Atheism is a funny doctrine. They tend to be first rate mathematicians, but what they do is basically denying the law of cause and effect. Using logic that honestly I can't understand, they reach the conclusion that you need no first cause for the world to exist. So there is effect without cause. For the same token they must have thought there is cause without effect.
Atheism causes a very funny chain of philosophical changes. It denies the existence of a higher being. Meaning that human beings are the highest being. If human beings are the highest, we can't really discriminate between them, because there's no criteria above humanity you can use to judge them. So we are all equal. And we are highest. So we are subject of worship (Humans just dig worshipping).
Now if human are worthy of worship, we must care for them. For every single one. Can't let them be poor (gotta Eradicate Poverty), can't let them starve (gotta give food to the Somalis), and we can't let them be sick (Doctors without Borders). Having Human DNA entitles one to godly status, and as such it can't suffer. No if we can't help it. Now, Somalis for example have the damn habit of breeding till there's no food left for anyone, then refuse foreign help. They do it again and again. So we try to help them, we really try, but there's logistics constraints there. So some poor fellas do die.
There is something we can do though, and that is fight disease. Doesn't take much to settle a field hospital in some jungle village, hoard antibiotics there and give them to the villagers. They get a bit pesky with vaccines, but antibiotics they like. So its quite easy to reduce the mortality rate in 90%. Aren't we great?
Well nature has other ideas. A totally drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis has arised in India. We do gooders thought nothing of giving to native doctors in some tropical land where there's more germs than food. Early healthcare introduction in the Third World caused the present unsustainable population levels, but that' s a minor nuisance. But now our DNA worship, our bias to 'save lives', no matter if they're really worth saving, threaten to kill us all. Third World doctors, thanks a lot. Hope you are the first to get killed.