Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord


In 1944 Jorge Luis Borges, the best writer that the American hemisphere has ever produced; wrote a short story called "Three Versions of Judas". The gist is that Judas should be our object of worship, because only by his treason of Jesus he made the crucifixion possible; and it was that which saved humanity. So no Judas, no salvation. Blessed be him.

Well, by that logic God Emperor Trump was made possible only by the treason of Anthony Weiner. So blessed be Weiner. Praise Weiner. Praise Kek.

Does anybody have a picture of Anthony Weiner with a green froggy face? I'll print it out and give offerings every Tuesday.

Oh boy | Aus-Alt-Right

[] Oh boy []




Tonight we will all bath in liberal tears...


Run for champagne before it runs out!

Praise the Lord | Aus-Alt-Right

[] Praise the Lord []

Alfred Woenselaer

Watched with my brother. What a night.

Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord | Aus-Alt-Right

[] Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord []


"Does anybody have a picture of Anthony Weiner with a green froggy face? I’ll print it out and give offerings every Tuesday." Yes, indeed. Let's start the new Religion.

Replying to:

He'd make a good patron saint for Roissy. How God does his work through high-T shameless men.

Oh boy | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

Praise the Lord | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []




Trying not to get too excited, but didn't Moldbug suggest that the easiest (but least likely) way to dismantle the Cathedral was democratically?

Replying to:

Do you have a link? Do get excited, celebrate with abandon; we have plenty of time to be disappointed later.


Here's an interesting question: will Mencius Moldbug really be only two phone calls away from the POTUS? Via Thiel of course.


That first picture is appropriate. About a year ago I decided that Trump is basically Gatsby, a man with the wealth to hob nob with the upper classes, but not actually upper class in the important ways. Difference being that Gatsby desperately wanted to be accepted as one of them, put on a show to hide his outsider status, while Trump couldn't care less what they think of him. Really I get the impression that Trump loathes all those motherfuckers, has nothing but contempt for them. Which is nice because they deserve it. Anyway, cheers. Whatever this is in the end, it is good now.

Steve Johnson
Inquiring Mind

Actually, there were two men known to have betrayed Jesus. One of them, of course was Judas Iscariot, whose betrayal was prophesied by Christ with the dire pronouncement "better if had never been born." The second of them was Simon "Peter" bar Jonah, who among the 12 apostles was part of the "inner circle" consisting of himself with Zebedee's sons James and John. That betrayal was also prophesied by Christ (before the cock crows, you will deny me three times. Whereas Peter was merely saving his own skin by falsely swearing up and down that he had nothing to do with Jesus, Judas was actively arranging for Jesus' arrest. But was that second betrayal not forgivable as the first? We are told that Peter was nagged back into Christ's graces -- Do you love me? Yes, Lord, you know that I do. Feed my sheep. Peter later was martyred for his perseverance of public profession of belief -- he didn't take the easy way out a second time. Judas took his own life. Is taking one's life the one irrevocable sin because you cannot repent from it in this life? Is it a sin or is it the consequence of major mental illness? But who is to know. But we do know that the Christian church has long had this teaching -- sincerely believed, but perhaps also as an avenue of social control in the role of a religion's role in ruling people? We venerate a Saint Peter but there is no Saint Judas Iscariot, and the differentiating factor may not be the initial betrayal.

Inquiring Mind
Replying to:

Gatsby was seriously "beta" over his Daisy fixation. I don't think that his desperation was to be "accepted by one of them" as desperation to be accepted by just one of them -- Daisy. When Daisy appeared to reciprocate his interest over her loveless and abusive marriage to Tom, Gatsby stopped with the status-signaling banquets. Mr. Trump seems to me like the kind of guy who if he were snubbed in a romantic pursuit, he would tug on his dinner jacket sleeves in the James Bond style, run his fingers to straighten out that hair of his, and tell himself, "Hey, there are a lot more women from where she came from." Oddly, or maybe not so oddly, Gatsby's obsession may be regarded as more honorable by some women than the real Trump's "many other fish in the sea" attitude that I took as the take-home message and what many regard as the most offensive part from the Access Hollywood tape. Your mileage may vary.