I blogged some time ago how The Economist wouldn't shut up about Myanmar, who recently turned into the Cathedral's best friend. The China-backed military junta suddenly decided that the Chinese were too big to be trusted, and they decided to make peace with USG. So they dismantled the junta, had an election, freed Aung San's daughter, and let George Soros' establish an office in Yangon.
It was a big victory for Hillary Clinton and the recent State Department policy of shifting focus from the Persian Gulf to the Pacific. Which is basically Cold War against China. Just a few months after the new policy started, they stole one pawn from the Chinese! Well done folks. And it's a dirt poor country. And ethnically diverse!! It's pure catnip for the USG's Quango army. Thousands of jobs open to the elite's wives and daughters!
The problem is, while Myanmar's elite is surely happy to let USG feed the peasants for them, the Progressive Machine never stops there. Myanmar is really the most unlikely Western ally one can think of. Burma is so called because of its ethnic majority, the Bamar. Bamar is actually pronounced [bama], but it sounds too stupid in English, so they anglified it as "Burma", according to English RP. Well the Bama people are roughly the 65% of the population, located mainly along the central river valley lowlands, i.e. the good land. The history goes roughly like this: the land was originally sparsely inhabited by the Mon people, which are related to the Cambodians and Vietnamese. Some time around 200 BC, Sino-Tibetan tribes from the North started migrating south, slowly displacing/assimilating the Mon and other previous tribes. Over time, the many Sino-Tibetan tribes started to coalesce around the central lowlands along the Irrawaddy river, creating various kingdoms, whose long dominion created a relatively homogeneous culture that we call today "Burmese". The other Sino-Tibetan tribes who ended up settling in the border mountains and beyond retained their identity, and the Burmese Kingdom ended up extending its dominion to other areas populated by Thai and other ethnicities. The Bama were in the process of bullying its subjects into assimilation when in 1886 the British Empire came up from India and obliterated the Burmese Kingdom.
Me no bengali
That common sense arrangement has caused the Human Rights/UN racketeers to call the Rohingya "the most persecuted group in Asia". And that's exactly the title of a new The Economist article, which writes about the race riots which erupted this week in Rakhine state. Now think again of that title. "The most persecuted group in Asia". It's pure unadulterated heart-bleeding puritan housewife bait. Those poor people! The most persecuted! They just want to get along and enjoy democracy! Surely something must be done.
But what are they being persecuted about this time? Well last week some 3 Rohingya chavs grabbed a Rakhine Buddhist girl, robbed her, raped her, and murdered her.No biggy, right? The Rakhine immediately stormed the closest Rohingya village and killed everyone they found, around 10 people. The Muslims then retaliated, and the ongoing conflict has left around 30 dead or so. All in all your typical run-of-the-mill Third World ethnic conflict. Also if Muslims are involved, odds are they started the whole thing. Had this happened 2 years ago, the junta would have joined their fellow Buddhist, killed a couple hundred Muslims, exiled some others to Bangladesh, and problem solved.
But not now. Never again will the Burmese be able to defend their own people. Because The Economist is now in charge. USG and Soros have troops in the ground, and as the Burmese government is now the bitch of the USG State Department's money, they will obey. So if Muslims murder your girls, and you retaliate, you have to let Muslims kill you. Because the law of the land is now Human Rights Watch. And they say:
Elaine Pearson, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Asia division said "All those years of discrimination, abuses and neglect are bound to bubble up at some point, and that's what we are seeing now."
So it's the majority's fault. In 5 years tops, you'd better have an AA program to give your ethnic minorities preferential access to government jobs and money. And if you complain, you'll be told that the Bamar are guilty because of the junta's oppression, of which the Bamar were responsible and have to pay. Forever. White guilt for you.
It's eerily similar to the treatment that Serbia got from NATO. Also annoying Muslims which you are not allowed to touch. With the difference that Myanmar wasn't bombed into submission by Wesley Clark. The Bamar turned to the USG because they were afraid of China taking over their country. And they were right, the Chinese were really taking it over. But now that the Cathedral is in charge, the Bamar aren't going to lose to the Chinese. They are going to have their country cut in pieces and served to their ethnic enemies. As Clark himself said:
There is no place (...) for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multiethnic states
Which is code for: your country is not your country once you accept our money. What Burmese will suffer is the equivalent of white guilt. Which is not really white, nor exclusively used against Europeans. It's majority guilt, it's the original sin forced unto those groups who could potentially be sovereign. All nations must be redissolved and atomised by ethnic, religious, and sexual-fetish lines. All potential axis of order is to be destroyed, and the chaos resulting is to be administered by the Cathedral's bureaucracy.
Orwell described the leftist endgame as a boot stomping on a face - forever. I think it's more like a Human Rights Watch representative being interviewed by CNN, forever.
By the way check out the comments section of The Economist's article. One of the funniest thing about The Economist is that it's thought, not without reason, to be the official spokesman of the Cathedral, and all Third Worlders who can speak some English are constantly trolling there, fighting for their ethnic interests. Muslims are usually very vocal, fighting for Islam in every comment thread. But Burmese as old Brit colonials also fight hard. It's fun until it gets boring. 80 IQ discussions can only get so far.