Nydwracu linked to this Tweet over here, which I found quite amusing.
Oscar selfie is 20% or more of *all* Twitter activity in some states & DC: pic.twitter.com/s220aYDZZf— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) 2014, 3月 3
Often the decline of Western Civilization is linked to the increasing numbers of foreigners in our midst, and often there is a tacit assumption that the decline is linear: the more NAMs the worse the decline. Well that doesn't explain why Whitopias like Vermont or New Hampshire were so overrepresented in this last example of retarded celebrity worship.
For some reason this table reminded me of this video on bloggingheads.tv:
I saw this clip years ago, and always wanted to write about it (there's a draft lost somewhere in my wordpress dashboard with the title: The Enemy), but it always pisses me off so much that I just can't come with any coherent writing, besides calling the guy a revolting douchebag (tell me those "yeahs" don't remind me you of Bill Lumbergh) and the woman a vapid whore.
Special attention should be paid to 31:10 when they start talking about James Watson. The douchebag starts saying how when he wrote about it, people (more knowledgeable than himself) would tell him that Watson was right and there's plenty of scientific basis for saying black Africans have genetically low IQs, and the vapid whore says "Really?!". If she were 20 years younger she's say "OMG Wow, just wow". You get the picture.
Of course all this comes down to the concept of groupthink. Why do intelligent white people show outrage towards James Watson when they don't really know shit about the facts? Groupthink. And why do old-stock Yankees in New Hampshire and Vermont retweet like crazy a selfie of a bunch of actors in the Oscars? Groupthink.
Now, Groupthink is a quite well established concept in psychology, although it suffers from serious neglect, as it doesn't fit the zeitgeist, or more accurately, it goes against the basic Christian concept of individual sin, and its bastardized Enlightenment idea of the autonomous individual. A good recent takedown of the idea of individual rationality was published in the last annual question at Edge.org here.
The problem with groupthink is that we tend to think that it is correlated with IQ, as more intelligent people are less prone to groupthink than less intelligent people. Nobody's surprised at Africans penis theft panics, or Indians dying in hundreds in some temple stampede. People are sheep, and dumb people more so. But that doesn't explain a lot of things. It doesn't explain why it was Vermont retweeting that retarded Oscar selfie rather than California or Florida. There's something else.
The obvious answer is that there's something about Yankee culture that produces more groupthink than other cultures. Tocqueville famously wrote about how all those free and independent republican Americans were so much sheepish than the old world peasant subject of feudal lords and ancient superstitions. There are only so many ways to solve the Coordination Problem. You can have a strong and unequal hierarchy, which keeps people subject by force and custom even if they complain and joke about it. Or you can abolish all hierarchy and make people free and equal, but how do you coordinate them then?
Groupthink, i.e. mutual surveillance, periodic witch-hunts, frequent rituals to confirm the social bonds of the village (and check who's not as enthusiastic as the others).
It's a tough choice.