Schadenfraude and Reflection

Posted by Spandrell on\_affect/status/796420056544641028

You might remember that I called leftists "psychopathic status maximizers". Look at these people. Look carefully. Do you think they "believe" in some set of values?

No. It's all crap. We know since David Hume. We humans don't really know anything. You can't. You only get to be quite certain after a lot of trial and error about a very narrow area that you are good at. Everything else is signaling. And signaling is done to gain social status. Everything is crap that people say to get at you, to gain some advantage and fuck over others.

Moldbug said it well too: journalists love power. Journalists in Elizabethan England didn't care about human rights, they cared about the Great Virgin Queen. Who was widely hated, by the way. But you'd never know because those psychopathic status maximizers just did what they had to. And all these upset leftists who are uploading their narcissist signaling to Youtube will come around if the state religion ever changes. If Trump stays in power; they will adapt. And soon enough you'd be seeing the very same people, often the same individuals saying the complete opposite things, but in the same tone of voice and with the same insufferable attitude.

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  • [] Let’s start the new religion []

    • "Praise Kek"? Really? From insight about the state of the world, to taking "meme magic" seriously?

    • Praise Kek indeed.

    • Kek needs to takeover an existing religion, like trump with the republican party, Mahomet with christianity, etc.

      • As long as it isn't (a) "Jews First!" [Romans 1:16] cult, (b) requires begging for "crumbs that fall" from their Jewish "Master's" table [Matthew 15:27], and (c) considers a foreign capital as "Holy" land [Rev. 21:2], it suits me. If KEK = GNON, he's built right into America's founding document. The Laws of Nature and Nature's God. Deus, sive Natura. No need to reinvent the wheel.

    • If this is to be done, it should be done right. That means we need to evaluate the memetics that are most successful and incorporate them in a useful way.

      • The Declaration of Independence is the word's most successful meme. Sometimes it is misunderstood and maligned by the alt-right over its use of equality, as if that means racial equality. Nothing could be further from the truth. The author wrote this the following, the first part which is cherry-picked and carved into stone on the MLK monument. But read the rest: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [blacks] are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them." --Thomas Jefferson (Autobiography, 1821) I'm happy for people of color to be free -- in their own nation, on their own soil. And that is premise upon which the DoI was written. Hail, Heil, Health to GNON.

        • No. Monotheism is the world's most successful meme. Its abandonment ultimately came after its mimetic support structure was thoroughly eroded by the likes of the founding fathers in their quest to implement a new status structure that rewarded them above their competitors.

          • Jefferson, a Deist himself, defined Deism thusly: "...Deism; that is, the belief in one only God." (letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush, April 21, 1803) Of what "abandonment" do you refer?

        • Yes, the Clinton demon worship should def be included, for it powers Kek and His followers with green rage and righteous fury.

        • A big part of the Jewish learning that I do is basically just the idea that we don't know much of anything, but that that's okay, because there's an infinite force that wants what's best for us. They loophole it a bit, but it beats everyone brazenly delaying that they know everything. It does seem as though there's a certain hardening of a person's status framework that occurs with extreme wealth (by which I mean on a societal level). They need a bridge to bring them along, which is a big part of religion. Kek as an emissary to the great nameless infinite one allows those who worship Moloch to ultimately come along.

          • Also, I should probably thank you more often, since your analysis has made me a much better person.

          • In the social cosmology, the Clinton's were high Gods of the pantheon representing the entire gestalt installed by the 60s cultural revolution. There was a war in heaven and they lost it. Trump and his family will be the new top deities in the social heaven as the Olympians conquered and cast down the Titans. I don't really know for sure, but my intuition with these colorful Asian idols is people don't literally believe that there's this big fanged green man somewhere, but he's a representation of an aspect of their lives and the emotions they associate with it. This mindset is more representative of where religion is going to go. Symbols that help people understand their place in the universe. The Middle Eastern mindset of absolute literal faith in an abstract autocrat of all has lost its hold in a world where too many people have too much access to information.

            • The temples are always full, while the churches (at least in Europe) are empty. So yeah, idolatry works.

              • Regardless of whether big green men exist or not, Spandrell has a point: the J-man just isn't doing it for the people anymore. No 靈 in other words.

              • Damn Spandy, I just read “psychopathic status maximizers”. You need to hop on Netflix and watch Season 3 Episode 1 of "Black Mirror." Then consider filing a copyright infringement suit.

              • >And soon enough you’d be seeing the very same people, often the same individuals saying the complete opposite things, but in the same tone of voice and with the same insufferable attitude. You're right that they're psychopathic status maximisers, but I don't think this sentence is true. The discourse isn't gonna change fast enough for it to be 'soon', it'll take more than a Trump term or two. It might even get more entrenched into leftist status signaling, as a reaction to the 'outrageous' president.

                • Well the speed of change depends on the strength of the power unbalance. A few high-intensity collective interaction rituals could change their minds pretty fast. But of course that's unlikely to happen; and as long as they think they can recover from this loss they indeed will double down on their present ideas. But here's hoping Trump is no Bush and doesn't give them that chance.

              • Socialists must just admit where they stand: Envy justifies all. 'What's mine is mine. What's yours is 'ours' (ie: mine too)' Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. And it is still with us today. Socialism justifies it, excuses it, hides it, enables it. 'Racism' really means 'I hate White people'. 'RAcism' just means you're anti-White. Freedom now from this enforced, coercive, parasitic, anti-white, genocidal diversity. Its a crime, not a 'policy option'

                • The civilized, highly intelligent, moderate, nice, reasonable left, for example Scott Aaronson and Scott Alexander, cut off all communication with the right, perhaps because they could not endure the cognitive dissonance caused by exposure to crime think, and since then they have been getting ever more crazy, ever more evil, and ever more full of hatred, drifting towards the Khmer Rouge autogenocidal position. They don't see that they are being swept ever leftwards, they merely see that those people that they never meet and never talk to are more and more obviously absolute evil and more and more obviously deserving of death.

                  • They do not notice that they are drifting left. Rather, they see everyone outside their bubble, the people that they never meet and refuse to communicate with, everyone who is drifting left a little bit slower than they are, as drifting evil.

                    • Kek is the laughter of Gnon. Lesser avatars of Gnon might laugh with men, but Gnon laughs at those who, in their vanity, conceive themselves wiser than Gnon. North Europeans used to serve Gnon but came to think too much of themselves. They were visited with three great calamities but did not heed, and now Kek is visited upon them.

                    • Esoteric Wienerism.

                    • [] to a more primitive mindset of regarding earthly human hierarchies as heavenly.  Many only somewhat ironically refer to President Trump as God-Emperor.  They all know he is just a man, but they associate the idea of God-Emperor with the social []
