Marriage strategy optimizing for quality adjusted grand-kids within a traditional church with female surplus
Absent of religion (Christian/Jew/Muslim) fertility seems to collapse in modernity. Even if you personally conclude, that a TFR of 1 is unsustainable, you and later your kids still need a fertile wife. The stricter the religion the higher the fertility.
Visiting my local church I only found few grannies, so I married outside of church. After moving I found a very traditional church (no sex/kissing/hugging before marriage, wife has to submit to husband, no contraception). Women are good at housekeeping, caring kids, some women are even intelligent, many look decent (low mutational load) and you have a surplus of women. They live in modernity but shield themselves from modern culture. Healthy women get 10-20 kids. Less healthy women get 6-10 kids. But I’m already married, so no honey for me.
However I have sons, which may choose to stay in church. So, I thought about the optimal marriage strategy for them. Since we aim for many high quality children here, son should choose a women as young and as good as possible. Since big age gaps are not common, my son should not marry too old, otherwise he would have to either choose an older girl as well or a lower quality girl or risk rejection. I eyeballed the minimum female age depending on the male age at proposal (MinAgefemale =MAX(Round(Age_male/1,7+5,5;0);18) He should also have established himself economically and within church. Between 18 and 22 establishing yourself has little costs, since you can still marry an 18y-old girl. After 22 aging for 2 more years increases the age of a possible wife by one year. An older wife means less children. Between 18 and 22 you can establish a decent trajectory economically and in your job. Additional education is not efficient for boys.
The boy will ask the girl/her parents for marriage. Parents and girl can then accept or refuse the boy. The boy can either chose a girl at around 80% of his quality (a safe bet) and get accepted with 90% probability or the boy can ask a girl of around 110% of his quality (a risky bet) and only get accepted as a husband with 50% quality. After rejection the boy has to wait for 2 years until he can ask the next girl within his church (however he can still ask girls from other churches). I calculated the expected value of quality-adjusted children and grandchildren for different strategies taking into account number of expected kids, rise in mutational load due to aging, wife quality and probability of waiting due to rejection. I found out that the boy should ask girls slightly above his own quality. The benefit of getting a good wife is higher than the expected loss due to a later marriage.
Result: Son should hurry your education so you can start asking parents/girls for marriage. However it is better to risk rejection than to settle for a lower quality wife.