Fighting the bad fight


The United States is the world empire since, at least, 1991. There's no question about that. This hegemony has started to crumble in recent years. First, China refused to surrender to the Western-supported students in Tiananmen square, in 1989. Then Russia fell, some thought for good, but since 1999 Putin rebuilt the Russian state and its sovereignty, leading to very tense relations with USG. China also waivered between accommodation to the USG led order, signing all those UN human rights treaties. But since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, China has been in open confrontation to the American led world order.

It is no surprise that Vladimir Putin has a lot of fans in the West, as the internal enemies of USG, or its state church, the Cathedral as we call it, follow the ancient logic that your enemy's enemy is a pretty good guy. The specifics don't matter. There's plenty to dislike about Putin and his regime. But he's one of the few enemies of the world empire that USG wants to impose on Earth, and for that he deserves our respect. That he goes the extra length of opposing the very things we object about American rule, e.g. gender ideology, is the icing on the cake, changing mere respect into gratitude, even admiration. I agree with this idea, and I'm very glad Vladimir Putin exists.

Putin gets a lot of fans also because, well, he's white. He looks like us, and comes from a fairly similar cultural background. China doesn't get many fans. Most of the same people who hail Putin still deride the Chinese government as "Chicoms", who are sleazy and nasty and just witchy. I mean look at those small eyes, you can't even see what they're thinking. That's, well, racism, but in this blog we are understanding of racism. Racism is a natural feeling of human societies. And while racism towards, say, black Africans was subsumed by virtue signaling, racism towards Asians will never die.

For a very simple reason. As you may recall from the late Larry Auster's First Law of Minority Relations, niceness towards NAMs is a moral command because NAMs are on average dumb and violent, i.e. uncivilized. People are naturally ill disposed towards dumb and violent people, so being nice to NAMs is a costly signal. It makes the signaler feel so much holy on her sacrifice. That's Economics of Religion 101. East Asians though are smart and law-abiding. There's plenty to dislike about them, of course, the stereotype of the boring Asian drone who only cares about money and takes infinite amounts of shit is often true; although there's regional differences, and I gotta point out that Northern East Asians tend to be much cooler and less drone-like than Southeastern Chinese.

But I digress, the point is that there's no holiness points in liking Asians. They're ok people who do their thing, nobody has any reason to hate them. And in practice nobody hates them, East Asians get along quite well in White countries, and intermarriage rates with second-gen immigrants are very high, on both sexes. But precisely because Asians and Whites get along well, because they live together, they also compete. They get on each other's throats. And there being no incentive to suppress natural outgroup resentment ("racism"), well haters gonna hate. For many reasons. There's the obvious sexual tension. Even I got called a "sexpat English teacher in China" by some weirdo on reddit. Incidentally I'm married with children, I don't live in China, and I'm not even a native English speaker. But by my talking about Asia I'm even closer to them in mindspace, so some Asian is naturally going to resent my white presence. It happens to when some Asian goes on, and some white guy tells him to go home to the Commies.

I of course think this is very unfortunate. The problem that humanity faces now is not any real conflict between Whites and East Asians. The problem humanity faces now is the probably death of advanced civilization due to South Asians, Arabs and Black Africans outbreeding Whites and East Asians. sub-90 IQ populations outbreeding 100-plus IQ populations. That's a real and serious problem. If our civilization dies, there will be no second one. There's no cheap coal left to jumpstart a second Industrial Revolution. If we lose our present technology, we are back to the Iron Age, forever. Probably not even that, the cheaply accessible iron ore deposits are probably gone forever too. Back to the Stone Age, folks. That's our predicament.

It follows that Whites and East Asians should stop hating each other, as natural and understandable as that is, and fight the brown hordes together. That's happening to some point. There's zillions of East Asians in the West, and more whites in East Asia than, in the Middle East or Africa (not counting the colonial settlers stranded there). But there are still obstacles for an Alliance of Civilization (in the singular). First is that of course political actors have their own incentives. USG is divided in two broad factions, left-Bluegov (the State Department, academia), right-Redgov (the Pentagon). Bluegov must hate China because they want to spread their NGO human rights racket over there. Redgov must hate China because they need an enemy to scare the country into giving them more money for bombs.

Second is that, well, Asian PR is inept. Whites and East Asians have common interests, but we are still quite different, both biologically and culturally. I said that from the most deep admiration for Chinese political culture, about which I've written extensively and will continue to do so. But some stuff is still hard to swallow. Take a look at this.

That's... embarrassing. I'm the sort of guy who changes channels and even stops watching a movie when something embarrassing happens. And this was tough to watch. I'm a fan of Xi Jinping, I think he's a great guy and he's doing a fairly good job. But hell, if he had this made he needs some PR classes. Cults of personality are bad enough, but there's nothing lamer than a lame cult of personality.

Incidentally, Putin also has his cult of personality, which I criticized some time ago, although for different reasons.

That's pretty embarrassing too, but the music is better and the chicks are hot, so who cares. Hail Putin.

Now, I understand why the Xinhua video is so lame. It's basically why Asian PR is all lame. Japan's isn't any better, so it's not about Communism. Well, the cult of personality has all to do with Communism. By many accounts Xi Jinping has good reason to be drumming up his own cult of personality: the remnants of the Jiang Zemin era kleptocrats are being purged, and the more they resist (they got money) the stronger the need to check for bureaucratic loyalty by forcing them to be shameless sycophants.

