Moving right


Context here is that Han Chinese are 45% of the population there but only 22% of births. Modern people find it bothersome to raise families when living surrounded by hostile Muslims.

The Chinese at least understand the problem.

Moving right | @the_arv

[] Moving right []


I guess the Han Chinese shall inherit the earth rather than the Muslims. Who can say? The Chinese have technology and cooperation working for them, while the Muslims have patriarchy. If the Chinese become more patriarchal they win.


Still too many xenomorph egg sacs laying around. Taking a flamethrower to the problem might avert the need for more drastic solutions, like nuking the facility from orbit...

Moving right | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []


My brother in Hong Kong says that his Chinese wife watches soap-opera-type programs from the mainland that promote the familiar feminist/Progressive mindset. Also, I have a question -- are people from higher and lower social classes as comfortable with each other in Chinese cities as they are in, say, Brooklyn, where SWPLs chat easily with South-Italian and Puerto Rican proles in the gym or on supermarket-lines?

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Hell no. Chinese class snobbishness is at English levels if not worse.


Chinese and Indians are not the best of Friends, or besties as you call it in the west. But Indians and Muslims are even less of Friends. So I'm sure my fellow Indians will excuse me when I jump for Joy shouting "China! China! China! China! China! China! China! nauseum, ad infinitum

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China is bankrolling Pakistan to fuck with India, but they'd be so much happier about it if Pakistan weren't Muslim.


If the Chinese manage to get a not-cucked flavor of Christianity as their de facto state religion, they'll own the back half of the 21st century. Add high trust to their racial portfolio and they'll become the global hegemon.

Baruch Kogan (@BaruchKogan)
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Yes, if the Chinese cease to be Chinese and become something else entirely, they will get very different results. The last time a non-cucked flavor of Christianity was available there was the Taiping Revolt. As for high trust, dude, they're Chinese. Are you familiar with the Chinese? These are people who will cut baby formula with poison to make a marginally higher profit.

Baruch Kogan (@BaruchKogan)

Modern people find it bothersome to raise families when the iPhone 10 is around the corner, and I hear this one will have great VR, and also, have you heard what our friends did on their vacation? In China, they've also got a government which does not want them to have large families.

Replying to:

How cucked is South Korean Christianity? I think it's fairly cucked, but my knowledge there is low. If Chinese Christianity gains momentum, I'd think SK is probably your best guide to what happens next. Christianity is almost always kinder, gentler, and more feminist than the surrounding culture. Hasn't Spandrell made this point before? When the surrounding culture rewards murderous, destructive aggression, Christianity provides good balance. When the culture is suicidally, pathologically soft, it's tough for Christianity to reverse the problem. It certainly didn't save Rome. This isn't always obvious because today in the West, Christianity is the old religion, and the old religion attracts conservative-minded people. People are Christian because they're conservative, not conservative because they're Christian.

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Yes indeed I did this point here: Though you put it very well and much more concisely.

Imperial Energy

Xinjiang is the biggest province in China,but how many Muslims does China have compared to the Han? How many will they likely have? Furthermore, China do not really do all the bullshit integration nonsense that the West does, so you do not have Muslims getting into too many positions of power and influence. If Muslims kill Chinese, then Chinese kill Muslims. Chinese also let Muslims know who is boss by making them cut off their beards and making them eat pork. In the end, the Chinese will do what they have to do.

A.B. Prosper

People find it bothersome to raise children when they live in crowded rat warrens or cities and have the ability to not have children from technology and more importantly lower social pressure to do so, China has a population of 1.3 billion and has probably long reached its social limit, the West also mostly reached its social limit. Germany for example is around half again the size of Oregon and has 80 million people, Oregon would have around 6 million (its 4 and change currently) at the same size and is horribly crowded in many ways . I can't imagine it at 13x the density As far as the Muslim issue, the only reason the West has one is its leaders are defacto 5th columnists who are desperate for warm bodies to rule, consume and breed at any cost and who'll sell out their own for a dime of savings in cheap labor. I can't speak for China there but I suspect if they felt seriously threatened they'd simply slaughter them until the problem ended. This works pretty well historically and there isn't a thing anyone could or would do about it. Anyway on a broader scale, people maybe reasonably assumed the post war birth surge was normal even though in the US at least we were at or below replacement for much of the 30's and until 1940 or so and have spent more time at or below below replacement fertility (minus immigration) than above it Shrinkage is probably the new norm till a certain point is reached and it stabilizes (well baring collapse or war scenarios or complete population replacement ) this seems sound to me but I don't run anything where continuous growth is a required part of any model either

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Judging by what my wife told me about Chinese Christianity (she is Chinese), it seems to be just another superstition the Chinese are prone to succumb to, rather than anything we in the west (or Russia) would recognize as Christianity. Not in terms of official doctrine, but rather in terms of popular beliefs of people who attend Chinese churches: they treat Jesus as just another powerful being (like Confucius, Lao-Tse, Buddha etc.), who fulfills wishes. I had high hopes for 'westernization' of China through Christianity, but not any more. As my ex-girlfriend many years ago put it (she was ethnic Chinese, but not from PRC): "Chinese bastardize everything."

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Chinese soap opera/dramas are feminist as hell. Most are just the female protagonist running around doing stupid shit/hurting themselves, crying about it, all while having everyone else clean up the mess for them and telling them they deserve better. Creates entitlement/princess mentalities.

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I've just reread that post -- very good. Someone commented on your last post to the effect that all big social movements start with "edgy LARPing." I think that 's true, and I think that the West should LARP the religion of Homer. There's something there for everyone: Hephaestus for programmers, Ares for tough guys, Apollo for theorists, Athena for career-ladies, Artemis for cute dykes, etc. A LARPed Homeric religion would be indisputably Western in a way that would be acceptable to the Teutons, while the religion of the Poetic Eddas would not be acceptable to the Latins. If anyone wants to LARP Thor-worship, Odin-worship, etc., fine, but that wouldn't be part of the official cult.

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"Edda" in the singular; sorry. (I have the Hollander translation, and have read maybe 2/5 of it -- I like it a lot.)

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Baruch Kogan (@BaruchKogan)

Powdered Bakelite is no poison and increases protein content index. Yet, you are correct. "High trust" is not really applicable to the Chinese people.