

So, a 22 year old Arab dork,


born and raised in England, who probably grew up obsessed by all those scantily-clad white girls all around him who wouldn't give him the time of day. One day he suddenly "radicalized", became a hard-core Salafist, made some Salafist buddies who took them to the Middle East to train as a gha__zi. He found his call.

And what he do with his call? He bombed an Ariana Grande concert. Of all places.

Now why would that be? What is it he disliked or resented about hundreds upon hundreds of teenage girls in short skirts?


These links may help.



Manchester | @the_arv

[] Manchester []

Dark Reformation101

Bin Laden, when he was a teenager, got into a fight with his family when they were listening to an Arabic pop song in the care. Muhammad Atta told his female Phd (or Masters) adviser that he did not want to see her again because he cannot stand to be around women. Sex is one way to punk these people. One tactic, that could be used if the conditions called for it, would be to make music videos of a semi pornographic nature involving Muslim women wearing Burkas who then strip into bikinis. Etc Etc Etc.


The more and more I think about it the more correct this thesis sounds. We already have a very well studied track record of how cults hunt for losers. I've been to a Scientology meeting, saw it. We also have a well studied track record of losers going postal. Both mechanisms are fairly well understood. Radical Salafism is a cult that explicitly wants many of their recruits going postal on us. So it is these three things coming together and we already have a ton of research about the first two elements, we just need to link them. There is also a fourth element, namely why does a boy raised in England think Radical Salafism is just his thing, instead of, say, Scientology or the many other cults for loser. In other words, why didn't all that upbringing change him, why did he still think his racial heritage predestines him for that. I think the main reason is that the West lost its identitfy. So we are not pushing any identity on schoolboys, hence as normal humans need an identity they cling to whatever their grandparents used to have. While whites make them all kinds of bullshit subcultural identities, from goth to gamer. There is one last thing I don't understand: how comes these boys don't think their parents suck and stuff their parents do sucks? Why don't they rebel against parents? Why don't they think Islam sucks precise because dad, that boring old man, is into it? How comes they actually get respect from their kids and a willingness to continue family tradition? I mean, their dad is driving a taxi. Not high status, not even with the added Prog boost. And high status Hollywood stars aren't that often into Islam. The logical thing for a status hungry boy is to be a secular liberal. How comes they don't despise their parents religious conservatives the same way the sons of white Christians do?

Replying to:

Don't say my thesis is correct because you obviously aren't understanding what I'm saying. These guys aren't lacking "an identity" nor any abstract bullshit concept like that. These kids are lacking pussy. They are lacking the gangsta life that it's sold to them all the time and they would really much like to have. But what they really get is to be a dork incel in a lousy job, walking over eggs in order to not offend their feminist overlords. These kids are already rebelling against their parents. None of their parents are Salafist. If they were their sons would have married a cousin by age 18. Their fathers are moderate crap who won't stand up as real gangsta men against their annoying mothers, so the kids rebel against them by doing the cool thing and joining the jihad.

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Dark Reformation101

Bin Laden was a known playboy well into his 20s so I gotta call bullshit on that. Or maybe he just had good taste in music. There's plenty of Burka porn out there.

Manchester | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []


Cutting as always. P.S. Your previous tagline was superior.

Dark Reformation101
Replying to:

What's hard to understand? Tony Soprano like to have a goomah, but he like's his Wife and Daughter to be Good-little-Girls. Tony Said: "out there it is 1999, but in here it is 1955" For Bin Laden it is 1555.

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Dark Reformation101

Your point?

Replying to:

Spot on. The main article too. Why is that singer's last name Grande - she is quite flat-chested. Serena Grandi, on the other hand...

Replying to:

Surnames come from fathers.

Replying to:

good stuff here. thanks.

R7 Rocket

That's why the God-Emperor called them "Losers."

Dark Reformation101
Replying to:

One of the central ideas of neoreaction is the contradiction between form and reality. Madonna/Whore.


Omega male rage.

Replying to:
Dark Reformation101

Your point? Come on, spell it out.

Tony Denton

What a body on that shirtless guy!

Replying to:

What the fuck does it matter about this cunt's tits? Or her 'music' either? First time I didn't listen to the music and sound before the politics was exploded first. Bitch is 'pro-Islam', who'd listen to her now, except the other people who forgave Mohammed even FASTER this time than ever before (the English are MUCH worse than the French this way, nation of goddam gerbils and hamsters by now), and that's the only reason it's not a tragedy that the simple fans took the fall for her (although it's plenty tragic that they did too.) Dumbass harebrain is 'just so sorry', and says nothing about evil Islam. If she had big tits it wouldn't matter either if she's this dumb. And she'll get over being 'broken', will use it for her career. Go have an affair with that stupid lesbian Kristen Stewart, who's on her 3rd cunnilingus affair already and can't act. Then Natalie Portman, who just lies about everything she does. They'll all get together on Oprah who, as we all know, is still fighting morbid obesity even after her coolly pointillistic 'star turn' in 'Selma', which falsified Lyndon Johnson's legacy. After Dowd wrote that up, Obama had Oprah and the director over to the White House so they could hold hands and watch 'Selma' again. So sweet. Milo was definitely good on this Ariana slut, though. Superb irony, because she LOVED the attack. Nobody in Paris or Nice LOVED it. So this is a new twist, with this kewpie-doll SLUT thrilled about the Streisand Effect the attacks have given her career. But acts 12 years old.

Replying to:

I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't give Mouse Corbyn yet another boost, the English are by now so pathetic, and some still think they have 'Empire' (what? Tristan da Cunha and the Falklands? even France has much more). English so perverted by now they'll think Corbyn's Islam-sucking is going to improve their country. May still well in lead, but all bets are off after none of the polls have been right in the recent year. If Corbyn wins, it's definitely a form of 'end of the world'.


My current speculation is that the West-European ruling class will "accept" Islam and then feel that they have the moral authority to ruthlessly crush "radicalism", following the Egyptian example but much more competently. Jim thinks that this would Stop Science but I'm not so sure. They'd still be West Europeans. It wouldn't Stop Art because Art's already dead anyway. It might result in cool new architecture. Heard Exile yet? I was thinking that maybe there's just sort of an old-timey-gospel pattern that you can master if you're as clever as Keith Richards is, and then you can just generate variations within that pattern almost automatically and they all sound perfect. Is that how it is?