But the lame culture itself is a result of the reclusive nature of Asian sociability. Asians just really like small, reclusive groups. They work very well inside them, they can focus, do their thing, and calculate their status very easily. Open, universalist societies are just exhausting in comparison. That's not exclusively Asian, of course, all biological bell curves overlap. Plenty of whites enjoy joining cults and developing wacky and cheesy culture of their own. But East Asians are patently more driven to small clique formation. Maybe it has something to do with cousin-marriage (no plagiarism here, hbdchick). Or something about pastoralism or a lack thereof, as agnostic had it.

It's a pity that Asia can't produce better PR. To the extent that Japan does produce any decent content (Anime, Kurosawa movies), it found plenty of friends in the West. China also has much to sell. Neoconfucian patriarchy was a pretty awesome deal for men. But alas, they don't care about us, and they have no good reason to do so. The West also has no good reason to give a shit about Asia. But we could at least leave each other alone and focus on keeping our civilization alive. But nah, China is too big, and the closer it gets to US levels of power, the more exciting the fight becomes. And we all like a fight. Even it kills us in the process. Think of Persia and Constantinople.

Fighting the bad fight | @the_arv

[] Fighting the bad fight []


So how do we get Confucianism in the West? Study the classics? Learn how to work the Book of Changes?


If we lose our present technology, we are back to the Iron Age, forever. Probably not even that, the cheaply accessible iron ore deposits are probably gone forever too. I wouldn't worry about iron shortages. It (along w/ aluminum) is a large part of the earth's crust. And it's fairly cheap to get out of the ground--the big mines in Western Australia can produce iron ore for as little as $20/ton. The biggest cost for iron mining is building the mine in the first place, but those capital costs tend to be cyclical, rising or falling depending on how strong the world economy is.

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Start by reading your Xunzi I'd say.

Contaminated NEET

The worry is not iron shortages. The worry is a lack of iron deposits that are accessible to a barbaric post-collapse Mad Max society. If the road warriors and postmen and gill-mutants can't get to the iron, they can't rebuild for another go at the stars. I don't know how much of an issue that is, but capital-intensive Australian mines with 400-ton autonomous dumptrucks are not going to be an option.


Would falling back to the Iron Age be such a terrible thing? By your lights, Iron-Age technology's natural limitations tend to damp signaling spirals before they get too far along (usually, of course there are exceptions). Sure, the health-care would suck, but it would probably be better than last time. And people would finally start putting together communities and spiritually thriving again.

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And people complain when I say Islam is preferable to feminism.


Hunh. I thought you were half-British, half-Japanese. Putin looks Chinese to me. "The Rock" looks more White than Putin does. Chinese leaders should play the wise-philosopher role (convincingly, which means that they actually try to be wise and philosophical) -- Americans love wise-philosophical Chinese guys.

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They could put some Daoist sage as foreign minister. The Chinese like strong, cruel leaders.


It feels like the quality of Japanese output has declined. For example, in anime, we once had Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star - genuine creativity - and these days, just a constant flow of pandering animes. Why would you think that has happened?

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I agree. In movies it's even more stark. They have sucked badly for decades now. What happened? Decline happened. The anime industry is in tatters. People are drawing for USD10k a year. Innovation dies when there's no money, everyone plays it safe, which in this case means lame girl anime for perverts.

Baruch Kogan (@BaruchKogan)

>It follows that Whites and East Asians should stop hating each other, as natural and understandable as that is, and fight the brown hordes together. The East Asians see the "brown hordes" as an opportunity, not a threat. And rightly so. Also-the closer someone is to you, the more they are competition. The biggest threat to a gazelle on the savannah is not the lions-it's other gazelles. There's 10K gazelles and 10 lions. The lions eat someone once a day, but all those 10K gazelles want to beat you up for mates and pasture.

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Baruch Kogan (@BaruchKogan)

I think it's rather the West which has been busy weaponizing the brown hordes for their own purposes, both internal and external. But I wouldn't expect you to say the truth. That closeness means competition is exactly my point.

Fighting the bad fight | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

A.B. Prosper
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Hah. The upside of an age of low energy future is there is a lot less risk of man made doomsday , no tailored plagues , no nukes, no nano weapons and a species whose tendency to ecological damage is controlled better by natural limits The loss of a potential asteroid shield is bad but we don't have that now or any real momentum for such a thing anyway As for space travel or colonies well it was almost certainly never going to happens anyway

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Baruch Kogan (@BaruchKogan)

That's silly. We have to deal with them too in the long run and if nothing else, Confucian cultures have always tended to try to plan for the long run.

Xiahou Dun

As to why south east eastern Chinese tend to be more drone like, i think it is because the Chang Jiang in where rice was domesticated first. Wet rice farming tends to select for more collectivism and drone like behavior. I don't have a problem with civilization collapsing, if we go back to before the industrial age, Higher IQ peoples will replace lower IQ peoples. The whole story of pre modernChina is higher IQ migrants from the central plains displacing austro asiatics/ austronesians from the south. Modernity has reversed this process and now Vietnamese and Indonesians come to south china and Taiwan for work. The longer we hope to cling on to modernity the more the higher IQ races will be in danger of being replaced demographically. Pol pot was right after all.


A chemist can correct me, but isn't rusted iron way better as a source of iron than any of the ores normally available? The stock of our current iron and steel could sustain atleast the pots, pans and spears of a fairly large set of city states. Getting to the stars would however require a completely new process, possibly a biologically inspired one.

R7 Rocket
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A.B. Prosper

On the contrary, nuclear weapons will be more commonplace. You're not truly rich if you're not rich enough to build nukes. And this will benefit high IQ groups the most, especially those that embrace human genetic engineering....

R7 Rocket
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China is pursuing human genetic enhancement. I highly doubt that Beijing will bow down to the low IQ brown hordes.