Britain thread


People are dunking a lot on this

And do check out the whole video, it's well worth watching. England is obviously ngmi. The most far decayed country in Europe and it's not close.

That said, that particular section about Horden... you'll see Bald talk about how Thatcher sold the People out. But come on, resource economies do that. Rust belts are a thing. Towns grow and then... what, are they supposed to grow forever? A town built around a mine is supposed to disappear if the mine goes away. Now of course making the Potemkin fake door thing is incredibly fake and gay. A proper country would have demolished the town period and return it to farmland to grow crops on. Second best is just to let it die. Of all the problems Britain has, northern mine towns dying out is the least of them.


The UK is definitely NGMI.

Earlier this month I was helping a friend look for nursery schools in N.E. England, and was shocked to discover that they start kids on LGBTQI++ propaganda at the tender age of two. ( -- scroll down to “Parent Information.” They're even using the current-year flag, though I'd suggest they need to add the Ukraine stripes.)

But I wouldn't read too much into that bald guy's video, because the UK is a fairly large place, and, like America, affluence and degradation are regional characteristics. Culturally significant English towns tend to be very well-kept and are perhaps as pristine as any place you'll find in “The West.” I'm referring to Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, York, Stratford-on-Avon, parts of central London, Ely, and a few other locations. But all of the post-industrial towns are dying, and there are a lot of very marginal towns and cities that were once centers of agriculture or manufacturing -- but which now have no function at all.

It's kind of like Beverly Hills vs. Toledo Ohio.

If anything, the US comes off worse. That youtuber wouldn't be able to walk around in broad daylight in some American city-ruins. And the “best” American neighborhoods are nothing at all like central Cambridge; they're dystopian gated suburbs /w oceanfront or golf-course views.

Replying to:

The most amusing thing is amongst all the rot and decay there is so much fresh and well-maintained CultMarxist “art”, i.e. government-funded graffiti.


One aspect of Birmingham is that it was bombed to absolute shit by the Nazis cos it was an important industrial centre. The subsequent plan to rebuild was extremely gay and they basically bulldozed all the beautiful Victorian architecture and replaced it with hideous concrete apartment blocks