What the fuck does it matter about this cunt's tits? Or her 'music' either? First time I didn't listen to the music and sound before the politics was exploded first. Bitch is 'pro-Islam', who'd listen to her now, except the other people who forgave Mohammed even FASTER this time than ever before (the English are MUCH worse than the French this way, nation of goddam gerbils and hamsters by now), and that's the only reason it's not a tragedy that the simple fans took the fall for her (although it's plenty tragic that they did too.) Dumbass harebrain is 'just so sorry', and says nothing about evil Islam. If she had big tits it wouldn't matter either if she's this dumb. And she'll get over being 'broken', will use it for her career. Go have an affair with that stupid lesbian Kristen Stewart, who's on her 3rd cunnilingus affair already and can't act. Then Natalie Portman, who just lies about everything she does. They'll all get together on Oprah who, as we all know, is still fighting morbid obesity even after her coolly pointillistic 'star turn' in 'Selma', which falsified Lyndon Johnson's legacy. After Dowd wrote that up, Obama had Oprah and the director over to the White House so they could hold hands and watch 'Selma' again. So sweet. Milo was definitely good on this Ariana slut, though. Superb irony, because she LOVED the attack. Nobody in Paris or Nice LOVED it. So this is a new twist, with this kewpie-doll SLUT thrilled about the Streisand Effect the attacks have given her career. But acts 12 years old.