The Based Draft


I'm accused of timing my last post just before the New York Times launched it's much awaited hit-piece on Scott Alexander.

It's all a funny coincidence. But funny it is. Indeed Scott Alexander was the subject of a post I wrote exactly 5 years ago where I also mention the story of Ying Bu.

It's been interesting to see Scott's development since then. On one hand he hasn't changed much. He's got progressively more famous, and deservedly so. He's also got progressively more fat. Which is sad, but not unexpected. Neutered animals also get fat, and Scott talked about himself being basically chemically neutered.

I was pleasantly surprised though with the way he dealt with the New York Times doxing him. Closing the blog was a smart move (and now that I think of it, a great example of a 苦肉計 stratagem 34, the very next one!), and his recent move towards financial independence by moving to substack and starting a private practice is actually pretty ballsy. Good for him. Hopefully at some point he realizes that the best cure for depression is regular sessions of weight-lifting and parties with abundant MDMA and hot chicks.

As it happened we didn't have to pull a Ying Bu on Scott Alexander; the left banished him of their own accord. As such he didn't move to our side, he pulled a Stratagem 36 and just gtfo to his own turf. Which is fair. But you can only run for so long. The NYT will be back to haunt him and he obviously doesn't have the strength to fight them head on. The IDW crowd isn't sleeping soundly, that's for sure.

By the way TIL that Scott's ex poly-gf or whatever, the infamous camgirl with a masectomy fetish got married (to some other weirdo) and has a kid! Oh boy. What a cursed image.

Any way, I'll spell it out. We need to pull a Ying Bu not just on Scott Alexander. We ned to run a massive, complete, society-wise Ying Bu on every single non-bioleninist person who is still working for the enemy. We can define the enemy as the wider Left, which includes our governments and corporations known to have helped the left, either with money or with influence.

The point of the Ying Bu story (henceforward "stratagem 33b") is that we need to find a way to deny our enemy the use of their best human capital; and not only that, we must do it so that our enemy sends their best human capital to our side. And we do that by implying that they are disloyal to the government side. All of them.

This should be easy, really, the left itself is busy making the point for us, implying that white people are born evil and incapable of loyalty to the Woke cause. Especially in America, Europe is nowhere as bad in this department yet (yes, Europe doesn't include Britain), so what follows applies especially to Anglo countries.

I don't watch TV and haven't done for years, but I bought an Oculus Quest recently and there's this app where you can watch some American TV news channels. I was just browsing for a few minutes on CNN, ABC and a few others and it's outstanding how demonic talk about "whiteness" this and "privilege" that is now completely normal. The loyalty of white people is suspect already. Bioleninists at your company or department are already agitating to get your place and have you fired.

I say let them. Let's see how the federal government and Globohomo manages to even function without white men. I really want to see it. Now of course, most white men won't leave. They need the money. They have mortgages to pay and kids to provide for. I get that; but guys, they're after you anyway. So I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, but you gotta join our side. And sooner rather than later. You may not want to, you might be afraid, and we get that. But we're not gonna give you the choice. You're being drafted.

"But I'm not Nazi!!" you might say. "I'm not even based!". Well, you are now. Besides, nobody will believe your denials. Lateesha at HR saw with her own big black eyes that you have a Gab account where you like Hitler memes. "But I was hacked!!". Yes you were. But who cares? You are white. We are your only friends. We were always your only friends. Don't worry, it's all for your own good. We won't even make you lift. Yet.

Back when I wrote Biological Leninism one of the earliest criticisms was that I didn't explain white male leftists. The first response to that is that if you take out core Bioleninist constituencies like Jews, sexual deviants of any sort (homosexuals, troons, furries, whatever), there's very, very few actively loyal white men working for the Left. What there are though, in spades, is a lot of passively loyal NPC types who are risk averse and dont' want to rock the boat. Some people have very slavish personalities and they'll parrot the government line as second nature. I'm sure some men in Turkmenistan buy books of Turkmenbashi and eagerly watch TV to see their president kick a ball or something.

