The Jordan Peterson movement


Jordan Peterson is an old friend of this blog, which I'm sure he reads, even though for obvious PR reasons he can't quite admit to the fact. Mr. Peterson is getting increasing amounts of mainstream attention after he utterly and completely destroyed some dumb journo British woman a couple of weeks ago.

I won't pull the hipster move of saying I was into Peterson before he was cool. But I have written quite a lot about the man, his ideas, and why he's so popular. Do check it out.

In short, the reason why Peterson is so successful is that he's selling a single proposition. It's OK to be Christian. More precisely, he's selling It's OK to be a White, Christian Man. That is of course a revolutionary slogan, as White Christian men are the officially most low-status people in the West. They're not even just deprivated, they're the enemy of the state. Not just low, positively evil. Well,  we know that selling hope and validation to low-status people is very good business. And as it happens, the low status of White Christian Men is not the result of any natural law, but the highly unnatural result of a centuries old political endeavor. Peterson slightly hints at that. Just pull yourselves together, White Christian Men, and you'll be the ruling class again. Nature Says So.

Anyway, the mainstream media has started to notice our good Dr. Peterson. That is not good. It's good short term, in that some sympathetic people will find them and give him money. But mid term it's very bad. The hornet nest won't allow anyone to give hope to White Christian Men. Some trolls in the US printed some fliers across the country saying: It's OK to be White. It went to every single Cathedral outlet and the response was unanimous: Nazis! It's most positively NOT OK to be White in the Current Year. So it follows that someone is going to come down on Jordan Peterson like a ton of bricks. And eventually someone smarter or more resourceful than the Channel 4 broad will be put in charge of taking Peterson down.

I wonder what it will be. Some fabricated (or not) #metoo scandal? Surely plenty of nubile co-eds have thrown themselves at their handsome alpha professor over the years. Accusations of racism? They've already found an old Tweet of him making a (pretty accurate) race joke. Maybe that sticks.

The question is what he will do later. Apologize? We all know where that leads to. Instant death. Mr. Peterson is walking a very thin rope here. Conquest's Second Law is very clear: Anything that isn't explicitly right wing turns left-win over time. Will Peterson cuck down and submit? Or will he stand on his feet and fight back as the leader of the deprived young Christian masses?

The Jordan Peterson movement | @the_arv

[] The Jordan Peterson movement []


Right now, I'm more concerned about something a blogger called "Grey Enlightenment" has been proposing: Jordan Peterson finally was able to stop the Overton Window shift to the RIGHT. He took roots in the center and is acting as a massive barrier now, something that lesser people (Such as Sargon) failed to do over and over - even at our worst moments (Charlottesville), we were still managing to push the Window towards us. And Peterson manages that because he has both the Credentials and he's incredibly well Outspoken - he knows how to lay out his ideas and is well versed in debate. Now, it was no secret that, as we at the Vanguard of the movement pushed for more "extreme" ideas, the major gain was being made is moving people out of Cuckservatism and into Libertarianism and similar, like in a Pyramid, where what the Minority Top does get irradiated (and diluted) until reaching the Mass Bottom (critical mass), and then these people were ready to climb one more step in the pyramid and the Redpilling/Overton Window process followed. Leftists tried to prevent people from flocking towards us by creating a narrative about us. The people wouldn't be hearing what we had to talk from our mouths, but the distorted narrative from the Media's. This worked wonderfully at the extreme left and very well at the center left, but everyone else to the center and to the right were still flocking towards us. Until Jordan Peterson, when he decided to say: YOU SHALL NOT PASS.

Bernie Sanders

He already cucked by disinviting Faith Goldy from a "free speech" event and has nothing but effusive praise for Jews. Dude's just a brighter than average boomer. He's Tony Robbins for millennials. Don't expect too much.


