

So there's a stampede of people trying to disavow and disassociate from the alt-right because Richard Spencer has gone full-Nazi. The speech is out there. It's pretty lame. Not a fan myself. But hey, works for him. I'm sure he's having the time of his life. Getting laid like a champ, if he's into ladies. I'm happy he's having fun, instead of blue-haired fat Hillary supporters having fun.

Jim has done an eloquent argument for having no enemies to the right. I have little to add to it. What I will do is talk what I know about, language. See, the alt-right isn't a thing. "Alt-right" is a word. A word with no clear owners, no set definition. I actually recall it starting with Spencer himself; then it got a big bigger, then Hillary made it famous in her speech, with even Bannon putting it to good use. I myself too jumped into the bandwagon, if only to make a linguistic point.

But the thing with words is that you don't get to control what their usage. People are getting out because they're afraid that "alt-right" will be used as a buzzword for Sieg-Heil-ing Nazis, and they don't want to be associated with that. That's a reasonable point. Leftists in the USA call themselves "liberal", because the word "socialist" became associated with bad things. That never happened in Europe where there are proud Socialist Parties in almost every country. Perception matters, language usage is mostly a function of habit, if the mainstream press succeeds in associating the word "alt-right" with Spencer's LARPers through sheer repetition, the thing will stick.

So people may need a new name. But don't forget that you won't get to control the new name. Neoreaction was a cool name until Eternal September happened and it soon enough became associated with depressed medicated millennial monarchists. Nick Land has had more success using his fame and charisma to basically own the "NRx" brand. He gets to define it; good for him. Ownership is good. There's a reason why intellectual trends always happened on a personal master-apprentice basis. The extreme left is always splintering into different parties, all named by some variant of Revolutionary Trotskist Democratic Action Communism or whatever.

We all need a name. "Alt-right" was a good name, and it was useful as a marker for the non-cucked right during this election. But of course a name without an owner is always going to cause the same problem: somebody stupid and vain is going to use it to do something that you'd rather they didn't do. There's millions of people in this earth; you just can't stop this. Somebody will do something stupid sooner or later.

You have two options: you can not care; ignore the criticisms of your enemy, be overtly accepting of everybody to your right. Or if you do care; then you need to get a new name and own it. You need authority; a school, a school master, and a chain of command so that you can ensure that nobody does anything stupid.

And by the way some people are saying that Nazis aren't "to our right". But of course there are. You see, humans are pretty smart. There's hidden wisdom in the categorization of "extreme left" and "extreme right". Sure, the actual policy proposals of communists and Nazis (national socialists!) are fairly similar. But that's not the point. Politics isn't about policy. If you've learned anything in this blog is that people's overt statements are just signaling positions in a personal game of status struggle.

What "extreme" means is willing to use extreme means to gain status. The extreme left is  batshit communist, feminist lesbians who argue for the extermination of men, people who are willing to use violence to get on top. The extreme right is batshit Nazi, people claiming the white race is genetically superior to all, that white men are all by birth natural conquerors and crusaders, willing to argue for the extermination of other races, people who are willing to use violence to get on top.

Character is inborn; your politics are just an avatar of that. Some people want status very very badly. Some don't care that much. Your politics generally is a function of that and your particular identity, which drives to the camp which you find more likely to bring you status. As of me; I wouldn't mind that Richard Spencer and his folk gained some status; I sure prefer it to blue haired lesbians and black gay men gaining status. So I won't have enemies to my right. Just don't ask me if I agree on what they say. I don't think the question even makes sense.

By the way, you can find me on Gab:

Branding | Aus-Alt-Right

[] Branding []

If you’ve learned anything in this blog is that people’s overt statements are just signaling positions in a personal game of status struggle.

Is that overt statement just a signaling position in a personal game of status struggle; or do you intend it to mean something that is actually, you know, true?

R7 Rocket

The God-Emperor knows how to brand... Ask: Low Energy ¡Jeb! Lyin' Ted Liddle Marco Crazy Bernie "Pocahauntas" Crooked Cankles

Alfred Woenselaer
Replying to:

Zippy check your muh truth virtue signalling.

Trumpism is 'Peak Jew'

Every single foreign and domestic policy appointment so far indcates Trump's allegiance to the politics of his son in law ie Sheldon Adelson the macao casino pimp that gave 25#M to his campaign. The AltRight nazi trolls aided in his victory in obscuring the 'Peak Jew' nature of the Trump elite backers which are fundamentally Israeli Likudnik and hostile to the multicult liberal american jewish community. The Russians understand this completely.


There is a way to have a name and an ideology stick without clear ownership. You need a founding document, and the ideas within the document must represent a schelling point.

Branding | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []


The Liberty Movement is the only thing standing in the way of globalism.

Sam J.

"...Trumpism is 'Peak Jew'..." I don't think they've peaked yet. Their peak may be the complete destruction of the US and all that follows. Never mind I don't see them being able to move to India or China. I think the mentality of Europeans has ranked very high in the reason for their success. Other countries are no so open. I don't think they can help themselves in destroying whatever society they're in. Like self cutters or compulsive counters. I had great hopes for Trump. I wasn't blind to his past history and acquaintances but it is possible for people to change alliances. I don't think he has. Maybe he will do some of the things he said but it doesn't look good. Especially on the illegal alien front. He could have most of them packing up and leaving before he got in office with the right words and I'm not hearing them. If he's not going to prosecute for all the corruption going on it means it will just continue. I'm expecting a huge crash and monetary melt down. It's very depressing.


"Alt-right" is still a good Name. As you say and for the reasons you point out, it might turn into a bad Name. But as far as I can see, that has not yet happed. Branding is important. It takes time to build a brand. That's why it's valuable. For this reason we should not give it up unnecessarily. Any new name we come up with, will eventually face the same or a similar problem. Our enemies will always want to destroy any brand we create. If we stopp using a brand as soon as it is attacked, destruction is too easy for them. So let's still use "Atr-right" and hope the MSM won't succeed in destroying it.

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That's for you to figure out.

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That might not be enough. Christianity has the Bible. Just look what passes for Christian these days.

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What I've figured out is that you can't answer the question without refuting yourself.

Replying to:

Oh, you got me. 1 cookie for you. Does that make you happy?

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Only if it is a real cookie, as opposed to the self refuting fantasy you are selling to your padded cell mates.

Replying to:

Well you can always try again with your Catholic Aristotelian logic, which is doing you guys very good lately. Just gotta try again harder.

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You've answered my question, thanks. It fascinates me at least mildly that your self diagnosis appears to be accurate, at least with respect to yourself.

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Oh yes, I am sure you and everybody around you speaks nothing but the truth, and always abstain from commenting in things that you do not perfectly understand with 100% certainty on the sources of your data.

Replying to:

That's a nice postmodern false dichotomy you've got going there. Does it make you feel high status?

Replying to:

It still seems to be working for islam tough. There is also the /pol/ tactic which is to reject all names and dogma, embrace inherent chaos, and brainstorm itself into a memetic superpredator. Feels like an iterated cthulu invocation ritual. Probably will end up self-destructing in a spectacular way, but hey, at least it's fun !