There's also lots, probably a plurality, of men who at some level know something is bad but again, they're risk averse and cant' just afford to make a stand and fight the system just yet, or at least think they can't. Those kinds of people are the exact target of a Ying Bu counter-op. We must deprive them of the choice of serving the enemy.

This is not going to be pleasant. As Mao said, a Revolution isn't going out to dinner. It's a violent affair. Stratagem 33b hurts. It's brutal. Ying Bu's wives and children were all murdered by Xiang Yu. But he won, and he got new ones.

Now, I don't expect the Left to go around murdering the wives and children of every competent engineer that we slander as being a Nazi with a Gab account. But there'll be some short-term financial damage. And probably a lot (a fucking lot) of divorces and personal trouble.

But it'll all be for the better. Scott Alexander was forced out of polite society, but after some short-term pain he'll be happier and (way) wealthier than he could ever expect to be as a wage-cuck in the government healthcare system. And once his polyamorous friends have all ostracized him and he has no choice but to make new based friends… then he'll have to hit the gym, get fit and healthy and even look good. The horror!

If you're a numbers guy but has read some history you might often be surprised on how often very few men were able to conquer vast populations. Mongols at their peak were probably no more than 100k warriors; yet they conquered literally 70% of the civilized world. They way they did that was by co-opting the locals. The Mongol armies conquering Baghdad were full of Muslims. The Mongol armies conqurering China were led by Han generals. They paid them well.

Thankfully the modern Left isn't quite as smart and competent as the Mongol armies, and they're already busy expelling every single man (and increasingly woman) of talent out of high-status positions. All I'm saying is we weaponize this very internal tendency for our own purposes. YouTube wouldn't be able to censor us if every single straight white and yellow man (which are also being victimized plenty) stopped working for them. They couldn't even function.

And don't even get me started with law enforcement. BLM and their buddies salivate about a police force without white men. Red-blooded white men are being purged off the US army just as we speak. Do you want secession but are worried that the US army would destroy you? Not once you pull a Ying Bu on them and every single soldier is a stunning and brave curvy black woman.

You might think I'm joking. This is no joke. But sure, things have to happen gradually then suddenly. You want to test the stratagem to see how it goes? The IRS. Every single white man (and married white woman with kids) working for the IRS must be outed as a White Supremacist 1488 acolyte who doesn't check their privilege twice every morning. Have the token blacks working there panic twice a day that the evil eye rays of white people are lowering their eye-queue.

Imagine purging the IRS the way Stalin purged the Soviet Army before the Winter War. Thank me later. Or better, send me part of your tax savings to the bitcoin wallet at the top.

Guys, this is not on me. I'm at a safe place; my homeland is not that bad either, I'm not at war. But you Anglos, you are being preyed on. You have to fight back. And you have to fight smart. This is, by far, the best and most actionable stratagem. It will be painful, for sure. Very. But it'll work.

Do you want to win?




Ultimately, this was always going to boil down to a racial conflict. The key is getting all the whites cooperating on our side. Harder than it seems.


Missed this content.


Spot on. The children of the revolution are coming for anyone with even a whiff of work-ethic and talent. They're busy ravaging the low-hanging fruit (straight white males) but on a long enough time scale they will come for us all. Knowing this, the way forward for me is clear. Fortunately I live and work in Southeast Asia where the diversity commissars can't easily get to me. Sure it has its own problems but they are problems I can easily deal with. White and Asian guys need to get the hell out of the US in the near future. Or at least prepare to dig in and be harassed. The best time to prepare was yesterday. The second best time is now.

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Where you at buddy? Hit me on telegram or send me an email, spandrell [[at]]

Shrouded Hills

I'm somewhat skeptical about this idea. Let's look at South Africa for example, the white people there seem - for the most part - to simply have accepted their fate. The constant media barrage portraying them as evil, racist people. And they still do remember living in a way more sane and functional society over there, with a reliable power grid and world class healthcare for example, but no one there is currently on the verge of staging a coup. To give you another example the communist struggle sessions did not make people lose faith in Mao and the CCP but they solidified his power when he politically hung in the ropes. And how many people got wrongfully put through these struggle sessions? Many people of course, didn't change a thing. And how can you even miss a thing you never knew in the first place? What would a non-1965 immigration reform USA look like today being still 90% white? We know that everything would be better but they don't. Darwinism knows neither wistfulness nor regret so we should cut the Anglosphere off like a gangrene toe. The smart, worthy people will vote with their feet before they can't leave anymore. I'm accepting virgin tradgirls over here so I'm doing my part. (Hopefully that homeland of yours you mentioned isn't France as I suspect - lmao)

