So this article is doing the rounds. Chinese netizens have synthetized a very powerful compound which has the Cathedral in complete terror. What is it? The word 白左, the White Left. This means that some people in China understand that progressivism is a foreign conspiracy against the Chinese nation. And they see this is in overt racial terms. It's not "Western left". It's the "White left".
Now, don't get too excited. Nick Land is excited. But he lives in Shanghai. And he just found out about this. Which means it's not anything mainstream going on in China. I found the word in my Twitter feed about the time of Merkel's boner, when she decided to bring 1 million hostile men into Europe.
The Chinese in Europe were livid. And for good reason. The Chinese went through a lot of hoops to get legal residence in Europe. The Muslims just got in for free. The Chinese are law-abiding and industrious. The Muslims are lazy and prone to crime. The Chinese live in low-rent areas where the Muslims flock to, and they assault the local Chinese all the time, while the police do nothing.
Now the Chinese have long had their problems with western style progressivism. There's lots of Chinese living in the West, many go back taking their newly learned progressivism with them. And of course China is poor, the West is rich, so there's plenty of people who consume Western media like crazy just because they think it smells of status. China even has SJWs; but they're almost always women. They have a word for them: 聖母婊, "saint whore", in that they claim to be as compassionate as a Catholic female saint, but are in fact mere attention-whores.
But it took the Muslim invasion of Europe for the Chinese to connect the dots. Feminist saint-whores are one thing: but ethnic pandering is a huge topic in China. China has plenty of Muslims and they hate them. Well, the people do, the Communist party is committed to diversity. The hates comes especially the college-grads who are likely to be into political discussion. Everybody has stories of Muslim minority kids getting affirmative action to get to college, making gangs inside school, picking up Han girls, getting privileges for Halal food and shit. Say you're some Han college grad, who has been resenting this people for 4 years. You then get to go to America or England for grad school, and what do you find? Ethnic pandering squared. And Saint-whores cubed.
And then Trump happened. Trump started a big debate among the Chinese, both those abroad and those in China. Soon the consensus was that anti-Trumpism was a conspiracy of the "white-left", that coalition of feminists, pro-muslims and anti-chinese leftists that come from the West. China has a local left, the Maoists, which are called 毛左, the Mao-left, so this brand of very different leftism was called the 白左, the White-left.
But again, this is not something big in China. Your average Chinese citizen doesn't talk politics, doesn't read politics. If the alt-right is small, the Chinese alt-right is an order of magnitude smaller. This, if anything, is the ethnic-Chinese branch of the alt-right, here in the West, learning from the alt-right what is going on. These guys don't want China to beat the West. They want the West to be the nice hedonistic place they always wanted to live in, or copy their institutions. Now they're seeing that Eurabia and North Brazil are in progress, and they're not happy about it. Who are they gonna sell their crap to? If the West falls to Islam, then China is the last fortress standing. They're not happy about that prospect.