Let the Syrians in


So there's a million or so migrants, apparently many of them from Syria, who are trying to push their way into Germany. Germany is apparently willing to accept them, but they're trying to send a bunch of them to other EU countries too. The Daily Mail is doing a masterful coverage, both inciting outrage at how the onslaught will drown us all, and inciting compassion by showing little children being drowned and starved by those meany Europeans who won't pay them a plane ticket to Munich. One has to respect a news site being so unabashedly shameless.

I'm from Europe, but living abroad at the moment, so my comment might seem a bit irresponsible. But I say let them in. Yes I know, a million Muslim immigrants won't do any good. Yes, they'll suck out welfare money like leeches. Yes they'll rape and steal, and they might kill whoever dislikes Islam and says so in public.

But still, we'd rather let them in sooner rather than later. Because eventually, this is going to happen.

And I'm actually happy that the Refugee Crisis is happening now, rather than in 20 years or so, when 2 billion Africans are looking for a way into Europe, and Europe is deep in demographic decline and economic recession. And we know blacks are holier than Muslims, so they'd be much more likely to get in without opposition.

So let the Syrians suck our governments dry, let them rape our teenagers walking home alone after leaving the nightclubs, let them kill our left-wing cartoonists and bomb our synagogues. After 10 years of that, maybe Europe is less inclined to bring in 100 million black Africans. Hell, maybe after some years of that, the Syrians and other Arabs are capable of opposing that for us. Islam is pretty bad, but Africa is way worse

EDIT: This post has nothing to do with the fact that Germany is the biggest competitor of Japanese export industry.

Nationalism isn’t about nations | Neoreactive

[] By spandrell []

Nationalism isn’t about nations | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []

Let the Syrians in | Neoreactive

[] Let the Syrians in []


Send them to Israel. Two birds and all...

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Israel should remain healthy and strong so that European Jews have a place to escape to.

Let the Syrians in | Reaction Times

[] Source: Bloody Shovel []


Makes sense. If your are able to convert them properly to European principles down the road there won't be a need to let in large influxes of Africans or any immigrants in general.

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On the contrary. If they properly convert to European principles, they'll go to college, work in the government, stop breeding, thus creating the need for more immigrants to work the actual jobs out there. And fat chance of making a million Muslims behave. It's not that we've succeeded with the previous Muslims.


The Syrians are only a tiny fraction of the masses that are invading Germany. The hordes from Africa are allready arriving.

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Any figures?


There is an interplay between Irish culture and English culture. The Catholic Church took much more power in Irish society after the famine, on the idea that it was God's punishment for the Irish being insufficiently religious. On top of this, of course, restricting reproduction seemed to very important after the Malthusian disaster. The Irish set out to prove themselves more moral than the English. In Victorian times they did this with sexual morality, which was very important then. More recently they have tried to be more progressive, and most recently more diverse.


spandrell, Bizarre posts. You appear to be a fan of Asian nationalism and Jewish nationalism, but hostile to European nationalism. Why is this? "Israel should remain healthy and strong so that European Jews have a place to escape to." Why? "thus creating the need for more immigrants to work the actual jobs out there" There is no "need" for immigrants, period. Not for productive immigrants, and certainly not for net consumer, taxpayer-subsidized refugees. Immigration ‘No answer’ to Pension Time Bomb The ‘myth’ that continued mass immigration is the answer to Britain’s pensions time bomb has been described as ‘totally dishonest’ by a new report out today. The report from think tank Migrationwatch, finds that the present ratio of workers to pensioners could only be sustained by immigration at a level that would bring the population of the UK to 119 million by 2051 and 303 million by the end of the century - obviously absurd propositions. ‘The pensions myth is just one in a long series of excuses that are trotted out in support of justifying the highest levels of immigration in our history, and each time they are examined in detail they fall apart as this study again demonstrates,’ said Migrationwatch chairman, Sir Andrew Green. The report reviews the prospects for this ratio - known as the Potential Support Ratio (PSR) - in the light of the most recent population projections from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It finds that, with no migration at all the ratio would fall from today’s level of 4.15 to 1.9 in 2051. If net migration continues at 180,000 a year, as the ONS predicts, the PSR would drop to 2.4 in that year. However, this improvement in the support ratio would require a continuing conveyor belt of new immigrants resulting in an extra 13.6 million people with all that that implies in what is already one of the most crowded countries in Europe. The report quotes four major studies which have dismissed this approach. Most recently, the House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs concluded that "arguments in favour of high immigration to defuse the "pensions time bomb" do not stand up to scrutiny…" ‘The Government have been running this dishonest argument for years. They have recently shaded it to talk about "helping" with the pensions problem but the reality is that any significant impact requires a huge and continuing increase in our population. They know it is no answer to the pensions problem and it is time they levelled with the British public and dropped this absurd argument,’said Sir Andrew.http://www.migrationwatchuk.org/press-release/218

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I know dude, I know. Read the post, not just the title.