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Shrouded Hills

South Africa isn't a sovereign country. White people could have run 20 coups already but America would nuke them all so the based ones leave and the weak ones stay. The country isn't functioning at all but nobody cares because one country going to hell is not a big deal in the big picture. Cultural Revolution didn't remove intelligent people from sustaining an advanced information economy. It shuffled some people around (about 1 million) in a rather primitive agricultural economy. The economy actual grew during that time. The comparison of the Federal Government having to run its IT infrastructure with FOB Pajeet and black women isn't even close.

Shrouded Hills
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Okay to make things as unambiguous as possible then let's talk about Cambodia. Where Pol Pot's regime killed the vast majority of their intellectuals. They didn't shuffle them around to do farm work on the countryside, they straight up cracked their skulls with rods. So quality of life in Cambodia went down and so did their economy. And it weren't the Cambodians that revolted against their tyrannical government, it was the Vietkong army that intervened and disposed of him. But you know what, I'm not even that big of a fan of historical explanations of what's to come. Our current circumstances are very unique. The state never had so sophisticated means of social engineering and the population was never that atomized (fever friends, familiy members, children, poor support networks). And then there are the more obvious things like a globalized world/work force, the internet and so on... I guess what I was trying to say was that the human species' greatest strength will be their greatest weakness. And that's diversity (lol joke). That's their adaptiveness. People will simply accept and learn to live with tyranny. And this will go on as long as the system can provide very basic things like (inferior, poisoned) food and water, (dorm-like) shelter, (pozzed) entertainment and so on. The notion that people will revolt is especially in times of one year of corona lockdowns questionable.

Janet Baker

There might be some interest among you in the sci fi novel Run in which a group of traditionalists on Earth's first space colony make a run for it to a distant asteroid. Several chapters are online, take a look. Not promoted anywhere, too radical. Https:// The world-wide left seem too powerful to resist until reality knocks away their support systems (and us along with it). Unless we keep trying, using democracy and dying for it as needed. We have to find and offer our people an economic alternative to socialism and predatory capitalism. It exists in the economy of medievalism that capitalism overthrew. No usury. Value-backed money. Local ownership with cooperatives for services and goods best left large. Natural markets. Natural sex. Natural death. And God.


