

There's this stereotype that says that people who apply to join the police force are the kind of people that enjoys having power and using it over others. Power is nice but not everybody is equally driven to it. But some people just love the stuff. To lord over others. Give orders. The right to be nasty. Innate bullies, so to speak. I don't know how accurate that is, but there must be something to it.

Well, take a look at this, hat tip to Handle.


Before somebody on frog twitter publishes a copy of this video with a rhythmic BGM signing "cuck" all the time (please do it). Take a serious look at that policeman. Look at those closeup shoots. Now that physiognomic analysis is kosher again thanks to AI, take a good look at that guy. That's the face of a man who 200 years ago would have been a priest, a clergyman. A man who gives sermons for a living. Which is a very similar job to a policeman, really. The job comes with legal privileges. It's kinda high status, at least inside a small milieu.

I guess in order to get promoted inside a modern police force you gotta be both. You gotta enjoy bullying people with force, *and* with insufferable sermons. Stronger than you *and*  holier than you. Take that. That's like the ultimate powerlust. The prerequisite for real power in the modern bureaucracy.

Anyway, I hope this guy is enjoying is Policepriest job in Vancouver. For when Chinese immigrants take over the half of the city, they aren't going to give sermons on the fundamental goodness of humanity on Youtube. That's Stuff White People Do. Stuff Anglos do, to be precise.

But maybe not; maybe the Sinocanadians just keep the nice parts of the city, and let the remaining whites be happy by giving them positions of authority over the worst parts of the country. Like the concentration camps (reducciones) the Jesuits used to run in South America to enjoy domesticating native tribals. That way race replacement could go on all over the white world and our liberals and cucks would enjoy every day of it.

Power | @the_arv

[] Power []


Maybe the Police should let cripples in wheelchairs be robbed at knife-point? The real police Bully The Bullies. That's what they do and to the extent they enjoy it let them. I say real police as opposed to the police of the mind. I can't think of one high school bully I know who became a cop BTW. Jocks yes. Cops no. As far as paying lip service to the reigning religion since when is that a problem? [vulnerable people-which in this case they are indeed vulnerable].

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Nah. You guys are bullies. Stop shilling.


>But maybe not; maybe the Sinocanadians just keep the nice parts of the city, and let the remaining whites be happy by giving them positions of authority over the worst parts of the country. Like the concentration camps (reducciones) the Jesuits used to run in South America to enjoy domesticating native tribals. That way race replacement could go on all over the white world and our liberals and cucks would enjoy every day of it. Man, you cut like a knife.

Imperial Energy

Check out this chick: http://celiagreen.blogspot.co.uk/2007/11/detective-dramas-and-centralisation.html "Policepriest" - nice. "But maybe not; maybe the Sinocanadians just keep the nice parts of the city, and let the remaining whites be happy by giving them positions of authority over the worst parts of the country. Like the concentration camps (reducciones) the Jesuits used to run in South America to enjoy domesticating native tribals. That way race replacement could go on all over the white world and our liberals and cucks would enjoy every day of it." In a way, it is not a bad idea only you just exile the varlets and the priests to some large Island somwhere.

Power | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

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Imperial Energy
Apparently there is a terrible place called "Research Centre for Able Pupils" (RECAP) at Oxford Brookes University. (See article ‘Is your child a genius’ by Sarah Harris, Daily Mail, 5 January 2008.) We are told that someone called Bernadette Tynan, formerly of RECAP, "has toured schools helping identify talented pupils for a Channel Five series, Make Your Child Brilliant, which starts on Thursday." Before confiscating even more money from taxpayers for ‘research’ to be done by socially appointed oppressors of humanity, they should have devoted at least the same amount of money to restitution and reparation of those who have been deprived of a career, or even an acceptable means of livelihood, by the oppressive school and university system. They should close this place now, and give me the money which is being spent on supporting it, so that I can set up at least a minimal institutional environment within which I and my associates can at long last have progressive and productive academic careers. The same applies to the other appalling place, the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth at Warwick University (now taken over by the education department). If both were closed and the money given to me, I could proceed to make some use of my ability on a more adequate scale. The money that is being spent on ‘helping’ the present generation of gifted children should first of all be spent on undoing the harm that has already been done to the lives of former gifted children, rather than doing ‘research’ on even more effective methods for destroying the lives of those with high IQs. ... http://celiagreen.blogspot.co.uk/2008/01/more-research-on-gifted-children.html

What a gem.

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And you guys are resentful cowards. And I'm not a cop LOL. I'm a Vet. We're "Bullies" too... My profession is technical and not LEO, security, etc. None of you have actual jobs or work experience do you? Bosses are also "Bullies." God Almighty stop displaying weakness. It incites aggression. cheers.

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Sure thing, pig.

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For the abuse my wife and I have received from pigs like you, I support BLM 200% and stand behind every single bullet they shoot into your worthless chests. Now do you get it?

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Wow hey man, that's overdoing it. Do elaborate though.

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Okay. My wife was anally raped by two men at night. A policeman saw this, approached the scene. "Can I join?" he asked them. Though he did not eventually join, he also did not arrest them. It was all fun, y'know? Pigs are above the law. Is that elaborate enough?

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Yeah, sorry about that. Did anything happen to that sob afterwards?

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No idea. Perhaps he got promoted.

Imperial Energy
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She has plenty of interesting observations.

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Seems like a logical end of progressive attitudes. I particularly like: "...could proceed to make some use of my ability on a more adequate scale." That's some chutzpah.


Most police are toadies: people who enjoy DELEGATED POWER but who lack the ambition/drive/intelligence/risk-taking to seek ACTUAL POWER and show absolute deference when they encounter it. They're not saints, but in an orderly society, there's always a use for people who are inclined to defer to power and to knock around people who are disinclined to defer to that power. And you're better off having too many toadies than having too many overambitious people. A bully could be a toadie or could be someone with actual power: anyone who enjoys abusing their power with petty cruelties. But not all toadies are bullies. Soldiers -- true soldiers -- are warriors, which is a fundamentally different personality type than toadies or bullies. If I had to guess, 5% of U.S. military men (and 0% of women) are warriors, but they account for 80% of our combat effectiveness. The rest are mostly schlubs for whom it's just a job, with a few psychopathic political types towards the top.

Contaminated NEET
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This has got to have some potential for our side, too. If we could somehow send all our would-be saints to carefully shepherd far-off savages into enlightenment, then they're not here to carefully shepherd us into enlightenment. They'd get all the status and power they could want, while I'd be left alone to enjoy misogyny in video games without the endless harangues.


i was thinking about this modern phenomenon of power fusion. the fusion of religious and military power seems to be the key to the success of modern europeans over the world. now they're facing the complications of that, as a further fusion takes place: between economic and military power. indeed it seems that the chinese are best positioned to realize a full fusion of power into a single military-economic-religious unit. the Overman, maybe?

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The Overman is an individual person who thinks and enjoys.