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ratio of workers to pensioners It should be, "the ratio of machines and other productive assets to pensioners". Those that do productive work today are immensely more productive than in the past. And, as noted, most people don't do productive work anymore. So just blindly counting numbers of people in these workers-to-pensioners calculation is a kind of stupidity we get from our economic leaders today.

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The German government's report for 1/15 to 7/15 contains the following percentages for Country of origin (from https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Downloads/Infothek/Statistik/Asyl/statistik-anlage-teil-4-aktuelle-zahlen-zu-asyl.pdf?\_\_blob=publicationFile ) Syria: 21.5 % Kosovo 15.3% Albania 15.0 % Serbia 5.9% Irak 5.4% Afghanistan 5.2% Macedonia 2.8 % Eritrea 2.5%, Nigeria 1.7% Pakistan 1.7% Other: 23% Form what I see in Gemany, e.g. the Munich central station where thousands arrive by train every day, the "other" component is mostly from Africa. But I don't have any hard data. It should also be noted that the report is lagging as it list only 195.000 asylum requests. Presently the German government admits that is expects 800.000 for the year 2015. Considering that more than 100.000 asylum seekers arrived in August alone, a million seems more realistic. Moreover, someone from Syria or Irak has no reason to hide the country of origin as such an origin will guarante that asylum is granted. With African countries the situation is different - no war in the country of origin means, means that asylum is denied. However, if someone does not say where he is from and has no official documents at all, the German government will not deport that person. So the other/unknown category of the government report contains a lot of people who have a reason to hide their country of origin.

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Thanks. 30% Albanians is amazing. What are they claiming? Blood feuds with their cousins from the valley next door? Will they get in too? The media reports are all about white-ish looking Syrians, the younger the better, so it shows that they understand that people will be more accepting of accepting cute white children. Let's see how they spin it when it's 10 million black men.

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"Read the post, not just the title." I read this post, the last post, and your comments in this thread in full, and the impression I got is exactly what I said. I'm not concerned with the main point you argue in this post. What I was responding to: Per your last post, the pro-immigrationism of leftist Irish "nationalists" proves "nationalism isn't about nations" and Europeans should eschew nationalism, while the desirability and practicability of Asian and Jewish nationalism are taken for granted. In the EDIT to this post, you hint, jokingly or not, you're more concerned about your job and/or the economy of (I'm assuming) your wife's country than the continued existence of Germany. Low birthrates are a reason to deprecate Europeans specifically but not Asians. Etc.

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I came here to post this, but Karl beat me too it, and with numbers. The media is anchoring Syrians in the minds of their viewers as the archetypal migrant. Another issue is that the migration isn't randomly distributed. Areas with lots of Eritreans are more likely to receive more Eritreans than Albanians, e.g. If it's 10 million black men, they'll find some of the 10,000 Albanians or whatever and take pictures of them. Something similar is already done to hide the sex ratio of the current migrants.

The Slitty Eye

Some rich dude should sponsor to pay for a couple of cruise ship and send all of them to Ellis Island. It is quite feasible and won't take much dough to make it happen. Frankly I am sure they'd love to get on board that ship. You don't even have to anchor on New York harbor, just abandon the damn ship when you are 100 miles away on the Atlantic Ocean. Problem solved.

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Per your last post, the pro-immigrationism of leftist Irish “nationalists” proves “nationalism isn’t about nations” and Europeans should eschew nationalism, while the desirability and practicability of Asian and Jewish nationalism are taken for granted.

What the hell? How does that follow? No. I'm just pointing out what a funny thing this nationalism thing is, when Irish nationalists who were shooting people for their cause just two decades ago are now rooting for African immigration. I didn't say "Europeans should eschew nationalism". When the hell did I ever use the word "should"? I'm just saying European nationalists suck, big time. I don't know about desirability, but the practicability and real world performance of Asian and Jewish nationalism is certainly superior. And I'll readily admit that while it does make me sad, I care more about my job than about Germany. Especially given that they're doing this to themselves. And when did I mock European birthrates but not Asian? Dude stop putting words in my mouth. Why are you doing this?