Great post. This Scott Alexander shitstorm has been really interesting to observe and led to probably the best writing of Moldbug since he came back. I would however like to make a little note about your remark that shit is not as bad in continental Europe as it is in the Anglo world. Yes, it is not as bad, but it is still pretty bad. And it's getting worse. I don't even live in Western Europe. I live in Eastern Europe, in one of the poorest EU countries. And even HERE, the Great March of Progress is ratcheting up. You think you can't get fired for racism in Europe? Shit, a professor in the biggest university in my country got fired just two months ago, for being "racist" in a lecture on sociology. What was the racism? He pointed out that gypsies have high crime rates and are mostly a pretty unruly bunch. He also said Middle-eastern migrants are not very good at studying and are mostly useful for manual labor, etc. And he said that the government needs to be quite more heavy handed when dealing with such minorities. So what happened? Well, there is this little "progressive" student society for equality and tolerance or whatever that appeared at the university a couple of years ago. Thy immediately get riled up and start pesturing the dean to fire this guy. At first there is a little pushback, but in the end he does get fired. At least he is a visiting professor, so he didn't become unemployed (he kept his job at the other university), but still. The crimethink professor had to publicly humiliate himself, recant his statements and all that jazz. And what's notable is that this is not just some random motherfucker. No, this guy is literally from the old, red-state nobility of the Communist regime in Bulgaria. He was actually a candidate for mayor from the second-largest party - the Bulgarian Socialist Party in 2015. His father was member of the central committee of the Communist party from 1976 to 1988. This is not some random guy. And yet, even he can get cancelled by some brainwashed progs, probably on payroll from the American embassy. In what is supposed to be HIS country! "You have no power here". I am not a fan of the old reds at all, but this shit is scary. Makes it so painfully clear that you really do not live in a sovereign country. If the situation is already like this in EASTERN Europe, I can only imagine what it is in the western portion of the continent. True, it is easier for me to notice these things and I am more sensitive to them, because I am partly involved with politics in my country. Local normies probably do not even know much about this, although the media did make a decent fuss. But still, even if normies in cubicles are not being fired for racist jokes or flirting with the secretary yet, it is coming, even here. The US State Department is clearly ratcheting up its activity abroad in this regard. Last year the American embassy successfully lobbied the government to ban an annual march held by a local crypto-fascist organization. The march itself is not explicitly fascist, it is in honor of a general famous for sympathising with some fascist ideas. Last year it was surprisingly banned by the Interior Ministry. No detailed explanation was given, but I have been told by government sources that this came straight from the US embassy. Meanwhile, the "Pride" parade, is of course still on the menu. Every year. The local US embassy even puts a congratulatory post on the day it is held. LOL. So, even if shit is not as bad in Europe as it is in Anglo-world. It is getting there. I can see even Eastern Europe becoming a total shithole like that in the manner of 10 years. So your call for a draft should be global.

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I am cautiously optimistic that the sort of climate Anglos are living, where "whiteness" basically means evil and you can get fired just for being white, or being forced to undergo a litany of humiliating rituals for being white (or fired) will never come to continental Europe. Or at least not south of Sweden. France seems to be fighting back, Germany hardly has the number of browns and blacks for that to work, let alone other countries. That said Eastern Europe is fucked at a different fundamental level. You're really running out of people, and fast.

Shrouded Hills
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One thing I'd want to remark about the demographics is that Germany for example would be the number one most overaged country in the world (even before Japan) if it wasn't for mass immigration. The last year Germany had above replacement level fertility was 1970. So I'd cut off people over 70 when looking at European demographic data. Those people are still there of course but for the most part don't influence society in any meaningful way besides being a burden on pensions and the healthcare system. So doing that Germany's numbers are looking alot bleaker. France has in all likelihood now the same proportion of black people as the US (no more official data by the state) so the Pentagon can just copy and paste their psyops for that country. In Germany they might have to alter the narrative to include Turks and Arabs though. Eastern Europe is looking good because the peoples will stay the uncontested majorities in their respective countries for a long long time (maybe exclude Hungary for their gypsies if you want). So even when the total population numbers drop like in Japan they will still have their countries for themselves. We cannot play number games with Asia anyways (economies of scale), so quality over quantity it has to be. The future of whites will most likely be someplace between Vienna and Vladivostok.

BSRK Aditya

This strategem has a simple problem. Namely, you have not considered the dynamics of the would be rebel group. The rebel group faces a choice with regard to it's shelling point - it could declare itself as defending meritocracy or it could declare itself as defending the rights of white people in particular. Do you see the problem now? The temptation to declare the slogan to be meritocracy is simply overwhelming. And meritocracy, in case you did not notice, just lost about now. To implement your strategy there needs to be two purges, One by the existing institutions, and second by the would be rebel group. Now gee, who is going to win the purge in the would be rebel group, I wonder?

Shrouded Hills
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Shrouded Hills

*change 'influence' to 'participate'. What good is it if someone walks through a German city where whites on paper are still the majority but in the streets you won't encounter many of them. Because they are super old and spend their days indoors watching TV as if they were zombies. You will see and interact with lots of young Turkish people so that might as be the de facto population of Germany.

