balance quality and quantity of offspring


question from chat: “how to balance the dual natural of wanting to start a harem with multiple women of various backgrounds to maximize eugenics and produce super humans but then also wanting to provide above average investment and fatherly care to multiple children?”

I already have a finacial book keeping running. Some months ago I added a reproductive book keeping projecting the number of quality adjusted grandchildren.

With this excel can map out different future live paths and the effect on the number of quality adjusted grandchildren.

Here are some results: The big advantage to monogamy is, you can marry a quality wife, have some (5-10) children, rase them based, arrange marriages and thus keep your kids fertility high having many (25-100) high quality grandchildren.

Taking a 2nd wife (or divorcing and remarrying) damages your children from your 1st marriage. They will less likely to remain in church, will be more cautious to build their own family, fall pray to anti-natalist propaganda, marry lower quality partners. You can’t compensate this with a 2nd secular marriage.

If your kids form 1st marriage are already married, there will be little damage done to your kids, but your age (lower seed quality and lower 2nd wife quality) will limit the upside of a 2nd wife.

The only way to exceed a religious life style in number of quality adjusted grandchildren is sperm donation. Kids resulting from donation will have low quality mothers and susceptible to anti-natalist propaganda, thus you can expect only few grandchildren per donation-child. Going to a 3rd world country and hiring some people could yield you a pipeline of women to inseminate. You then would create massive numbers of low-quality children.