Book recs


Anything and everything: history, philosophy and politics.


All three are covered in the West Martian catalog, available at .

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thank you anon- i am already reading vol 1 of Bloody Shovel, and it has been an enlightening read.


i think more than anything the right could stand to read more fiction

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Well, on that front I am reading some Bulgakov(White Guard), and am planning to read Turgenev or Lovecraft next. Although I think the two serve different purposes- fiction is more of a spiritual activity, whilst non-fiction is an educative one- both are vital, however, one must always beware of what they are reading as to not to infect their mind, spiritually, or informationally. I think we all know what influences one must avoid when reading anything....

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i love the right-coded classics and i would argue that most great art is based in some way, even if they were not intended to be. as long as they're intellectually honest. but i think it's worthwhile to read broadly as well, if just to train our muscles to be able to engage on an aesthetic level.

i don't know what people here think of this piece:

i don't really vouch for this guy's ideas in general, but i think he's right about art.


Is there any fiction worth a damn these days? Right wing or not. Haven't been in the mood for light-hearted reading in many, many years myself

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Well, modern fiction is probably not even worth consideration- I have not read that many 21st century books- this year I have read Genocidal Organ, and that was written in the 2010s. But the classics are certainly worth reading- after all, this is the cultural heritage of the west. Heck, even some eastern classics are worth reading too, and even some modern authors like Mishima. Although, I always do check for certain influences in any authors I am considering reading...


When it comes to fiction, I'd recommend Creation, Shogun, CS Lewis, and The Name of the Rose.

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Is your Xenosystems less comprehensive than the one by Passage Press?

Also check Bizarchives and Aegeon out on Amazon if you're into pulp fiction. Two of the only consistent fiction publishers in our scene and they're pretty good

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I believe ours is longer by page count, and we have some rarities in there, but as I don't have a copy of their book (isn't it in preorder-only until the 21st?) I can't say for sure.

I'll note that I'd like to sneak some more stuff in our copy. May as well, we don't attract attention.


The Ancient City by Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges. It's the best book about ancient Greece/Rome I've come across. It's difficult for us to even understand how different their society was from ours. There's a great audio recording of it on Audible or audiobookbay if you like audiobooks.