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As the other commenter notes, Japan, or even sub-Japan level demographics suck, really suck on a lot of different levels, but are beareable as long as they are not combined with mass influx/breeding of hostile minorities and active Globohomo psy-ops. I don't know about western Europe, where things seem much different, but in the East every regime's biggest weakness is corruption. The West has money. Still has, at least. Especially the EU. Much more money than our former master - Russia. Our politicians get EU funds money which they spend buying 6 mansions, and in exchange they give ideological compliance. Obviously, the US also has money. As long as the money flows from the West, the ideology will also flow from there. Eastern Europe is not a complicated place. On the one hand this might seem easy to fix, on the other, not so much. I guess we just have to wait until western economies go full banana republic, but who knows how long that will take. Maybe by that point we will already have a Tranny party in parliament or whatever.

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"Germany hardly has the number of browns and blacks for that to work" You're naive, there are already tons of people of color who have adopted American-style race discourse in German media and politics (e.g. google Aminata Toure, a daughter of asylum seekers and BLM enthusiast - this woman is vice president of the legislature of Schleswig-Holstein), also lots of ethnic German lefties who are talking about "white privilege" etc. (and this has already penetrated state institutions, Germany's Federal center for political education has sold books based on critical whiteness studies). Borders are de facto open, nobody ever gets deported, and the next government will be a CDU/CSU-Greens coalition, which will escalate mass immigration even more and increase repression against right-wingers to unprecedented levels. There's also already talk of quotas for migrants in the civil service and the like. I encounter this again and again on the net, a lot of people seem to have a very weird idea about Germany and think the country is somehow frozen in the 1980s or so, maybe with a few troublesome Turks, but basically sound otherwise. This is a total misreading of the situation, all the insanities from the US and UK are already percolating in "elite" discourse here and will become government policy in the next few years.

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You know what to do then

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Everyone under American Empire is suffering the same fate, at varying rates.


Phone poasting due to laziness. Lefty indoctrination (indoc from here on) gives us all the tools we need. Even if it fails to convert to our side, it reveals friends/enemies, and precludes neutrality. Male Feminists -> Its impossible to be a male feminist because men and women have mutually exclusive reproductive incentives. I dunno where I picked this up, someone more familiar with feminist ethics should have the deets. Splits the feminist coalition, sends men towards 2011-era Heartiste and from there to us. White women (and white men to a degree) -> Its impossible for a white woman to be antiracist. Getting blacked/beanered/arabed facilitates colorism via lightskin privilige. Having white kids obviously literally keeps white supremacy going for future generations. Only way for well meaning white people to be antiracist is to get sterilized, give all wealth to bipocs, ban all public and private benefits for all white people. ssi, ssdi, food stamps, wic, section 8 housing, scholarships, grants, university positions, HR jobs, low interest loans, pensions (<- this is a psychic killshot aimed at cops, military, and teachers - regime collaborators), free/reduced health care, all of it should be forbidden for whites. whites should explictly be tax cows, who work until the are broken, and who are then kicked out on the streets to serve as punching bags for bipocs to blow off steam or pimp out. Explicit white slavery should be a plank of the left lol. That Kenda dudes "writings" are perfect, we just need to take the last step he doesnt mention, them make it explicit. Making youtube channels where mixed race mulatta commissars with impeccable manners gently struggle session homeless white women would be perfect. Doing the same for harried 20-something white women with type 1 diabetes who work in call centers is as well. Doing the same for asians, arabs, hispanics, straight men and women, lesbians, jews, socialists/collectivists, and non-pedophiles should be a higher priority as it will crack their coalition and because most of these people are already outspoken. Maximizing tension between groups and pressure on groups worked on us (and radicalized us); it will be even more effective on them because theyre not used to it and their illusions are fragile. RE pedophiles: I expect a new category/spectrum along the lines of hetero and cis will come out soon, but for pedos. Black men being pressured to open up about their gayness and cracking up will shatter the solidarity black women one-sidedly express towards them. It wouldn't take much to get the left to do this, just takes someone at ease with deception who can get the ball rolling. Once some short sighted elite starts bankrolling it, it becomes normal and appears everywhere at once.

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Once US navy battle groups can't leave ports in the USA without hundreds of smaller vessels screening the ocean (and getting blown up) by submersible kamikaze drones - which will be impossible without white men - the Boers will have nothing to fear from the Great Satan. Theyll rise up then and only then.