt was more "modern" at the high point of Arab Nationalism. Just 10 million women back then? Egypt population really exploded out of control.

            • I've long thought that the Big Collapse will start in Egypt. Those guys are still breeding like crazy. And the Nile is only so big.

              • What was then regarded as a joke by a popular leader came true. Humans always take truth for a joke, and jokes for truth. It must help them in more than an important way, if it has been selected-for so hard.

              • [] Evolution | Bloody shovel []
