Sexual Orientation


This proves two ideas which have been part of common sense since the advent of humanity until 1960.

One is that women's sexuality is more malleable than men's. More psychological. Men are more physically constrained. More hard-wired, say. Which makes sense of course, because in the ancestral environment, indeed for all mammals, to achieve successful reproduction you just need to motivate the male. The female will do what it must, Melian style.

The second idea this proves is that abnormal sexual orientation is correlated with mental disease. And yeah correlation is not causation... sometimes. Sometimes it is.

Sexual Orientation | @the_arv

[] Sexual Orientation []


Weininger talks about this shit, doesn't he?

Imperial Energy

Autism is a mental disease?

Sexual Orientation | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

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Imperial Energy

Or a disorder. Call it how you will. But it's not a characteristic of healthy humans.

Imperial Energy
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Health is a relative term.

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Imperial Energy

Everything is a relative term, and human groups set standards so that conversation is possible. Don't come to a linguist's blog to play semantics.

Imperial Energy
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Can you not have conversations with autistic people? Why does Autism exist anyway? Is it not possible that the kind of intelligence that autistic people possess not convey certain evolutionary advantages? The other thing to consider is that what psychologists consider a "disorder" is "relative" because it is shot through with un-examined normative assumptions.

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Imperial Energy

You're not gonna persuade me that autism is cool; I apparently I'm not gonna convince you that the word "disorder" exists because it's useful, and putting autism inside it is part of that usefulness. But hey, I'm with the mainstream here for once, so I don't need to spend energy convincing you.

Imperial Energy
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"usefulness." Is sociopath useful? Yet, it is considered a disorder? Presumably, there is a spectrum of people with the "disorder" and this gives them differing potential to "function". Newton was, perhaps, the smartest man who ever lived but he may have been autistic or had Asperger's "syndrome". Also, the assumption that "disorders" are cool is unwarranted; some disorders may convey evolutionary advantage, but that does not mean that you would want them, or that people who have them enjoy suffering from them.

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Imperial Energy

Sociopaths are very useful. More useful than you, who can't even parse a simple sentence. The adjective "useful" qualified "word", not "disorder". I guess plenty of autists are useful; I still won't give it to you that autism is not a disorder. So leave it there. And stop misunderstanding me, or else go comment somewhere else. You know, people like you are like the Down Syndrome Parents Association of Japan, who lobbied the government to stop approval of non-invasive screening, or like deaf people trying to lobby against cochlear implants to protest "cultural genocide of deaf culture". Which is true, and kinda sad if you're into that stuff. But deafness is still a disorder. Down syndrome is a horrible disorder. And autism is, more often than not, a horrible disorder, even if mild cases can be incredibly useful.

Imperial Energy
Replying to:

Well, thanks, but I got you to "parse" your assumption that autism is a disorder by admitting the possibility that autism could be useful and by also by accepting that "sociopathy" can also be useful. Didn't mean to nit pick, just thought you of all people should have been more alert to imbibing modern, progressive assumptions about human nature.


Feminism has poisoned relations between the sexes, so it's hardly surprising that more people seek solace in the arms of their own sex. I see such opportunistic bisexuality all around me. Autistics are especially affected because they lack people skills, so when parents, schools, and media all say that boys and girls are the same, autistics believe it. Thus we sabotage our most vulnerable with sadistic lies, Rehtaeh Parsons being an especially tragic example. Promiscuity only makes you more popular if you're a guy. Fair or not, that's how it is.


Spandrell--are there are a lot of autistic people in NRx, or is that something outsiders (more outsider than me even) think, or wrongly say so? I know there are no NRx who identify as homosexual (there used to be one who was always 'fighting it', but he's disappeared), but in reading the NRx blogs for a few years, I think I hear more people calling each other 'autist' than elsewhere, and I think I have read some blog comments that call all or many of you autists. Obviously, I agree with you on this, not saying I exactly 'like you', since who cares? You're funny and a bastard, and I don't think autists usually are in any obvious way. Alrenous told me I wouldn't (as 'normie muscian') like 'sperg music', and I looked around and found that 'spergs' were possibly not different from 'high-functioning autists'. He didn't tell me what 'sperg music' even was, I wondered if it was related to the 'coloured noises', but that goes so far back. I don't know if 'sperglord' is a high-functioning autist, brilliant (but scary) in that scientific way Alrenous is.

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'musician', not 'muscian'. I once called someone 'autistic' on a far-left blog in 2006, and was told I may not say that as an insult.

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Sperg is what normies call people who sound smarter than them; so when the alt-right starting growing and conflicting with neoreaction, sperg was their usual insult. I can think of 2 people who are kinda spergy, but I'm not very involved these days. The music they like is indeed a good indicator.

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Thanks God there is at least one normal person who thinks that autism is a horrible disease. The "official" opinion in our academic circles is that autism adds to "diversity". An august professor of genetics said that he would not like to live in a world without Beethoven (deaf), Toulouse-Latrec (dwarf), Van Gogh (mad as a hatter), etc. Pfuiia.

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The modern use of "autist" as an Internet insult comes from the chans, I'm pretty sure. "Weaponized autism", and all that.

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"The music they like is indeed a good indicator." Do go on....