Because he is getting loads of money, cancelling his tenure would fail and backfire, so they have to murder him, The attack on Ethan Van Sciver indicates that they are reluctant to murder Jordan Peterson under present circumstances. Any full on attack on him as an islamophobic homophobic transphobic racist sexist fascist sexist nazi would backfire. They want to isolate him first. Just as it will require extraordinary means to neutralize Trump, will require extraordinary means to neutralize Jordan Peterson. Extraordinary means are certainly being considered and given a dry run. Whether they will be carried out, hard to say.

The Jordan Peterson movement | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

Replying to:

Grey Enlightenment is coming out with some pretty lame stuff atm supporting Harris in his argument with Taleb over, of all things, Taleb's lack of peer-reviewed research papers. If anyone is moving to occupy the centre it's Grey "Enlightenment".


JP won’t fall unless found in bed with a dead girl or live boy...anyways why nay-say the exposure? Mr. Potter: “Confound it man! Are you afraid of success?”


They are not equals and there is no real exchange of ideas. The journalist is beautiful, high class, but rather stupid. Only worth talking to her if it leads to the bed.


So what you're saying is that it's not OK to be White?

Replying to:

It requires a fair amount of delusional purism to think that a highly articulate and respectable person speaking your truths in diluted form and thereby incurring the full wrath of your enemies is somehow bad news for the cause. There are a LOT of people you can't reach if your only champions are trolls, Jew-baiting morons, and weirdos who write lots of text and refuse to show their faces or use their real names, all of whom are highly vulnerable to the charge of being sympathetic to Nazis. A very old friend of mine, a somewhat apolitical, somewhat cucked normie, would never really tune in when I tried to present him with alt-right or anti-feminist ideas, or when I tried to point him to various blogs. I've been doing this for years. "Eh, sounds kinda Nazi," he'd say. A few days ago he says, "Hey, have you heard of this Jordan Peterson guy? He's amazing. I've been listening to his videos nonstop."

Inquiring Mind
Replying to:

You would even fantasize relations with that scold? Son, there are some women you only talk to if it keeps them out of your bed.

Duke of Qin
Replying to:
Inquiring Mind

Hah your are forgetting that J is by his own admission a fat, old, jew. Sure if you are a millennial man in the prime of their life, then that woman is distinctly unappetizing but considering his advanced age and the reality of Anglo-American women of that particular age cohort, that Shrew is actually likely in the top decile. That and maybe the Shiksappeal?

Replying to:
Duke of Qin



I think the correct strategy is neither apologizing nor fighting back but simply ignoring the charges. No reaction whatsoever. The media lives off attention and sensationalism, that there is a conflict going on, a controversy, and it always takes two to fight. When someone launches accusations and the other just does not say a word, it stops being an interesting sensation pretty quickly. What can they do? They can remind readers every week that there is still no answer? How quickly readers get bored of it? I know it is very hard not to answer, that is why their strategy usually works. Imagine someone in a bar accusing you of stealing their wallet or something. It is very hard to not answer to that. But if you do and keep arguing you never come well out of it because people have blurry memory and all they will remember you are the guy who was involved in some sort of a wallet stealing scandal or something like that. They will not remember you innocence, they won't even remember who was the accused and the accuser they just remember those two dudes had some wallet stealing trouble going on. And that means both of you are now suspicious and "off". But if you are capable to not say anything then all people will remember that some crazy dude threw accusations left and right but nobody gave a damn, they won't even remember whom he accused. So the way he should want people remember these future charges is "Yet another case of some chick accusing someone with sexual misconduct. Whom? I am not sure. Some professor." and the only way to do that is no reply whatsoever.

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Is that Chinese for "Don't be nasty to other commenters, please; it's not helpful"?

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Good thing you're patronising a guy who's clearly controlled opposition, who's trying to push people towards Cuckservatism all over again.

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Bernie Sanders

Faith Goldy is badly in need of a manager, I think.

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It's Chinese for 'let's you and him fight"

Replying to:
Bernie Sanders

No thots is good policy in my book.

Replying to:

No playing with people's usernames. Next time get banned. I don't mind anons.