What's your opinion on having pets?

Posted by anon on

I have a negative opinion on it as I think it defangs animals. Imagine highly competent evolved animals like wolves and foxes devolving now to seek human validation. Did you know smart, brave foxes hunted by humans out of their genepool so much that, now the new foxes try to cozy up to humans trying to be cute? Not just that but the monstrosity of cross-breeding. Did you know half of those cute hybrid dogs you see are blind because of DNA issues?


>inb4 Man's best friend, sooo cute blah blah nah, you're just a slave of modern times, not marrying at the right age, trying to subconsciously cope not having kids (inherently cute) by enjoying cute animals. There's no such thing as a dog mom or a dog dad. Big-pets just made it up to sell dogs and make you forget why you have those unexplainable feelings of love towards animals that eat their own poo.

Getting angry there, pal? Nah, calm down, you're just experiencing cognitive dissonance. You know I'm right but you have this deep ingrained feeling that you associate with your Ego. That's why reading this is making you mad.

>inb4 Haitian/muslim pet hater Nope

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  • I just don’t like pets because it seems that most people do not have abilities to properly support them. People don’t think about the long term consequences of a pet; an animal isn’t a toy. One can see people give dogs drugs because those people do not want to walk them. It is also annoying to see people afraid of large dogs; their parents should have socialized them better (dog attacks notwithstanding). I have not witnessed the “fur baby” phenomenon with normal people; those people tend to be insufferable. I believe Julius Caesar complained about this before. With most things, there is a golden mean of avoiding the problems along the fringes.

    • What's wrong about being afraid of large dogs? They're scary and do post a threat.

      • Why should I invest time and energy to raise an animal instead of investing into my own children. Pets are bred to look cute to hijack our instinct to raise our own offspring.

        If the pet has a job, like guarding sheep, protecion or catching mice giving a net benefit to my group of humans, I'm happy to care for my animals.

      • As a city-dweller, I've come around on the DQ. If your dog shits on the sidewalk and you don't pick it up, the dog should be confiscated and destroyed. This is easy to track now with low-cost omnipresent drones. If your dog attacks someone, you should be punished as-if you did the same thing to that person. Pit bulls delenda est.
